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I discovered another source of the smell...

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I discovered another source of the smell...

Post by ElGrizzle »

Here is something that I noticed. Whenever I can feel a big glob of mucus in the throat, and feel it shift, I can smell that fart smell. Also whenever I first eat something I can smell it, about a minute after eating the smell goes away.

This morning when I woke up, I used a curved mirror to try and look down my throat. I happened to rub into the throat, and noticed there was an incredible smell. It smelt like very very strong cheese (and trust me, I haven't been eating any cheese). Wow, I took a second rubbing to notice that it didn't smell completely instantly, but rather as soon as the air hit it. The interesting thing was that my mouth did not smell, and it tasted just fine.

The throat is a hard place to cleanse, even if doing the nasal rinses there could be some really really thick mucus latched on back there. I even try drinking hot caffiene free tea. Although I am still getting long white strands of mucus coming out the sinus, which means fungal, these strands do not smell though. I think its possible I have a fungal ear infection that is dripping past my sinus and into the throat.

So, I will try Vastra Dauhti tommorrow. This is one of the ayurvedic cleansing processes like Jala Neti (the one where we use salt water in our nose). I will also look at cleansing the ear orifice.

What do you guys think about the ear infection thing? And also, do you know anyways to cleanse thick mucus out of the throat?

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Post by meowkity1 »

could be fungal.
But I believe an ear infection is very painful so you would probably know it
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Post by Happylife »

Also Breathing Exercises like "Pranayama' can help clear that Mucus in the throat.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Yea, you might be right about the ear infection.

Yes pranayama is amazing. I practice it.
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Post by Hank »


I think you and have have the exact same problem/cause for BB. Sounds like all our symptoms are the same. I've had shit build up in my ears for years now. Basically just wax build up due to some allergen?? Otherwise, I didn't know you could get "post ear drip" to the throat.

Anyway, can you please elaborate on your ear cleaning technique that you plan to try?

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Post by ElGrizzle »

If there is middle ear infection, fluid can exit the eustachian tube and into the throat. A sinus infection can cause the ear infection, and vice versa.

In the ayurvedic books, it claims that both clove oil and sesame oil together are effective at curing many infections of the ear. It says to put a few drops of warm oil in each ear 2 to 3 times a day. I will try this tomorrow.

I did Vastra Dhauti for the first time today. Its quite difficult without gagging, but you supposedly it gets easier the more you do it (just like how the nasal rinses seem weird at first).

I only got it a few inches down there, and I know that I need to go a lot more than that to remove all the mucus. But what I did get was a lot of mucus on the cloth. It did not smell, but perhaps this is because of the salt water. I rubbed the back of my throat with the mirror tool before I did this, and it smelt like parmesan cheese (really strong). After I did the Vastra Dauthi and I rubbed the back of the throat, the smell was no longer there. I had removed the mucus that smelt. I then did a flip turn sinus rinse afterwards, and there is still a lot of white stringy mucus coming out of the nose. Each time I do it I feel like the sinus is able to dislodge more and more, and becoming more open.

I am going on the Kapha diet, even though my body type is Vata. This will help dislodge all of the mucus/phlegm that may be trapping in the possible fungus. Here is the diet... ... kapha.html

Here is an interesting observation, I could not wash the mucus off of the cloth. It would not move, I kept rubbing and rubbing and washing and washing, and it would not budge. So indeed the mucus is very thick and sticky. That is not good to have in the throat, lol, and according to ayurvedic texts that is a toxic build up of ama.

I can still feel mucus deeper in the throat. Eventually with vastra dauthi they can get 20 feet of cloth in all the way down to the stomach (yikes!). I will gradually work on this.

These ayurvedic cleansing methods are called kriyas. google them! If Jala Neti works to remove sinus odor, then Vastra Dauthi must work to remove throat odor.
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Post by Larc400 »

Grizzle, can you please detail the procedure you're using, in a simple step-by-step breakdown, and I'll try it too.

I tried the flip-sinus but got nothing of interest out. Just clear stuff.

But I do have *very* sticky, gluey stuff somewhere back in the nasopharynx area. Gargling with hot water, and snorting saline is the only way I've found to get to it, but it's not enough. So, I'd love to try that method you're mentioning. O:)
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Post by halitosisux »

Hey ElGrizzle have you considered your adenoids in this?
I can imagine that adenoids might affect the eustachian tubes.
Your odour is quite perplexing but adenoids sound like it could be a possibility. Dont forget that adenoids can produce this kind of BB and cause you to have weird feelings in the back of the throat and congest your nose etc. If i remember correctly too, the adenoids shrivel up in adulthood and can go thru some kind of rotting, but if they were swollen in childhood they'll still be quite big and might be able to harbor bacteria and gunk etc.

