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going to psychic

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going to psychic

Post by TIRED »

I'm going to a very accurate psychic tomorrow for this problem! I will let you know what she says!!!! I am so hopeful right now - I can't wait!!!! After a tonsillectomy, many tests, many mouth washes and herbal pills, and many sleepless nights - maybe this will be it!!!!!
Apt is at 4:15 - I will post tomorrow night...

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Post by JakeL »

Good Luck. I went to a psychic and asked her about this. she told me to see a doctor :| . I hope you find a cure and are rid of this abominable curse of ours
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Good luck at the psychic. Actually i've always thought it would be kinda fun to see one. I'm not sure how much I believe in them, but at least they would be someone to talk to about your problems.

Let us know what the psychic says.
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Post by meowkity1 »

If it was Sylvia Browne she could tell you. I mentioned before that we ahould all call her show and ask her. but we all have bb for dif reasons, I just found oout mines was tonsil
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Post by TIRED »

Okay i just got back from the psychic and she closed her eyes and meditated about me and said that I had A LOT of bacteria in my body. She saw it not only in my mouth, but through my whole digestive tract. Her first question to me was if I had reoccurring yeast infections - and I do. I already suspected that this was the problem, but I never mentioned this to her. I am not surprised because every time that I eat something really sweet I get really dizzy, and after drinking alcohol (which is high in sugar) my breath is really really at it's worst. Eating bread gives me terrible breath too.
My bad breath started after I was taking a lot of antibiotics and then got worse after having babies. Being pregnant messes with the good flora in your body as well.
So, now it is a very low sugar diet for me, and lots of flora and acidophilus and vit. C and Garlic. No more drinking - bummer!
I am going to tell my Dr. about my reoccurring yeast infections and ask that I get on a anti-fungal pill. This will help to get rid of the yeast then I will continue to cleanse with the things I mentioned above. I may have to contact keeptrying if my doctor will not prescribe the anti-fungal pills to me.
I think I will try some chewable acidophilus this time, that way it reaches in my mouth.

I am very hopeful guys because the psychic said many other things that were very accurate - I think she is the real deal.

I know bb can come from many places, so this may not help all of you, but if it helps just one of you I will be happy!!!
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

LOL...Wow, what a coincidence. That's sad that psychics can figure out that yeast (Candida) infections can cause bad breath but doctors who spend years and years in medical school still have no clue :?.

Anyway, good luck at your doctors. Tell him you want to try Diflucan (Fluconazole) for at least 2 weeks. Also 200mg would be good if you can get him to prescribe that amount. I'm pretty sure they will not have Biozole in your country, and doctors are more familiar with the brand name Diflucan anyway...

Of course, I wouldn't mention anything to him about seeing a psychic, otherwise he might write you a prescription to see a psychiatrist! :lol:

And as always, i'm here to help if you need, so just let me know if your doctor is less than helpful. :D
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Post by TIRED »

Because I have suspected candida all along I started taking Flora Balance about 7 or 8 days ago. This morning I started a low sugar diet. I think I am experiencing the die off today. I am dizzy and can't think. I have a bad headache and I'm extra sensitive to perfumes. It actually makes me happy to feel this way - I feel empowered!

If you have gone through this please let me know how long I should expect to feel this way?

Thanks KT for offering again to get the meds. I will let you know if I need them tomorrow after I see my doctor...

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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Die-off symptoms are different for everyone. Mine only lasted for about a week, but i've read from others who experienced longer bouts. I guess it just depends on several different factors such as how long you've had Candida, how bad the infection is, and how well your body responds to the treatment.

Good luck with your doctor. I'm really praying he is one of the helpful ones. :)
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Post by TIRED »

My doctor prescribed me 150mg of Diflucan, but only one pill. She said it would stay in my system for a week. I told her what you took KT and she said that that was not necessary. She was quick to dismiss me - she is starting to bug me - luckily I can easily change doctors whenever I want...
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey T,

Did she even offer to test you for a Candida infection? For her to say that only 1 dose of Fluconazole was enough to clear an internal Candida infection only highlights her inexperience with Candida.

One dose of Fluconazole 150mg is for women who have a vaginal yeast infection. Doctors only give one dose because that's all it takes to clear up the vaginal yeast infection. If you have any other type of Candida infection, it takes more than one dose. I think your doctor should know that....
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Post by girlie girl »

TIRED wrote:Because I have suspected candida all along I started taking Flora Balance about 7 or 8 days ago. This morning I started a low sugar diet. I think I am experiencing the die off today. I am dizzy and can't think. I have a bad headache and I'm extra sensitive to perfumes. It actually makes me happy to feel this way - I feel empowered!

If you have gone through this please let me know how long I should expect to feel this way?

Thanks KT for offering again to get the meds. I will let you know if I need them tomorrow after I see my doctor...


I just started taking Accuflora, which I bought at walmart, a few days ago and I have had die off symptoms since the day after I started it. I took the Biozole which I didn't have any die off symptoms from, but I am getting them with this product. I wonder if I am getting die off symptoms from bacteria because it didn't occur with the Biozole. I am so confused right now. I have tried everything and nothing is working. I can say though that this Accuflora is helping decrease the smell, but the Biozole actually made it much worse...go figure!
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