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Funny speaker to get you motivated to go RAW

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Funny speaker to get you motivated to go RAW

Post by bimms »

Here is a funny speaker, Paul Nison. He gives a 9 part lecture on Raw food. He is funny and educational at the same time.

If anybody here has been needing to get motivated to go RAW, this speaker might motivate you to go for it.

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Post by Archimonde »

It took me 6 months to recuperate from being on the raw vegan diet on and off in the last 2 years. It will do wonders for your breath (as long as you dont cheat at all) but it will wreck your health:

- It will ***k up your teeth: caries + enamel chipping
- Your muscles will shrink and be sore after 20 seconds of exercise
- You will look like a holocaust survivor
- you'll be cold all the time
- etc

There are many stories like mine on the web. But there are also people thriving on that diet. I just want to give people both sides of the story. That being said, adding more raw food to your diet is probably a good thing but i'd advised against going 100% raw vegan for a long period of time like i did.

I've read recently that fruit and veggies have anti VSC properties, which would explain why it helps fight BB and why it's only a temporary relief and not a cure.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

WOW MAN, so sad, I hope you are ok, i had same exact problems, did you put greens in your smoothies?
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Post by deebas »

I agree, these radical diets are not a long term solution..

You may be able to go thru extreme pain for a short term solution but this is not the answer

I have never heard someone say that they have gone on a raw food diet and now eat normally without BB...
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Post by Archimonde »

I prefer a radical solution to no solution at all, if only my health didn't decline. I still think there's a diet out there that will minimize our BB to an acceptable level. The main problem is that we can't smell ourselves so it's hard to know what works best, and it takes time and discipline. I wanna experiment more with raw meat eventually but it's very hard as you can imagine and it totally goes against common sense, but hey it works for dogs (lol). Maybe a diet of raw fruit/veggies + some raw meat would work and provide all the necessary nutrients.
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Post by bimms »

I agree that 100 percent raw is not the "total health" answer. But I do experience that the more raw you eat, the better your breath will be. (Works for me anyway).

I normally eat cooked food on the weekends, maybe that is why I have not experienced any bad health side effects like you did.

I've also started experimenting with charcoal pills after eating cooked food. I figure if it works for dogs to get rid of BB, why not humans?

Also, as I've mentioned before, green leafy smoothies are VERY, VERY important. If you don't drink them, the raw diet is not gonna work.

The four main things that are working for me:

1. Green smoothies are absolutely needed for raw diet to work. I try to have one every day for breakfast.

2. Raw fruit is the best lunch. I try to eat at least 6 pieces of fruit for lunch, maybe more.

3. For dinner I usually have vegetable soup, lightly heated. I can't seem to go an entire day without having some warmth in my food, especially in these cold winter months.

4. On weekends, I eat cooked food, followed by taking "activated charcoal" pills that I bought from the vitamin store.

The main principle is, the more raw you can get, the better. It is not necessary to go 100 percent raw in my opinion....I think about 75 percent raw is good enough..... and as you've mentioned, it might be unhealthy to go 100 percent, especially if you leave out green leafy smoothies.
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Post by deebas »

Hi Bimms,

can you give me an idea of what you put in the morning smoothies..

how do u blend green leafy vegies into something drinkable?
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Post by bimms »


Here's how I typically make my green smoothies:

1. I first pour 2 cups (16 fluid ounces) of water into the blender

2. Then I add at least 2 bananas, maybe 3. I break each banana in half so it fits better into the blender. I blend the bananas first to make my base. (Bananas make an excellent, creamy base. They are the best fruit for smoothies in my opinion).

3. Then I add from 4 to 8 leaves of greens, depending on which green I am using that day. For example, Kale has smaller leaves, so I might put about 8 kale leaves in. Collards are much bigger, so I might put only 4 leaves in. Chard is medium sized, so I might put 6 leaves in. On the other hand, baby spinach is tiny, so I put 3 or 4 handfuls in. It all depends on which green leaves you have. Of course, it is not an exact science, just eyeball it.... Remember to rotate your greens, don't always drink the same kind.... also, I tear up each of the bigger green leaves into smaller pieces so they fit easier into the blender.

