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My bad breath was from my esophagus (throat), not my mouth..

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:12 pm
by KeepTrying09
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Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:34 pm
by Archimonde
Fantastic post! Thank you very much.

Don't hesitate to share as much information as you can, people here are very serious and thorough about beating BB. Last time i went to the doc, i asked her to prescribe me an antifungal and she refused, ****ing bitch - she didn't believe in candida.

Questions: for how long have you been BB free now? Could you list all your candida-related symptoms that you had?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:09 pm
by Archimonde
Did a quick search.. here's someone who was cured with Diflucan which i believe is another name for Biozole.


On the other hand, some people have reported that Diflucan worked for them for a week or so then BB came back, i have read the same thing on candida forums, the symptoms usually come back for most people except a few lucky ones. My plan is to give it a try, even if there's only a 1% chance that it will work permanently.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:27 pm
by KeepTrying09
Hi Archimonde,

You're welcome for the post. If I can help just one person discover the cause of their bad breath, it would be worth it for me. If I can help many people then that would be just freaking awesome :D

Oh wow, I would love to share a lot of information, but I should do it bit by bit. Seriously I think I could write a whole book on my experiences with bad breath as well as my opinions now regarding it and why I had it.

Regarding your doctor, I assume you live in a Western country. I can tell you a funny (yet sad) story. I had always gotten strep throat and tonsillitis at least once if not twice a year ever since I was a kid. The doctors always told me my tonsils were abnormally large, but they wouldn't remove them. From the time I was a child up until when I was 22 or 23, they had always just given me antibiotics for the strep throat or tonsillitis. When I was about 22 or 23 years old there was one winter back home where I got REALLY sick. I mean it was the sickest i've ever been. My tonsils were so swollen I could barely breath. They were literally touching each other. I went to the hospital it was so bad. Of course this was back in the West. The doctors could not tell me what was wrong. They kept going back and forth between viral infection and bacterial infection in my throat. They gave me antibiotics. Of course that didn't work, so they gave me medicine to relieve the swelling of my tonsils.

After a few days I still had not gotten any better, so they sent me to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. The ENT doctor had a look down my throat too, and you know what he saw? He saw the same white patches down my esophagus that you can see above in my endoscopy pics, except back then what he saw was twice as bad as in these pictures! Unfortunately he did not even take a sample, nor did he tell me what the white patches were. In fact, i'm not even sure if he knew what they were. Needless to say, he did not give me the correct medicine, he just gave me more crap to reduce swelling and fever and told me to ride it out and after I got better he would remove my tonsils finally (after so many years of suffering from strep throat and tonsillitis) :x

It wasn't until I came to the East (I live in Thailand now) that I figured out what those white patches are. I LOVE my doctor here. When she did the endoscopy and saw the white patches on my esophagus, she told me that it was Candida, but she had to do a lab test just to make sure. Of course she was right. She treated me with the Biozole medicine and as you can see my Candida was gone after that.

You know the thing that really pisses me off though? After years and years of going to the doctors in the West, they couldn't even tell me why I would get strep throat and tonsillitis so much. When I come to the East, the doctor here immediately finds the problem and fixes it! As far as I know I have been Candida free since I was treated with the Biozole, and my bad breath has cleared.

Since bad breath is a symptom of Candida, and my bad breath started when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I wonder how long I had Candida! Did I really have it for 18+ years?!?!?! Because no matter how much I brushed my teeth all throughout that time period, it never helped, not once!

Maybe you could print this post and bring it to your doctor to show her that Candida infection is real and could possibly be a cause of any breath odor you might have.... :D

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:43 pm
by KeepTrying09
Archimonde wrote: My plan is to give it a try, even if there's only a 1% chance that it will work permanently.
Before you take Diflucan or Fluconazole or Biozole, I would recommend checking with your doctor first so she or he can test you for Candida. The reason being is because in very rare cases, they can cause liver dysfunction. If you take these anti-fungal medicines for a long period of time (like for months), your doctor would need to monitor you to make sure you weren't having any liver abnormalities. The newer antifungal azole drugs (such as Fluconazole, BioZole, and Diflucan) are all safer than the older ones though.

