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Mercury Poisoning and Candida Yeast

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Mercury Poisoning and Candida Yeast

Post by caramiamine98 »

I found an interesting article entitled Mercury Poisoning, Candida Yeast, Or Is It Both? Anyone who has tried anti-fungals successfully only to have their yeast issues return once the treatment stops might want to look into the possibility of Mercury poisoning. Even people without yeast issues may want to consider this. If you scroll very far down the article and look under early physical symptoms it mentions bad breath as one of the signs. The main source of Mercury toxicity is dental amalgams (there are others as well). ... oning.html

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Post by chiki89 »

That's really interesting. My hands and feet are always cold. Let's see if it comes back or not after I'm done with Fluconazole.
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Post by TIRED »

I know I have candida and have been researching the mercury poisoning-amalgam filling link as well. I thought about it and when I was around 18 I have a filling break up on me and I ate it on accident. I got it fixed within a day, but maybe this is what is causing the yeast infection and bb. The timing is right. This is when i started battling with my bb. Also, I have 4 other amalgam fillings that may be leaking mercury into my body. I really think that this is it. I am going for a free consultation with a dentist that specializes with this and I am going to remove my amalgam fillings. I think I will try and get a tester kit online tonight to see if there is mercury in my urine. This is going t be a long tough road...I'll keep you all posted.

I'm many of us have amalgam (silver fillings)????

please post if you do and if one has broken up on you like mine did...

thank you! T
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Post by chiki89 »

Is that the only way you can get Mercury poisoning? I have a silver filling but I don't think it has ever broken up on me, or at least I don't remember. How do you get rid or Mercury once it's in your body anyway? and how can you get tested for this?
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Post by chiki89 »

Fuking Mercury hahaha. Just Playing :mrgreen:
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Post by TIRED »

you can get poisoning by just having the amalgam fillings...they leak poison into your body all day long...

check out this video...
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Good luck with the dentist. My former dentist refused to remove the last of my 4 remaining amalgams so I just went to a different one. Ha! There is a poll on the home page down the right side about silver fillings. As for testing there are blood, urine, stool, saliva and hair tests. I can’t vouch for the most reliable method as I have not been tested.

Other possible sources of Mercury poisoning:
Antiseptic gels, contact lense solutions, hemorrhoid creams, lubricating gels, and vaginal contraceptives. Fluorescent lights contain a high amount of mercury and if you are around one when the glass tube is broken, you may have breathed the resulting gas. Red ink used for tattoos contains mercury sulfide as the coloring agent. Tuna, swordfish, shellfish, and shark are all loaded with high mercury levels.
Some other mercury poisoning sources are found in environmental air pollution or acid rain from coal fired power plant emissions, adhesives, talc and body powder, broken thermometers, cosmetics, all plastics, diuretics, fabric softeners, felt, floor waxes/polishes, fungicides, industrial wastes, laxatives, mercurochome, photo-engraving, skin lightening cream, suppositories, wood preservatives, hair dyes, batteries, Preperation H, solvent-thinned paints, and latex paints. ... oning.html

Even after fillings are removed Mercury is still going to be in the system so chelation maybe necessary depending on how toxic a person is.

I was just going to post that same video! Scary stuff. Cheers.
Last edited by caramiamine98 on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

This is really interesting. Thanks for posting it!

I had mercury fillings when I was a child, back when I had my baby teeth. I never had any mercury fillings on any of my permanent teeth though.

It is interesting because I believe my bad breath started when I was a child. I mentioned in my story that the first time anyone ever said anything to me about my bad breath was my father, and that was when I was about 7 or 8 years old. So that would coincide with having the mercury fillings. Also I took antibiotics heavily throughout my life, including when I was very young, so I'm sure that didn't help things either!!! I'm pretty sure it was a combination of everything that caused me to have such a problem with Candida and bad breath...
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Post by caramiamine98 »

You are lucky you don't have amalgams as an adult. You have some kind of sealant, right? I had 8 metal fillings for 20+ years. I just had the last of them removed in December. I found another article about Amalgam/Mercury detox. It's based on a lecture linking Mercury to chronic viral, bacterial and fungal illnesses (sounds familiar, huh?). This could possibly be the answer for some.

