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halitosis phobia

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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halitosis phobia

Post by LJ »

Dr. Finklestein and Jimi:
I understand that there is a psychiatric disorder called halitosisphobia. Apparently, people are horribly fearful that they smell and will go through all kinds of different treatments even though they don't have the problem.
I think anyone who thinks they have bad breath and is suffering because of it, should seek to get feedback as to the reality of their condition. This does not have to be parents and parents are usually the ones who will not tell you the truth, they want to spare your feelings and make you feel better.
But friends, mates, maybe syblings, possibly doctors would offer a better source for finding out what your breath is really like.
My experience is this, when I was 16 my best friend told me about the problem. She watched me brush my teeth repeatedly and use many different mouthrinses but nothing solved the problem.
Other friends told me too that I smelled and many times they said it was the fecal odor. When I got married my husband began to tell me the same thing, that my breath was bad and it had a fecal odor.
I of course, did everything I could to improve the problem, but nothing worked becaused I checked with my husband each time I tried another product or diet or whatever.
I've had friends over the years pretty much tell me the same things and it is clear that I have halitosis, the chronic kind, and it remains with me to this day, after 25 years.
I would consider myself a verified case, but many out there think they have a problem and just may not. Or it may not be as serious a problem as they think.
The fact that Dr. Finklestein has encountered many of these people in his practice is probably not unusual. The good thing is that he does not try to treat people who just think they have bad breath, that would be wrong.
So, I think Dr. Finklestein maybe concerned about getting a flood of patients who literally waste his time, because his time is about treating the bad breath with his laser treatment, and not figuring out who has bad breath and who doesn't.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes this is the point. Parents are usually not telling the thruth but everybody else yes. We have to get someone to go to Dr Yehuda so we can see if he fixed his problem. I know I can not go because it is too expensive and I do not have a lot of money.

So who is going to go first.


Maybe he can cure us all. I had this feeling about Dr Yehuda that is why I asked him to get an interview for this site. ANd he is good person, but I must disagree that parents are telling the thruth about having bad breath. Even if you look at some of the surveys I published there is not even one that has stated that parents has told him he has bad breath.
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Diagnosis is a precondition for treatment

Post by Finkels »

Here we see a basic misunderstanding of the revolution that I have made in the diagnosis and treatment of bad breath. The new era that finally has evolved and the new real hope to the patients suffering from bad breath. An previously unknown disease which I the culprit of bad breath in the large part of the patients has been described. Finally a systematic examination, which allows topographic diagnosis and location of the source of bad breath, has been developed. The diagnosis is a pre-condition for treatment, and the laser treatment is only a byproduct of this new diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Professor Yehuda Finkelstein, MD, MA.
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