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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:29 am
by j
hi everyone,
i just read jimi's results from his recent survey. i have to say that i got teary-eyed not from the frustration of having no cure for this but from reading your reactions to and how you deal with this problem. i am so sick of being forced to be antisocial when in reality i am a very social creature. this problem has f'd up my life and i want i back. it is a beautiful thing to know that some of you have endured the ridicule, the pain of have to take jobs you didn't want or not working at all, the pain of people thinking your dirty or disrespting you when they don't even know who you. it is not beatiful because some of you have the same problem but because i know i am not the only one in this, and with all these #'s of people growing i know we are going to find out what is going on. Believe me i feel i every ounce of your pain. i read the diary on jimi's site and i feel the anger too, but i know it is not the fault of the ignorant people who make jokes but it still hurts and the anger drives me every day to overcome this problem. it seems like i think about it all the time but thinking about it is not going to help, we all have to put the kind of effort in the search that jimi has because that is how this will get solved. I am so tired of crawling in a hole and being antisocial, i want to go out an have fun with some people who are not going to judge me, that is why i am going on the las vegas trip where some people with this problem are going to meet have a good time and not think twice about being comfortable with who they are around. ( if you want to know more about this trip and who going there is a support group at ) also if you want to join this group also you can at the url i think we all need to stick together. Anyway thank for reading and keep your head up and high we are going to find something that works.