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my story with this awful condition.

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:10 pm
by goldenbrown
Hey I'm 16 and from the UK.
I didn't know there was a website like this but I'm glad that there is so I don't have to suffer alone anymore!
I first kind of noticed I had BB when I was 11/12 when someone rudely make a remark.
I have aspergers so I find it hard to speak to people anyway but from then on I hardly ever spoke.
My oral hygine isn't bad, I use mouthwash, brush twice a day, floss, tongue scrape etc but nothing makes it better, there seems to be no cure!
These days I chew gum ALL the time which can't really be healthy but nevermind it seems to mask the smell for a bit.
It really depresses me to think I'll never be able to live with someone, get married or have kids and has driven me to self harm but this isn't supposed to be a sob story.
I was just wondering if theres anyone like me? please share thanks for listening x O:)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:56 am
by mich80
i know exactly how you feel, i've suffered with the same thing from the age of 16 untill now i'm 29....theres no easy way to deal with it....thank god for the internet and facebook to keep in touch with people...its a horrible thing to live with and i worry about it daily, but you will meet somone who excepts you as you are....remeber they may be many suffers on here that just think they have bb.....i know i get it often....but i also know sometimes i dont have it....because i'm lucky enough to be able to ask my kids...and they are not shy of telling me....i just dont understand why sometimes have it and sometimes dont, but if your like me you would worry about it all the time because its hard to smell your own breath....wish i could give you and everyone else on here a cure...but just have to make friends with people who understand this problem, so i urge people to start adding each other on facebook so you can chat if you need too....michelle

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:52 am
by bbforyears
Please ask your doctor for a prescription for Carafate. You may have Bile Reflux and not know it. If it helps then you have it for sure..
Speaking from experience...

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:18 am
by Renato
HI bbforyears, do you still surf in this web site.

I would like to know how are the symptoms when suffering of bile reflux.

Is it like the acid reflux?

once taking Carafate did it help you instantly?

How do you deal with the high contain of sugar of the suspesion, did it not make your breath worse?.

Can somebody in the site suffering of this condition (bile reflux) share your experience.

I would like to role out bile reflux to my BB.