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Why me......another infection

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Why me......another infection

Post by KeepTrying09 »

Ok, so before I start to sound like an alarmist, I want to let you guys know that I have another infection in the back of my throat (where my tonsils used to be), but this time I do not think it is Candida. From the looks of it, it looks more bacterial or viral if anything... For the past couple days my throat has been irritated a bit, but it's weird because it doesn't hurt, and it isn't sore. I don't know how to describe it, it's just like I can tell there is something not right with it. Anyway, I went and bought some batteries for my flashlight a couple hours ago and looked in the back of my throat, and can clearly see it's infected.... Here are some pictures I took. Sorry they are a bit fuzzy but it's kinda hard to take close up pictures of the inside of your mouth, especially when you are trying to get pictures near the back. Oh yeah, and the first picture I just wrote KT09 on a piece of paper and stuck it in my mouth in case there are any nay sayers out there (not that we have any nay sayers on the forum or anything. :lol:)









Anyway, so again, I don't think it's Candida. At least I sure as heck hope not. Back when I had the Candida infection it was never that high up in my throat. It was deeper down where I couldn't see it, that's why I didn't know anything about it until I had the endoscopy. I can clearly see this infection though, and it looks to me like it's just bacterial if anything, maybe viral. You can't really see from the pictures but at the very back of my throat there are like clear bumps on the surface. No idea what those are.....

UGH, honestly I don't want to go to the doctor though. I know as soon as they see it, they are just gonna say "Here's some antibiotics, take them." I totally don't want to take any antibiotics. I haven't taken them since I was treated for Candida. Not that I think antibiotics are useless, it's just since I clearly have susceptibility to Candida, I don't want to take anything that increases the chances that I get it again.

Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions on some natural anti bacterials that I can take? If it's viral I can't really do anything about it, just let it run it's course, but if it's bacterial at least I can try some natural anti bacterials...

Oh yeah, and my teeth really aren't that yellow, it's just the lighting. :D

Oh yeah, and the last thing, I haven't noticed if my breath is bad or not since my throat started bothering me this time around, mainly because I haven't really gone anywhere in the past few days. In case you haven't heard, there are anti government protesters in Bangkok now. Last weekend they marched around the city and caused bad traffic, so I would just rather stay home than venture out. Traffic is bad enough anyway without adding tens of thousands of protesters to the mix, and I hate sitting in traffic. Anyway, I will probably go out tomorrow, so if I notice any negative reactions when I speak to people I will report back and let you guys know (but I don't think there will be, at least I hope not, fingers crossed!)

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Post by halitosisux »

You should really go to the doctor. Even if its bacterial and you are given antibiotics, that doesnt mean you have to take them - but at least you'll put your mind at rest. Also, if the cause isnt immediately obvious to your doctor and further testing is called for then it may be connected to the reason why you had candida in your esophagus in the first place and lead to discovering what it is that is allowing this to happen.
Sometimes this kind of thing shows up when you become deficient in something or stressed etc. Have you been going too far in your candida avoidance measures?
Just a thought, you can buy antibacterial sprays that can reach the back of your throat, if you think its worth a try.
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Post by Archimonde »

I've warned you about thai hookers.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Archimonde wrote:I've warned you about thai hookers.
:lol: Haha, nice one Archi. Good to see you back around the forum.
halitosisux wrote:Have you been going too far in your candida avoidance measures?
Well, I don't think i've been doing anything differently. I did run out of probiotics about a month ago (my supply from America finally ran out). But to substitute i've been eating a heck of a lot of yogurt with live active cultures.

It's interesting though, because for the whole time I was taking probiotics, I didn't get sick. Nothing, not even a sniffle. Even if I was around people who were sick I didn't get sick. As soon as I come off the probiotics, I get an infection again. It might just be a coincidence, but it just reaffirms my personal belief that probiotics are the best thing ever.
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Post by Archimonde »

The probiotic thing is interesting. You had never stopped taking them til recently?

Why didn't you buy some in Thailand? Are you taking them again now?
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Post by bbsux »

Sorry to hear about your infection man, hopefully it doesnt bring back bb, that would be horrible!

As far as going to doc , you are so right, first thing they do is give antibiotics.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Thought I would update you guys...

