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Radical idea

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Radical idea

Post by coeric »

it occurred to me that bacteria exists where they do for a reason, and in our cases, because they have an endless supply of food. the smell is at the back of our mouths because the stuff we eat have to pass through that area. so what if we dont eat? ever? eventually they'll have to die off right? but of course this brings us to the problem of how we feed ourselves. well, has anyone ever considered feeding yourself with a tube? yes i know it sounds crazy. but consider it.

if we can somehow stick a tube a partial way down our throat (bypassing the tongue, teeth, back of the throat) then the bacteria will never have a source of food. we can suck down apple sauce, or baby food, and other things that dont require chewing. we can do this for a few days and see how it goes. we'll let nothing enter our mouths except clean water that we'll drink and swish around our mouths to keep it hydrated. after a while, we will have to see results.

i know it seems radical. but once you get to the point where putting a bullet through your head is an option that deserves consideraton, i dont see how an idea like this should be easily dismissed. theoretically, we're just using straws... that are a little bit longer.

what do you guys think?

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Post by meowkity1 »

i think its the same as anyonetrying fasting.
I think it would take a rather long tim or them to die off
but instead i staring maybe we could try eating things the bacteria dont care for if there is anything
we know they like protien
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Re: Radical idea

Post by KeepTrying09 »

coeric wrote:it occurred to me that bacteria exists where they do for a reason, and in our cases, because they have an endless supply of food. the smell is at the back of our mouths because the stuff we eat have to pass through that area. so what if we dont eat? ever? eventually they'll have to die off right?
Think about what you are saying Coeric. Many people who visit this forum suffer from depression or anxiety due to their bad breath. Unfortunately, they might take this post seriously and develop some form of eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia (which can actually cause bad breath in themselves). Eat through a tube? Can you imagine? You would have to completely isolate yourself in your house so you could shove a tube down your throat and pump food down it. Do you think people who work, or have any inkling of a social life would find this solution feasible, not to mention the obvious discomfort of shoving a tube down your throat.

Anyway, for the facts now. There are always protein food sources floating around in our mouths such as dead skin cells, mucous that drips down from our sinuses, or one of the many protein compounds found in saliva. To put it bluntly, the bacteria living on your tongue are going to find a meal whether you eat food or not, so i'm afraid this radical idea is senseless to even consider.
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Post by scarzxx »

Well, in theory this idea sounds like it would work, but believe you me i have tried this before and it didnt work! although i did find that if i only eat fruit for like a week i do actually start to see some results, I have room filling BB and eating fruit seem to sort of neutralise my poop mouth, so maybe this might work for you aswell?? It didnt get rid of my BB but it just calmed the smell and made it more tolerable.
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Post by meowkity1 »

some times if I have an alcoholic beverage I usually use a straw for this reason.
So that it doesnt come in cantact w ith my mouth or tongue.
its not absolute, but its kind of affective
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