"The fact that the presence of mercury in the tissues represses the immune system has long been known and is supported by the literature. It has also been shown that the presence of amalgam fillings conveys immunity to antibiotics to various bacteria and also impairs the body's own defense system. Mercury is therefore the only substance ever shown that induces antibiotic resistance in bacteria, other than an antibiotic itself."

"Practitioners have long observed that patients diagnosed with chronic viral illnesses, chronic fungal illnesses (candidiasis and others) and recurrent episodes of bacterial infections (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bladder/prostate infections, HIV related infections) often have dramatic recoveries following an amalgam detoxification program."
Last edited by caramiamine98 on Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TIRED »

caramiamine98 - how do you feel now that you have yours out??? Did you follow up with taking something to detox yourself of the mercury???

Please tell us more - and was it worth it???
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Post by TIRED »

cara. _ was your bb sulfur smelling????
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Post by caramiamine98 »

I’m very glad I had them removed. I do feel better. I’ve been underweight forever with low blood pressure and a tendency to pass out plus I was cold all the time even in the summer. Since I had them removed I’ve been able to gain some weight, my blood pressure is now normal and I hardly ever feel faint and I don’t have to wear 12 sweaters and 5 pairs of socks to keep warm. I also went up a cup size. \:D/

I did take activated charcoal before having them removed as a precaution. A lot of the supplements I was already taking are chelation helpers like chlorophyll, vitamin B, C, E, etc so I just continued with that. I would like to try one of those at-home test kits. Not sure how accurate they are but since at-home pregnancy tests are accurate I guess it’s worth a try.
cara. _ was your bb sulfur smelling????
That’s a very good question. Unfortunately, I was never able to determine what it smelled like. The only thing my daughter could tell me was that it didn’t smell like fish. She was always the most honest with me on this and I was too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

It was definitely worth it. Absolutely 100%. Just my new bra size alone made it all worthwhile (just kidding). Cheers. C
Last edited by caramiamine98 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TIRED »

cara - you gained a cup size! Sign me up! But I do not need to gain weight though.

So can you keep us posted on how you breath is now...

I have my consultation with a dentist that specializes in amalgam removal on the 24th. I'm really hoping this is it! I already had my tonsils out - that did not help one bit, yet I am glad to get them out.

Oh also I wanted to ask you if you had ever smelled the mercury or had a metallic taste. I bought an electric toothbrush recently and when I used it I smelled burning metal. It was the same smell I smell when I get my teeth cleaned - I always thought it was the instruments they used.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

The weight went to all the right places so I can’t complain. I’m also really happy about having normal blood pressure for the first time in my life. I don’t live in fear of fainting anymore. The last time I fainted was in the women’s washroom at a local shopping mall. It was so embarrassing, they had to call an ambulance and take me to the hospital. :oops: I’m still careful but not nearly as much any more.

My BB was under control before I had them out (low choline diet, supplements, etc). My daughter who has always been brutally honest with me insists that my breath is fine. I guess I have to believe her though I’m still paranoid about it.

Hopefully, this is the answer for you but if not it’s still a good idea to have them removed. Mercury is the second most toxic metal (second only to Plutonium). Since you only have 4 it should take no time at all. I have heard of people whose yeast issues vanished after amalgam removal. I found a very straightforward video on youtube about chelation. Some of the chelation protocols can be very complicated. This one isn’t.

I can’t say that I’ve smelled Mercury and the only time I taste anything metallic is when I taste blood. It’s possible that the metallic taste and smell are from your fillings being agitated or it could just be because the items used are made of metal. Cheers. C
Last edited by caramiamine98 on Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

I forgot to mention that I don't get headaches anymore. I used to get them fairly regularly especially during my period. I don't know if it's a coincidence but it's been about 2 months since I last had one which is when I had the last of my fillings removed. :)
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