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I swear.. I found the cure!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:59 am
by Ahmad
OK guys, I’ll sum it up. ... ... I’ve had the "room filling" bb since i was 15 years... it is the type the majority in this forum hve ( fart, feces like smell).
Before one year i moved to Australia, and just gave up even thinking about the bb cure... one and half month ago i was trying to treat my ADHD ( attention deficit disorder) and prescribed with modafinil (Modavigil in here in Australia).
I’ve noticed when I take modafinil ( Modavig) my bb completely 100% cuerd... i know this has been said many times before.. but believe me i am sure about it and i have tested it again and again.. it works every time as far as my energy level increased it works and i can sit in the middle of two ppls .. the only thing is that the body builds a tolerance to it so its function in raising energy, decreases if daily taken.. so i take a break.
last time i was planing to a party so i took overdose ( normal dose 50 mlg) i was doing so becouse some claimed in the internet that it makes you more social and that it improves social skills.. and hell that was WRONG , it made me badly anxious.. and i hated everything. i was so tierd but at the same time alert and couldn't sleep.. BUT STILL THE BAD BREATH WAS NOT THERE... at this point i decided that i must tell you guys about it... but as i told you i was so emotionless that i came to the forum 5 times and and after each time i start to post the topic i stop it saying.. ***k.. why i care? they won't believe me..etc...
I suffered for three days from this stupid overdose.. didn't sleep more than 30 hours and i lost wait ( i already was uder wait) only yesterday i fully recovered.

So has anyone else ever experienced this, or does anyone have information as to why this happens? what is the mechanism..

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:20 pm
by Archimonde
i'll bite..

If you stop taking the drug, does your BB come back?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:20 pm
by TeamZissou
There was someone else who said their BB went away while they were on an anti-anxiety medication.

Maybe there's something to it. I'm a nervous dude as well.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:32 am
by smileyXDD
i found your post quite dissapointingly. To tell you the truth, ADHD medicine is very dangerous. It has alot of side effects including death and I know some people will risk it for no bad breath. And probably the reason why that medicine works is probably because it keeps your body ALERT and MORE INVINCIBLE. That's why when I take steroids my bb goes away. Well I only took steroids twice because of an allergic infection. But anyway I think it's best to stay away from overdose...

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:55 am
by ElGrizzle
That would make sense especially in the case of digestive disorders. But what can be done to effect mentality with medication can be done to effect the mentality with meditation. It might just take some work...

Keep us posted, n let us know if it comes back after you stop.

What other symptoms did you have besides bad breath that ceased from taking the medication (both mental and physical), please be thorough as it will help our research.

Thats great though, I may have had the same effect when I was on anti-anxiety medication a while back, but damn I felt like a zombie.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:37 am
by Ahmad
Archimonde wrote:i'll bite..

If you stop taking the drug, does your BB come back?
Yes it does.
When you guys just realize that your bb is not like a cold Infection?
smileyXDD wrote: To tell you the truth, ADHD medicine is very dangerous. It has alot of side effects including death
Sorry but you know nothing about ADHD or modafinil. Read more please.
smileyXDD wrote: There was someone else who said their BB went away while they were on an anti-anxiety medication.
In fact modafinil increases anxiety. It is one of the side effects... when i was on normal dose my bad breath went away and i felt no anxiety ( at least not worsened, as i am anxious person by default) , but anxiety was very clear when i overdosed.... Now that's exactly what made me realize that modafinil elimination of bb was not psychological... and it is a prove that "halitofobia" is a bullshit theory. Personally i have tried zolft which is anti-anxiety medication and it didn't help me at all. It just made me sick and lazy all the day, so i stooped it.
ElGrizzle i will reply to you in detail soon ( maybe when i am on it :P ) but in general, it treated my fatigue, very significantly increased my production at work ( I work in a big warehouse and i did wonders there :twisted:, with no exaggeration i worked like a real superhero \:D/ ), i also focus more, but no increase in memorie as some claims.. and it didn't make me smarter as others claim. I make less or no mistakes like those simple stupid mistakes i do normally.. and one more thing is normaly i would almost literally chose death over getting up in morning, modafinil treated this too. There are much more benefits, but as i said i maybe i will write about it later.

