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stomach issues? any ideas?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:22 pm
by mxdxj.86
hey guys and gals,

I'm new here.... just thought i'd see if you guys could help. its a long story so suppose i'll start at the beginning....

I was a kid, and i had bad breath, my diet at the time consisted of protein protein and mroe protein, tuna, cheese, eggs, you name it. My oral hygeine routine was perfectly fine, anywya at the time i went to the doc and he said it was my mouth, i went to the dentist and he said it was my stomach, so i got passed back and forth for ages... anywho it faded.

Anywho, i'm now 20 years old, and its back with a vengence. My partner has noticed it when they kiss me, and its starting to hurt my confidence again. I have an anxiety disorder thing, where I can't eat in front of people, and the odour only seems to come when I havent eaten for about an hour? I've tried mints and stuff, but they only protect me for say 20minutes, and similar with brushing my teeth and mouthwashes and stuff.

I've been to the docs numerous times, and they arent entirely sure what it is, they just seem to ignore it or what have you, but its really been getting me down....

Any ideas?

Thanks you guys

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:30 pm
by noptical
So you mean bad breath was gone for some time and now it has returned?

gone? not necesserily... masked? more than likely

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:28 pm
by mxdxj.86
noptical wrote:So you mean bad breath was gone for some time and now it has returned?
well, it might not have been gone, but noone seemed to mention it, so it might have gone, because i got close to other people before my current partner (unless other people were just too afraid to mention it)

oh...and just expanding on my problem a little... (i see i missed this out):

As far as ideas go, I know there isnt a miracle cure... i'm just wondering whats causing it... my stomach....maybe (seems very likely)... but what is exactly wrong with it i dont know. Just wondering if anyone else has a similar problem, becuase my doctors dont seem to care (and i've seen a lot more than 1 about it). And just to confirm, my diet is a lot more balanced and my oral hygeine is still good too...