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Bad breath from lungs?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:14 am
by bali
I'm hoping to find someone here that can help me diagnose my horrible problem, doctors don't seem to believe me. I'm a 30 year old man and have been suffering since I was 15, that's half my life, and I'm not willing to have this anymore. ](*,)

I was a very open and energetic child, got into all sorts of trouble and enjoyed life very much. Then all of a sudden at the age of 15 I started school in the autumn as usual, but something was different. I started noticing that the kids I sat next to started to show strange symptoms of "suffocating". It was always the same, the class would start and everything was fine, then after about 20 minutes I would see the kids next to me starting to get very tired, (which was always the first sign) then start to rest their head on their hand with elbow on table. And always in the next 10 minutes or so they would bury their heads on the table, between their hands and show signs of much discomfort. At first I thought they were just tired, but then started to see this happen all the time, not once could I sit next to anyone without this happening. And in a 30 kid class this always only happened next to me. Of course kids get tired in class and sometimes fall a sleep on their table, but this was different. I started isolating myself, always keeping an empty seat next to me. Over that distance it seemed to affect them less, but I still saw the symptoms. This really affected my personality and I became very shy and lonely. Then in high school I got new classmates and the same thing happened again. Kids would sit next to me unaware of the bad air that seemed to be emitting from me, they would always end up burying their head on the table, and not making the same mistake again sitting next to me.
My life since that has been a life of avoiding situations that makes me have to sit close to anyone. I dropped out of school because I just couldn't do this anymore. It has been such a emotional stress for me that I have become numb. I cant go to cinemas and even on airplanes unless I really have to. I don't have a girlfriend, because I wont let anyone get that close to me.
The smell or "bad air" seem to be very constant, I see it get a lot worse when I drink alcohol. I like going to clubs and dance, and girls who I dance with always run away after the first song (I'm not a bad dancer \:D/ ). I work as a salesman and thankfully don't have oral bad breath, I see no symptoms when talking to people, and I do a lot of it in my job. But sitting next to them always ends the same. I though seem to develop very bad breath orally when drinking alcohol. I quickly get a white coating on my tongue and see people quickly turn away when I talk to them. And when partying with mates, we all eat the same, drink the same, but I'm the only one that seems to get that horrible breath. I don't even know how it smells, I have never smelled it myself, and I have a good hygiene.
Nobody has ever told me that I have this condition, I'm a shy fragile guy and I think no one has the guts to tell me. But I have heard kids talking about "what was that smell, I cant go in there again"
Doctors don't seem to believe me, since they cant smell it when I see them, I cant ask them to sit next to me for 30-40 minutes to see for them selves. Some of them wanted to send me to psychiatrist, one removed my tonsils (that didn't help) one sent me to get upper endoscopy (everything was fine). They all seem to give up on me in the end, witch is bad because it takes me many months to sum up the courage to see them. I do suspect some fungal problems, because in my last doctors appointment he wanted to try strong antibacterial medicine, penicillin of some sort to see if that would heal me. I went very hopeful to a work gathering, eating pizza and drinking beer, that was 10 days after the penicillin and I had never seen such strong reactions to my breath as then. People reacted to me like I had soiled myself, it was clearly the worse it had ever been. Probably a mixture of the alcohol, yeast from the beer and pizza and the lacking of good bacteria in my colon after the penicillin. But my doctor thinks I'm crazy and wont even hear it, says I'm imagining this. I really need some proof, or a hint of what could be wrong with me, I don't have the confidence to argue with my doctor or ask my friends and family. What tests should I ask for? Is anyone suffering from the same thing here? Could it be parasites?
I really need to get on with my life, go to school and get a girlfriend, but a CAN'T do it while suffering from this.
Please anyone, help me change my life :-({|=

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:56 am
by jollibee1208
dude just have a doctor check on ur toncills or ur stomach.. and 4 my BB. i still do believe that my BB is coming from my toncills or my stomach and not from my mouth or my teeths.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:13 pm
by KeepTrying09
It's so unfortunate that bad breath has the power to influence a persons life in such a way. You're story is like so many others. Hopefully you will find the answer to your problem soon.

You mentioned that your breath got really really bad when you drank alcohol. How often do you drink beer or alcohol? Perhaps it's time to give that habit up. Also you mentioned your breath got really really bad after you took antibiotics. That's not surprising. Usually your bad breath might subside while you are on antibiotics only to come back with a vengeance once you're off of them. As you mentioned i'm sure the alcohol, beer, and pizza didn't help any. Maybe you should try some probiotics to get the good bacteria back in your gut.

Don't be afraid of your doctor. Remember, if it weren't for you, he wouldn't have a job. Just be firm and tell him what your expectations are. If he refuses to help you then find another doctor who will. Doctors are a dime a dozen nowadays.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:50 pm
by mike
do you smoke cigarette?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:48 pm
by vilenin89
Make sure you are tongue scraping using a metal tongue scrap, rinse with hydrogen peroxide and water afterwards. Do you have any impacted wisdom teeth? Think logically, maybe it's metabolic like TMAU. Everything must be considered! We'll get through this!

BB from the lungs means something metabolic, like TMAU, but it could also mean something like a sinus blockage (dont think it'll be that severe). Visit an ENT and get a CT scan. Also maybe consider getting an upper GI series done.

I know it's hard your story isn't all that different from mine!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:02 pm
by tamacun
jollibee1208 wrote:dude just have a doctor check on ur toncills or ur stomach.. and 4 my BB. i still do believe that my BB is coming from my toncills or my stomach and not from my mouth or my teeths.
....your BB is not coming from your stomach at all, ther is not BB coming from stomach........for any one, stomach acid kill this kind of bacteria.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:34 am
by questionable
You might want to try becoming a vegetarian. I've always noticed they are the best smelling people. I also noticed a change in my breath around the age of 15, but I thought it had something to do with playing the oboe (pressure in the throat??). In the mean time chew gum, try clariton, and stay away from unhealthy foods.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:02 am
by bali
Thank you guys for replying,
Yes I do smoke acationally, that's probably not helping, and I'm addicted to carbs and sugar. The bad breath started long before I started drinking alcohol. I'm gonna explore the possibility of candida, parasites or leaky gut, hopefully I'll find a doctor willing to help me. I will definatly ask for the TMAU test, that sounds suspicious. Unfortunately doesn't seem to any cure though.
But it was a good feeling posting my story here and reading your replies. I will of course post if I have any breakthrews.