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nasal fart is ruing my life

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:35 pm
by meowkity1
Anyone whose read my story know that weekly I have to take my son to a pllay group for speech, and speech pathologist comes to our home once a week.
This is all on thursdays.
Lately I have been getting some relief from my breath, and I can tell because theres not many reactions.
Today at the group I was feeling pretty good going in . But whats making e crazy is Iv been getting more reactions with my mouth closed. I know I dont have a sinus infection. All I can figure is that the same bacteira thats on my tongue is up in my nose also. How can we get this crap out of my nose.
I love taking him to the group, but its comletely embarassing. The teachers are nice enough not to back away from me, but they rub alot, and I make alot of the kids sneeze and rub.We have circle time when we sing songs, and read books, and I am practically a mute. I hope they just think I dont know the songs. But everyone knows itsy bitsy spider. I smile with my mouth closed, and answer mhm all the time. Today the parents had to sit at the table while a teacher who has to be in her fifties talked to us, and I did not get 1 inch of a whiff of any of these people breath.
am only 26, and Iv worked in nursing homes I never expected to have this poblem until I too was in a nursing home. Lately Iv been getting breath pretty good but it just doesnt last. and gum makes breath go farther throughh nose and mouth.Its been about 4 yaears since this started and 1and 1/2 for nose fart. Im starting to lose all hope. I just want to be normal again. I used to be so outgoing. Im tired of lauging with my mouth closed.
And if I get my mouth clean, no matter what I eat it makes it bad, even peppermint. I am getting tired so tired. so f***g tiredWhat in the world is happening for peoply WAY across the room from me to sneeze and cough and twitch with my mouth closed. I know its me because it starts when i enter.
i have no one to talk to about this. anytime I bring it up to family or bestfriend, theydeny it and say they dont want to hear about my breath
I really feel like people are allergic to whatever is in my nose. I amstarting to feel hpopeless.
And evn though Iv never met anyone from her I feel like you are all my distant friends, Iv even put faces to some of the regulars, and a couple nights ago I had a dream some of us met at a water park, and then came to my house to chat, and e didnt discuss bad breath, it was like we knew we were from this site, but we didnt discuss it, we just had a good time. good dream.
And whats crazy is in my dreams latley I have bad breath. In a recent dream I did my whole oral routine before I left the house.. I think it would be nice to set smething up in the us similar to the london meeting. Somewhere on the beach, where we could all drink and be free, maybe a retreat. Maybe can llook into making this happen.I feel all alone in this big city, but i know there are others because the products are always missing from the shelves. I am at the point where I cannot even remember what its like to have normal breath, and if I was cured, it will take time getting used to it again. I want happiness.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:30 pm
by meowkity1
And Iv been crying alot lately because Iv been trying so hard, even taking the step to talk to my doc, wich ddint help but I get to se ent wich is good.I hurts, because my sons father the love of my life has been trying to come around more.And a psychic friend of mines says he will try to be with me again, and thats whats seems like is happening, but Im just not comfortable in any relationship with this problem. Although he didint leave me my behavior because of bad breath put its toll on the relationship, and I pushed him to call it quits, wich I agreed too. He says he loves me and misses me alot lately, and my breath is actually improved alot lately. But I cannot fight this nose fart for the life of me. Before my breath was extremely rotten egg , and feces smell. antibiotics took care of those smell. Now Im not sure how it smell. I just know it tastes bad. I love him so much. I want so bad to be with him, but its so hard, when you can t even look the person in the face and say I love you, You cant sit on the couch and watch a movie. You cant go to dinner unless you want to run to the bathroom atleast 4 times. You cant sit in the car with them. You cant feel comfortable around his family( whom I always make sneeze).Yo cant suck his face off when you make love, You cant haold him in bed at night, you cant have dinner with him, And worst of all you cant even breath when hes nearby.
We never discussed this problem, just once about 2 years ago, he came back from the dentist and said he got a deep gum cleaning done, I believe its called scaling, and he said maybe I should get it done too. Thats all that was ever said.
IM ****ing TIRED