The beneficial effect of your irrigation might be because they are reaching the adenoids, but never quite clearing the problem completely so you always end up back to square one with it all.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Larc the technique is Vastra Dauhti ... tract.html

Make sure you use salt water in the bowl with the cloth. The technique is very difficult, make sure you use good quality guaze 3" in diameter. You must be very careful with this practice. You are "supposed" to practice it under the supervision of a yoga instructor. If you use the proper gauze, and don't swallow it all, and remove it slowly, you should be okay.

Yes it is possible it is the adenoids hali, the location seems prime for the secretion of mucus into the throat, and not through the front of the nostrils. But according to my research they dont even function in adulthood. But I will do more research into this.

For me it feels like there is extremely thick mucus trapped in the ventricular fold(maybe not), BUT MORE LIKELY down into the trachea.


I scraped my tongue this morning. No smell. I scraped as far as I could reach down into the throat, and it smells like fungus cheese. I will get an ENT to take a culture of this. Here is also something interesting, I tried scrape behind the uvula into the sinus and possible where the adenoid is (no smell). The smell is just down deep into the crevice of my throat.

But so far I will take Vidanga (which is an ayurvedic anti fungal for the upper respiratory system) with honey (which supposedly makes it highly absorbable into all of the tissues)
At night I will take Ashwaghanda for the immune system and Triphala to cleanse the digestive tract and remove build up of toxins. And in the morning I will take Bramhi to help calm the mind.

I will continue with the Vastra Dauhti. Hey my ears are itchy this morning! I will also try the sesame and clove drops and see if that eliminates the itching. [/img]
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Post by Archimonde »

is there a risk to hurt the valve of the throat? i dunno what it's called, the thing that open and close when you swallow.

I remember a CSI episode where someone was killed by attaching a cube of meat to a piece of string and pulling the string after the person swallowed the cube, it destroyed the valve and he choked.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Are you talking about the glottis? There is no risk, unless of course you use a piece of meat attached to string on CSI.
The glottis can handle a lot, you should have seen the size of the tube the gastro ENT was shoving down my throat. The cloth is a lot easier to handle. But it must be medical grade gauze! So definitely use caution. You must not use any pieces of meat attached to strings. Or anything else that would fall apart in your throat.
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Post by meowkity1 »

I really love that picture up there, it shows how really close the tongue is with the nasal passage. And I can see how it would be easy for it to populate up in there.
I can imagine theres a case where it may even spread up there in the forehead through the sinus
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Post by halitosisux »

ElGrizzle, the excessive mucus production could be because of the condition of the adenoids affecting mucous membranes, not necessarily being produced from the adenoids. And if you have really a lot of mucus/PND it could make your throat smelly.
I've heard of people who have their adenoids out and notice how much it reduces nasal congestion. And these nose farts, the adenoids are known to be able to cause such odours. Definitely worth seriously looking into.
When I had my tonsils out my ENT said my adenoids were fine, so I guess when someone is under general anaesthetic its a lot easier to see back there, which is perhaps why he waited for the tonsillectomy to view things.
Some people also find they still get tonsils stones after tonsillectomy - I wonder if the adenoids are responsible for this since they are made of the same tonsullar tissues. I've never had a single stone since my tonsillectomy.
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Post by halitosisux »

Do a google search for adenoids+halitosis there's so much info.
This as a cause of chronic BB makes a LOT of sense.
Firstly it can cause sinusitis and nasal congestion (PND anyone?)
Secondly it definitely can cause ear problems.
Thirdly it is made of the same tissue as the tonsils and if tonsils can stink then surely they can too and probably far worse because there is a lot more tissue.
Fourth, they can be inflamed because of gastroesophegal reflux.

Why else would ENTs dismiss anything particularly wrong with the sinuses, and yet these irrigations people are doing lately are helping so much and all this gunk is coming out - if nothing is wrong with the sinuses where else could it all be coming from??

Here is just one example of the information:-
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Yes, Im definitely considering the adenoids. That, or a submucosal fungal infection, and a poor immune system not able to get rid of it, and that could very well affect the adenoids which could be constantly producing mucus. Im looking for some ayurveda on the adenoids, but most of it always relates to the tonsils. My tonsils are not inflamed, and one time I was able to push out a very tiny tonsil stone that did not smell. And numerous times Ive tried to push things out as a possible cause of BB, but nothing comes out.

I noticed, that when I eat, I can smell the nasal fart. Also when I change position I can smell it. I eat anti-candida too. So its like when the food is going down my throat, it is somehow making the smell for me more noticeable by pushing something upward. Why do you guys think this is???

Also when I rinse my sinus, I can smell like a manure type of smell, just a hint, and it is constant wherever I go. Im thinking that people can smell this coming out my nose, but a lot stronger. Perhaps I have many flip turn sinus rinses to go, combined with anti-candida, and immunity support.
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