4. For somebody who is just starting to drink green smoothies, I would suggest adding extra fruit after having blended the leafy part. Frozen berries are excellent, but you can add any fruit you want.

5. When done, the green smoothie is usually about 32 ounces (1 quart) that I try to drink each morning.

6. Important side note: DO NOT put broccoli or cauliflower into green smoothies. In fact, don't put ANY other vegetables in, other than leafy greens. Trust me, if you do, you will get sharp, shooting pains in your stomach.

7. The more you drink green smoothies, the better they taste. You start to CRAVE them. And remember, the more fruit you put in, the more delicious they will be. They suggest that you start with more fruit (60 percent fruit, 40 percent greens)...... then try to train yourself so that you can have more greens (40 percent fruit, 60 percent greens). It takes awhile to train yourself to that level, however.

8. Once you start them, you will probably drink them for the rest of your life. They are so delicious, so good for you. They pump maximum health into your body. I can't hardly stand going a day without one anymore.
Last edited by bimms on Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bimms »

One more thing I've recently come to realize.

Grains (Wheat, Corn, Rice, et cetera) are even more HIDEOUSLY EVIL than I thought.

They cause:

1. Obesity
2. Bad Breath Halitosis
3. Celiac Disease
4. And I think they may even cause my Tourette Syndrome that I've had ever since I was a kid. (I have a mild form that does not make me swear).

I think that the reason why the raw diet may work so well, is because it excludes all grains from our diet, as well as meat and dairy (which are like eating grains indirectly... since cows are fed grains right before slaughter to fatten them up)

To sum up: avoid all grains like the bubonic plague. If your bad breath sticks around after you have cut out grains, try eliminating meat and dairy. I bet by then your bad breath will be gone, and you will be a raw food believer. (Though not necessarily 100 percent raw radical).
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Post by deebas »

not to mention the fact that carbs are highly addictive... some people are addicted to chocolate whereas I love to eat bread, rice or noodles with everything...

its been really hard to wean myself off... any tips on how you have been able to stop eating carbs full time and also is it all grains or just starchy ones?
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Post by bimms »

Yes, grains are possibly the hardest type of food to stop eating.

I used to eat grains with pretty much every meal. Most Americans do this.

I read that grains have opioids in them that make them possibly the most addictive of all foods. It used to be I couldn't seriously imagine no longer eating them. I was highly addicted to many different grains, especially white flour.

Paul Nison has a book that lists a whole bunch of foods that are non-raw. He says that grains are probably the hardest thing to stop eating.

The only way to get off grains is to treat it like getting off cigarettes.

When I did it, I had about 2 weeks of intense cravings for grains. Once I broke myself of the craving, after about 2 weeks, it got much easier. Now I don't need them at all.

I had strong acid reflux that went away after I stopped eating grains. I also lost about 30 pounds of fat. My opinion is that the toxic nature of grains is why people get fat around their middle. The body has to store that toxicity of the grains somewhere, and it does so in the fat cells.

My opinion of grains is that they are only supposed to be an "emergency" food when you are starving.

Imagine the person who first ate some grains. They probably couldn't find any fruits or vegetables to eat, they were too weak to hunt for meat, and they were starving. They walked into a field of grains and out of desperation pulled off a stalk of wheat and tried to gnaw on it. It was too hard and crunchy, did not taste good. But maybe they tried smashing it to make it a little bit easier to eat, (the first attempt at "flour") maybe they tried heating it in some water. (the first attempt at making "bread").

Point being, grains in their natural state are not really edible for humans. We first have to grind them up into a dust called "flour", and then heat them up into something called "bread", and then cover their bland flavor with all types of sauces such as "butter", to make them taste good. Ever try to eat raw wheat? Ever try to eat plain white flour? Ever try to eat plain bread with no sauce on it of any kind?

Clearly our body would naturally reject grains as a normal food source. We have to massively change and manipulate the grain-based "foods" to make our body accept it.

The main idea behind the raw diet is that if a food does not taste good in its "natural" state that you would find out in the field.... we should probably not eat it.

Grains don't taste good in their raw, natural state. Neither does meat, and dairy is questionable as well. That is why raw food people only eat fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens.

However, as I said, I'm not a 100 percent raw radical. I just try to eat at least 75 percent raw, and I've never felt as healthy as I do now.
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