Hi Ahmed

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:31 am
by Harry_2K
Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for sharing this information.

Just few questions from my side, can you answer them please?

1. When did you start taking these tablets and when did you start seeing improvements?
2. What is the dosage that you are taking and at time of the day were you asked to take?
3. Are you now without BB or do you still get BB?
4. Did you get any side effects by taking this tablet (modafinil)?
5. Are you still taking these tablets?

Please reply.



Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:19 am
by hope4now
Ahmed, how are you evaluating whether your bb is gone when you're on the drug - people's reactions, confidant or some other method? I know that self evaluation can be very subjective.

It's surprising that a drug would take away bb, since many drugs can make it worse.

Drugs is not the Way, But Therapy!!

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:27 pm
by alexanderluther

The only reason that the Drug worked was because those Ant-anxiety would of lifted your comfort levels and confidence which is exactly what u need to be mind free of BB. Most people who don't Have a problem are those who go through days with good oral hygiene and rarely think about the issue or obssess over it. I've postulated that Halitosis is a Disease of the psychosis, meaning that it feeds off your fear of it and eventually conditions your behaviour to eventually produce it and manifest itself more severe. We want to reverse this by conditioning by thinking with the right belief system again.

The trick is not drugs, but learning how to have the right state of mind we achieve balance within and thus confidence without (on the outside). Oh, and Hypnotherapy/ meditation works wonders! But I encourage less therapy as the the only time u need to go is when u rlly need help and not because it's there.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:45 pm
by thanatos
I used to take modafinil to be more alert. I didn't notice any difference.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:35 am
by smileyXDD
EXCUSSEEE me but i DO know about adhd medicine.
And yah. Don't you know the news that came on like 2 years ago
about a guy who died of adhd medicine??!?!?!!!
yah i didn't think so.

yah i don't think so.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:40 am
by smileyXDD
...and that is no cure.
A cure in my definition is:

A remedy to treat a disease/disorder/syndrome without the help of medication or any "substance" used for a long period of time depending on the person. And the cure must be easily acquireable and fully effective among everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS.

So that isn't a cure since SOME people don't find it effective.

And i do know that adhd medicine works. just saying it's dangerous.
but that's not a cure because you need to take it everytime you need to
get rid of bb. So that's practically saying for most people with bb...oh i don't know...


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:12 am
by Ahmad
Guys, i didn't come here for debates... i don't want to write too much..BUT:
1:Tomorrow I'll receive 30 tablets of modavigil, i want you to select two or three guys who live in Sydney Australia... and who you trust ( Jimi or senior members may decide who) and i will share it with them for free... and let them tell you the results. Now i know that's a crime but i'll do whatever it takes to help all of us.
2: The only other thing i use to take with modavigil was fishoil ( Omega3) so i want anyone who is going to try modavigil to take this along with it.
3: I want you to suggest which any method of evaluating to convince you that the bb is gone.
IF ANYONE OF THE OTHER GUYS DOESN'T REPORT IMPROVEMENTS ( 100% BB ELIMINATION) THEN I AM REDY TO BE BLOCKED FROM THIS FORUM ( after all there will be no resoun for me coming to here, i found my cure and i tried my best to help the others)
thanatos wrote:I used to take modafinil to be more alert. I didn't notice any difference.
You mean you didn't notice or it didn't help??

If it's possible can you take it again with omega3?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:41 am
by espasiba
I believe you Ahmad. I would greatly encourage others to go along with Ahmad, it would be a good experiment. If Ahmad is correct then we may have a solution, if Ahmad is incorrect then cross his "cure" off the list. Simple as that.

Ahmad, have you done anything different other than take the adhd medications?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:50 am
by Ahmad
espasiba wrote: Ahmad, have you done anything different other than take the adhd medications?
Yes espasiba, I used to take Omega 3 ( six capsules daily).