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Silent Reflux, Gastritis and Alcohol Consumption attn Free

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:37 pm

Silent Reflux, Gastritis and Alcohol Consumption attn Free

Post by thissux »

Hello everyone,

I am having a difficult time as most are. I have been a heavy drinker in my past, stopped and then started again. Is this the reason for LPR reflux and gastritis? I had occasional bb before now it is the monster some of us know. Here are my symptoms:
noisy stomach
foul stools, yellowish or green most times
bubbles in the back of my throat, almost like gas releases
PND and runny nose
loss of hearing in left ear
watery eyes
coated tongue, white, dry, sometimes worse than others
constriction in throat
hemherriods (not sure of spelling)
horrible room filling breath, from yards/meters away
ear and nose popping
smell between floss
one bad crown
depression from all of this
I have been to hell for this, comments, nose rubs, choking in my presense. I am in great physical shape, a weightlifter, this just happened suddenly. Now I have almost lost all. I want to drink, yet it makes it worse. I feel lost and afraid. I am pretty but my breath stinks like hell. I do not want to dress up anymore. What to do? Free2breathe I saw your posts on nexium. Did you have all of these things? I have heard Nexium works for some better than lets say Prilosec but will it work for me? I wish I were not born at this point and I feel ashamed all of the time. I have isolated. I hate this as I know you all do too. If alcohol consumption caused this, will I heal with abstinance? Sorry for my spelling here. I need help. Thanks