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So What are on my Tonsils? (Not stones)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:47 am
by bhd
i'd like to note that my breath is not really really bad. its just...bad. and it gets bad after about an hour. so on my right tonsil (the one to your left) it looks like it has some white stuff on it. it's been there for as long as i can remember.

i've tried cutting out mucous forming stuff, basically on a candida diet. so what do you think

im also on a candida cleanse and a candida diet right now.

direct links (for bigger pic)



Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:19 pm
by meowkity1
I have that same stuff, when I went to ent he said I had a lot of gunk on mines, so hell take em out, theyv been getting swollen throughout the year too. he was poking atthem, it sound squishy. I dont know if thats normal

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:37 am
by hope4now
The more I push on my tonsils with the round end of a tooth brush, the more white gunk comes out. I never see any hard stones, just soft off-white particles or paste. Whatever it is, it usually stinks. I get the impression there's something embedded in there that won't come out. I've ordered somebulb syringes from Amazon. I hope I can use them to draw out some of the tonsil crap. Maybe they can also pull out any embedded stones if there are any. Nothing like having two garbage dumps inside your mouth. :-({|= ](*,) At least I know what's causing my bb.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:59 am
by bhd
yeah but mine doesnt have squishy white stuff or hard stones. it's this white maybe plaque stuff that doesn't come off. im pretty sure its not normal to have these.

at the same time, i think bb is coming from my tongue.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:53 pm
by Sally
Hey guys,
Does sound as though it's the start of the formation of tonsil stones, Good you're getting it out early before it hardens though.

I'ev doen a bit of research on tonsil stones and tonsil crypts check out this article on them

Sally x

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:39 pm
by vilenin89
It's tonsiluar fluid that normally comes from infected or inflammed tonsils. if you have that gunk getting on you're tongue and you have bb that might be your cure. get your tonsils out.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:18 am
by hoping
I went to see a new doctor a couple of days ago. He told me that my inflammed tonsils are caused by the bacteria infected mucus coming from my nose. The membrane in my nose is also inflammed and he told me to boost my immune system and he gave me medicine to fight the bacteria in my nose.

So, I started working out yesterday and will take some vitamin C to try to boost my immune system.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:41 am
by bhd
are my tonsils infected? or wat? should i get tested for strep...

im gargling with GSE and sipping on acv do get the inflammation or watever is away. i dont think i FEEL sick, but i've had these for a long ass time so normal is unknown

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:59 am
by bhd
sorry i'd like to bump my thread.

i was on a no refined food diet for a while, recently went back to eating normal. had an increase in tonsil stone, but not too bad. food is great haha.

so do you guys recommend tonsil removal? i should point out i dont have really bb. im also of taking an electric toothbrush to the tonsils for now, its so hard to clean them!


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:24 pm
by Praying4answers
hoping wrote:I went to see a new doctor a couple of days ago. He told me that my inflammed tonsils are caused by the bacteria infected mucus coming from my nose. The membrane in my nose is also inflammed and he told me to boost my immune system and he gave me medicine to fight the bacteria in my nose.

So, I started working out yesterday and will take some vitamin C to try to boost my immune system.
Hi hoping...

What medication did the doctor give you that got rid of your sinusitis?