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My story, in a nut shell.

Tell us your story with bad breath
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My story, in a nut shell.

Post by OneDay111 »

Gifted, Talented is what they called me, not being arrogant.

Acheived 10 A stars gcse and 2 a a-level
Represented county in 5 different sports
blah blah blah

However bad breath crippled me from the things I loved.

My passion of being a actor was great. I was a very good actor. However when asked to take it upon as a A-Level or even GCSE. I backed out, I ran for the shadows. The after school lessons when bad breath was at its peak, the sweatiness the extra curricular activities. Frighten the life out of me, speaking to someone from close range hurt me. I was simply not strong enough. Regret is all I feel.

Anyway it was only a year ago when i passed my honours with a first class in maths and computer science, I have a well paid job etc etc.

I found my cure in tonsillectomy, but enough about my self I want to talk to you.

This is life BB'ers and I hope you can learn from my experience.

Watch it, yes I kno but its soo true, you have to be strong. Mentally strong. You have to have belief.

However it is always human nature to find problems in ones lives. Its Natural, i have a problem which has run parrellel to my Bad Breath. This problem has just multiplied by 1000, when my BB went. Now i just want bb instead of this 'problem'.
Yes I would rather have BB.

Ive hear people say they would rather have cancer, but you dont trust me. Ive heard many things and there not true.

No-ones life is perfect, you got to stop feeling sorry for your self, it will get you no where stop sobbing, stop your depressive rants. Its unhealty and is a poison. Your only hurting your self, for keep your composure during these hard times. You will always be in my prayers and I have always loved you like my family.

One Day One Day....
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Post by terranpatriot »

Its Natural, i have a problem which has run parrellel to my Bad Breath. This problem has just multiplied by 1000, when my BB went. Now i just want bb instead of this 'problem'.
Yes I would rather have BB.

Ive hear people say they would rather have cancer, but you dont trust me. Ive heard many things and there not true.
I think this is an important point. I see many people on this forum say that anything in the world is better than BB. Definitely not true. I recently experienced a scare involving being infected and afflicted with something that would have been a million times worse than having BB for the rest of my life. At least BB can be cured. Other things cannot. In my conversations with God late at night, I have realized that we should be thankful for what we do have, even if we may have BB. I hope people acknowledge the fact that things could be worse, and not say things like "I would rather have HIV than BB" or "I would rather have cancer." Horrible things to say.
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Post by halitosisux »

If I could go back in time and choose the curse I had to have, I'd choose ANYTHING over BB.
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