The test for Candida is not difficult, yet you might have to search around at different hospitals, as not all hospitals are able to test for Candida on site. There are 4 major tests for it though, you can do two kinds of blood tests, a stool test, or an endoscopy like I did, either an upper one or a lower one. Of course you should start with the upper one first to check the esophagus, but you can also do a lower one to check your large intestines, as Candida can grow and proliferate there as well. Bad thing is i'm not sure if your insurance will cover it, so you should check that first with your doctor.
Archimonde wrote: Questions: for how long have you been BB free now? Could you list all your candida-related symptoms that you had?
Regarding my Candida Symptoms:

Bad Breath
Fuzzy Head
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (actually most people think Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the cause of their problems, but mostly it's because of Candida infection in the intestines. Doctors give lots of medicine for IBS, but if you ever read any IBS forums, the medicine for it hardly ever helps. Western doctors just refuse to believe in Candida for some reason. Maybe perhaps because they make millions of dollars from prescribing all these drugs to treat your symptoms, but never to heal you...)

As far as how long i've been BB free, that's a good question. As I told you I had been living with bad breath since I was 7 or 8, so It's been a good 18+ years i've had the problem. The fear of bad breath doesn't go away that quickly. There are days were I still think I might have bad breath. For the most part I know people don't put their hands to their noses that often when i'm speaking, but they still do it every now and then. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or if I have bad breath. And people don't seem to move away from me now when I come to talk to them, which is good. And again my mother verified that she could not smell anything for two weeks straight, even after I ate a dish that had onions in it! So I guess i'm a lot better than before... Just living it one day at a time for now :D

Hope this helps :D

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:08 pm
by adventure_girl

Thank you times a gazillion for your post, it is extremely helpful and the fact that you have photo proofs and actual medical documents makes it THAT much better.

I am 19 and first started researching on the possibilities to why my health wasn't up to par as how a person my age should be was around the time when I was 18. That's when I came across Candida, and when I read the symptoms and stories from other individuals who are going through the same thing, it all hit home.

As soon as I thought I was going somewhere with this and excited to finally have a name for something that I most certainly seem to have, it all came crushing down before I could even blink. All the doctors that I've talked to didn't even know what Candida is! Or at least the extent and other things that Candida causes. So not only was I told that nothing's wrong with me, but I'm left feeling once again lost and hopeless. My determination and knowledge of research only seemed to irritate the doctors even more.

I have another family doctor now and he's putting me through different medical tests. Since there is abnormally high levels of protein in my urine, there's a very good chance that I have some kind of kidney damage or infection, which weakens the whole body, immune system, increases acidic levels, and therefore makes me prone to something like Candida. (Many symptoms of both Kidney damage and Candida seem to be intertwined).

I just wanted to acknowledge you and to show my appreciation for your post!

Once again, thanks!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:16 pm
by KeepTrying09
Archimonde wrote:On the other hand, some people have reported that Diflucan worked for them for a week or so then BB came back, i have read the same thing on candida forums, the symptoms usually come back for most people except a few lucky ones.
The reason their bad breath comes back is because once you have Candida it is a BI**H to get rid of. It takes a lot longer than 1 week on Diflucan. You have to completely change your habits as far as eating, exercise, pretty much everything about your health.

To be honest I don't really follow the Candida diet 100%. It is WAY too strict. The only things that I cut out of my diet were all bread products (including white, wheat, etc) or anything made from yeast, wheat flour, or white flour. I know cutting out bread is really hard, especially for people living in the West, but any kind of yeast is bad for Candida. If you can buy yeast free bread then I guess that's o.k. I don't eat mushrooms AT ALL. They are like public enemy number 1. I still eat fruit though, and vegetables, and all meats, and brown rice and rice noodles or egg noodles. I also eat oats, as they are considered ok for people to eat. Oh yeah, and this is the big one. I DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL. I know that one might be hard for some people, but it's the price you gotta pay for beating Candida.

It's because of all this I recommend checking with your doctor first to see if you have Candida or not, because if Candida is not the reason for your bad breath then you can spend your time and energy trying to find another possible cause...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:45 am
by KeepTrying09
adventure_girl wrote: I just wanted to acknowledge you and to show my appreciation for your post!
No problem. It's my pleasure :D
adventure_girl wrote: As soon as I thought I was going somewhere with this and excited to finally have a name for something that I most certainly seem to have, it all came crushing down before I could even blink. All the doctors that I've talked to didn't even know what Candida is! Or at least the extent and other things that Candida causes. So not only was I told that nothing's wrong with me, but I'm left feeling once again lost and hopeless. My determination and knowledge of research only seemed to irritate the doctors even more.
I know how you feel! All I can say is don't give up :D! If your doctor will not take you seriously when you ask him/her about Candida, just keep searching for doctors until you find one that will. Sooner or later you will find one who is more interested in healing you rather than just prescribing some useless medicine that won't help. I wish you the best of luck!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:47 am
by iva

great post and excellent evidence!
Fluconazole works miracles, it took away my coated tongue and I suspect it has to do with the disappearance of my pnd.

