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The Liver and breath odor

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The Liver and breath odor

Post by ElGrizzle »

The type of odor that emanates from the lungs and out the nose/mouth could very well be caused by dysfunctional liver. Liver symptoms can come on slow and varied. When the liver does not function properly it sends methyls and sulfides into the blood/lungs. This is why some may notice a smelly face, and check this out...

If you take a blanket, and breath deeply and slowly out your nose for as long as possible, and take a deep breath in, you will be able to notice a strong blood, must type of odor. It is very unusual, and very noticeable. If you do not get this, then this will not apply to you.

But it might apply to you if you have the nasal fart (ie. rotten egg fart smell coming out). As this is noted as dysfunctional liver if no other cause of BB is found. ... breath.asp (go to the bottom)

I notice things get worse while drinking so this makes perfect sense! I also would binge drink large amounts on the weekends. Also I have other symptoms that line up right with this ie. spider type veins on feet, itching, acne, acne rosacea, red facial appearance, coated tongue, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal bloating, constipation, indigestion, blood sugar problems, depression, mood changes, especially anger and irritability, poor concentration and "foggy brain", poor memory, hypoglycemia. All of these line up:

As for the anti-biotics, they have gotten rid of the smell in the back of my throat, I can still notice that off musty odor when I breath into the blanket though. They seem to take care of some of the odors. But Ciprofloxacin can't be good for the liver, so I will talk to my doctor asap.

Although it is written that the odor will only usually come on nearing death (yikes!), I have read of people having the odor and living, and even read of one person getting rid of the odor using milk thistle at 3Xs the regular dose. ... 2&m=970657

Wow, I have a positive feeling about this. Ironically cause it could be a serious disease. But I am so relieved to know I actually may have found the source for me.

BTW I did about 6 straight hours of research today. It all started with using the word "fetor" and looking into different kinds of odors and their chemical constituents.

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Post by iva »

Smells are produced by the activity of bacetria and the liver can not cause halitosis. It seems to me that you have stomach issues - perhaps reflux. Have you been examined by a GI?
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Yes your right Iva, smells or "mercaptans", can be produced by bacteria, but to say that the liver can not cause halitosis is wrong. The liver can definitely cause breath odor if it is not functioning properly. It can allow mercaptans to enter directly into the lungs.

Here is some research where they used gas chromatography - mass spectrometry to find out if liver patients had higher amounts of mercaptans
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Post by iva »


maybe an intricate connection between the liver disfynction and halitosis exists in theory.
I do not think all of us should waste time and energy in researching such compicated theories.
Our problem has a much more simple cause - the activity of bacteria.
Each of us has to find out for himself ( we have all seen doctors cannot do ti since halitosis is an interdisciplinary disease) what causes this bacterial activity.
For some it may be PND. For me it has been LPR (I hope I have fixed it).For others it may be the tonsils. Others may have periodontal disease.
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Post by jc »

The liver could be indirectly involved in stomach- related bb. If the liver does not produce the proper enzymes that converts certain chemical compounds in the body into odorless compounds then conditions like bb, bo or both arises.

If I`m not mistaken, there are 4 enzymes that could be responsible for converting chemical compounds & they are fmo1- 4. I think my liver is not producing one of those enzymes.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Iva, I will please ask you to no longer post on this thread.

jc, have you had any blood tests? When was the last time you drank alcohol?
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Post by iva »


since you are ready to post on this forum, you should be prepared to face some different opinions and nto to react like a child.
Super Angel
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Post by meowkity1 »

iva I agree. elgrizzle if you have problems with alcohol, this could be your issue and you need to check into it.
But I hardly ever drink so this would not pertain to me
But I still encourage you to post your findings because someone else mey benefit
And Iva if it doesnt pertain to you , maybe you just shouldnt post in this topic. Thats what I do.
I dont have wisdom teeth so those topics dont petain to me
And please people theres good info in the general section. Lets not wipe it down the page with minor tales.
Theres a section for good days, nonsense post, venting and so on. If you are new here please post in my story
Although I am not in charge here
Thank you
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Post by deebas »

Someone on another breath forum with similar problems did report that they were clear of symptoms after a remarkable 6 liver cleanses and abstaining from alcohol permanently.

I have so far done one liver cleanse which wasnt easy because part of the cleanse requires you to have a colon cleanse before and after the liver cleanse. The actual cleanse is out of Andreas Moritz's book - "the amazing liver cleanse"

I am only 1 out of 6 so I can't comment on its effectiveness, however this person with the exact same symptoms as myself except he had these symptoms for over 6 years whereas I have had them for 3 (although it feels like a lifetime) so I respect his comments.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Yes, meowkitty, this isn't for everyone. It definitely pertains to me, so it can help anyone who has the same issues achieve success.
Thats interesting deebas, thats just like the post that I showed.

I have already eliminated mouth breath, and found that mucus PND odor is gone with the anti-biotics, but the musty odor is still in my breath (coming out my lungs). Alcohol always makes things worse, unfortunately I am quitting for a good while (bye bye partying), until everything gets back to normal.

I am interested in this supplement here.

I am positive this is it for me. I have had the musty odor for a long time. Its quite distinct. I am very excited.
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Post by halitosisux »

ElGrizzle, the liver may be the cause for some people, in just the same way that primary TMAU is too.

On the subject of liver disease though, and the similar symptoms to yours, have you had your liver functions tested?
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Post by ElGrizzle »

I have had bloodtests before, but we were not specifically checking the liver, they are from about a year ago (and the doctor said he didn't find anything)... I am getting them sent to my new clinic to go over them again, and see if we can find any signs at the liver.

Either than that I have had no other tests for the liver. I have always kept the Doctors focused on sinus, or stomach bacteria. But you can't always diagnose early Cirrhosis from blood test. So I am going to see about getting CT scan of the liver and abdominal region in general. I have had a gastro ENT test for celiac disease (and I don't have it). I shall get my doctor to direct me to an endocrinologist.

The liver diet is high in carbohydrates, mildly lower in protein (depending on type of cirrhosis, and low in saturated/trans fat (yet unsaturated natural sources are fine). Plenty of leafy greens and fruit. Im gonna see if I can pick up some cheap milk thistle too.

Ketosis could be affecting the liver issue also. Ketosis is caused from eating little carbs (the bad breath avoidance diet, lol!)
could be causing some issues for me, as my case may be different, and I have been avoiding carbs for a while. So its back on the carb train, and if I remember correctly my breath was better when I was eating bread everyday.
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Post by Larc400 »

You'll only get liver cirrhosis if you're a long time, full-on alcie. Not by the odd heavy drinking session once in a while. Still, if you're curious, a simple blood test checking your liver status should rule this out :-({|=
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Chronic alcoholism isn't the only cause of Cirrhosis. I have been binge drinking for 3-4 years, and I may have had liver issues before that (ive always had the same incurable symptoms for a very long time), the drinking could have inflamed the problem, or could have been a cause if my liver function is compromised. I have also taken oral steroids before (methasteron twice) which have a high liver toxicity (it was stupid, I know). There are many causes of Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is just a general term for liver dysfunction. There are a large amount of varied causes and symptoms.

I decided to eat a whole bunch of whole wheat bread before going out today. No reactions at all. Could just be coincidence. But I will let you know how things progress on the diet and supplements.
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Post by jc »

ElGrizzle wrote:
jc, have you had any blood tests? When was the last time you drank alcohol?

I took a bloodtest 5 years ago when my bb was at its strongest, My liver sgpt levels, etc turned out fine.

The last time I drank was in 2006.
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