Just a follow up......

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:17 am
by KeepTrying09
This post has been moved offsite

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:16 pm
by Archimonde
It's ridiculous how much better eastern doctors are compared to western ones. Keep the info coming!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:01 pm
by Snobuni
Hi Keeptrying,

What was your dosage of biozole? And how often did you take it during the day? I'm thinking of purchasing this over the internet (there's no way my doctor would send me to have my stomach/oseophagus checked out, as he thinks I'm mad and making up my bb).

I've taken this drug before, but it was a one off one dose, I'd be interested to know how it would effect my bb if taken over a longer period of time.

Thanks :D

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:06 pm
by KeepTrying09
Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

What was your dosage of biozole? And how often did you take it during the day? I'm thinking of purchasing this over the internet (there's no way my doctor would send me to have my stomach/oseophagus checked out, as he thinks I'm mad and making up my bb).

I've taken this drug before, but it was a one off one dose, I'd be interested to know how it would effect my bb if taken over a longer period of time.

Thanks :D
Hey Snobuni,

Is it possible for you to find a new doctor who will take you seriously? If your current doctor thinks you are mad, then he obviously isn't qualified to take care of you anymore.... Honestly, I'm not sure who western doctors are working for nowadays, the patients or the drug companies. It's sad....

Regarding my Biozole dosage, I remember that I took it just once a day for two weeks, however I do not remember the dosage I took. I do not have the packaging the Biozole came in anymore, so I really don't remember. I could get the information for you of course, but it probably wouldn't be until next week..If you can hold off on ordering the medicine for just a little bit longer, I can find the information for you.

BUT, I must admit it's best to be tested for Candida before you take anti fungals. As I mentioned earlier, in very rare cases anti fungals can cause liver abnormalities. Also, if Candida is not the cause of your Bad Breath, then you run the risk of the anti fungals becoming ineffective against Candida should you ever get it in the future. It works just like antibiotics...bacteria have mutated and become resistant to them, and the same thing can happen with Candida. It can become resistant to the anti fungals.

That being said, I know how desperate people with bad breath feel. They will try anything to solve the problem, whether it is really good for them or not. Believe me I've been there. I can't stop you from ordering the Biozole, but I do suggest you find a doctor who can check you for Candida first. After all, you are the patient and you are the one paying HIM!!! He works for you and if you think he isn't working in your best interest then tell him you will find another doctor who will!

I wish you the best of luck! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:12 pm
by Snobuni
Hi Keeptrying,

Thanks for your reply. I'd be very grateful if you could find out the dosage of the antifungals you were taking :)

Unfortunately, changing my doctor wouldn't be such an easy thing to do. In the UK we are allocated a GP depending on the area we live in, so I wouldn't be able to get a new doctor unless I moved into another catchment area, that's just the way the NHS works :(

I would prefer to be examined to find out if I actually have candida, but, as that's unlikely to happen, I'm willing to take the risk of unprescribed medication. As you said, when you gave bb, you become fairly desperate and are more willing to take health risks.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:30 pm
by KeepTrying09
Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

Thanks for your reply. I'd be very grateful if you could find out the dosage of the antifungals you were taking :)

Unfortunately, changing my doctor wouldn't be such an easy thing to do. In the UK we are allocated a GP depending on the area we live in, so I wouldn't be able to get a new doctor unless I moved into another catchment area, that's just the way the NHS works :(

I would prefer to be examined to find out if I actually have candida, but, as that's unlikely to happen, I'm willing to take the risk of unprescribed medication. As you said, when you gave bb, you become fairly desperate and are more willing to take health risks.
Hey Snobuni,

I understand your situation. I will find out the dosage that I took and post it back here as soon as I get a chance, but it might not be until next week.

As a side note, I found this website from the National Candida Society. They are located in the UK, and have listings to all doctors who are familiar with and could possibly test you for Candida. You might have to pay for them out of your own pocket, but maybe it's not so expensive. Anyway, doesn't hurt to try...

Perhaps you will have some luck finding a doctor who might be interested in helping you :D

Good Luck :D