So, two doctors seen, both of them said my throat looked normal. The whole reason I saw two doctors is because the first one said it looked normal and I didn't believe him, so I went to get a second opinion. The second doctor said it looked normal too. I even mentioned Candida to both doctors and showed them my endoscopy pics, and both of them said it didn't look fungal, and then preceded to tell me why it wasn't fungal.

:? I'm at a loss really. Personally I don't think it looks normal, and even though there are no symptoms of infection (such as fever, sore throat, inflamation, etc), I still don't think it's normal for the back of my throat to have white patches, and honestly, something just doesn't "feel" right with it. And the white patches have gotten worse since I posted those pictures.

It was funny though, both doctors said they would give me some antibiotics, even though they told me my throat looked normal! I refused. The second doctor also recommended I try this throat spray that is made from natural ingredients. LOL, I have a bottle of the same spray sitting in my apartment (I bought it a few days ago), so I told him I didn't need that either.

Anyway, I know maybe this is just me being paranoid, but my mouth kinda has a yeasty taste to it, almost like bread, and it doesn't go away when I brush my teeth. So anyway, as the old saying goes, i'm gonna take a dose of my own medicine....

Oh yeah, one thing the second doctor told me, was that he could see mucus dripping down from my sinuses to the back of my throat. He said I had PND (which I guess is why he wanted to give me antibiotics).

Oh yeah, and the last thing, about my breath. Well, I took public transportation yesterday, and did the whole sitting next to people and talking on my cell phone. Nobody put their hands to their nose or moved away from me, but I did get a few strange stares. LOL, not sure if that's because of my behavior or if there was any odor. But when I visited the second doctor, when I was speaking to him the nurse was covering her nose. I looked at her, and she stopped doing it, but then she backed away. So, not really sure what that means. Both doctors didn't seem to flinch a muscle when they were looking in my mouth, but then again, no doctors ever did before so I'm not sure why I would expect them to now. So I guess what i'm trying to say is, I'm still not really sure if whatever this is in my throat is causing bad breath or not. There's not enough conclusive evidence to judge it properly....
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Post by halitosisux »

KT, do you, or have you ever been able to confide in anyone over your BB? If not then now is a good time. And if you cant do it with friends or relatives, then try as many different health professionals as you can. Ever considered having your breath analyzed with a halimeter or the more modern gas analyzers?
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Post by sadman »

I agree with you that it does not look OK . It might be Candida infection since you had a history of it and it can recur since you are susceptible to it for some reason . You can try some topical antifungal suspention such as Mycostatin ( Nystatin ) . If not successful , and if you are a heavy smoker , it can be Leukoplakia which does not need treatment . If you also have skin lesions , it can be Lichen planus . Secondary Syphilis is to be considered if you had a history of STD since Syphilis has a high prevalence in Thailand. ... clnk&gl=us
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Some people with TMAU find that going on the occasional course of metronidazole (or sometimes neomycin) helpful so maybe people with candidiasis might find that taking anti-fungals periodically (say once a year or so) helpful in keeping everything under control. Just a thought. Cheers C
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

halitosisux wrote:KT, do you, or have you ever been able to confide in anyone over your BB? If not then now is a good time. And if you cant do it with friends or relatives, then try as many different health professionals as you can. Ever considered having your breath analyzed with a halimeter or the more modern gas analyzers?
Hey Hal,

I have confided in relatives, but unfortunately all my relatives are back home, and I have no idea when I can expect a visit from them....Hmm, i've never had any friends here in Thailand that I confide in. All the friends who told me I had bad breath were back in America. The only reason I knew I still had a bad breath problem in Thailand was because of the reactions I got from people around me, and of course from the very direct indirect comments from my co-workers at the time.

About the hydrogen breath test, actually I researched it a long time ago and I found a dental clinic here in Bangkok that has one. I made an appointment with them ages ago, but I never went. I think I had to work on that day which is why I didn't go. Anyway, I never rescheduled because it wasn't too much longer after that that I had my endoscopy, and after that I didn't really need the Hydrogen Breath Test anymore.

But now that you mention it, I might try and go again. Actually, I would just like to have the halimeter done out of curiosity sake. It'd be interesting to know what I score on it.
sadman wrote:I agree with you that it does not look OK . It might be Candida infection since you had a history of it and it can recur since you are susceptible to it for some reason . You can try some topical antifungal suspention such as Mycostatin ( Nystatin ) . If not successful , and if you are a heavy smoker , it can be Leukoplakia which does not need treatment . If you also have skin lesions , it can be Lichen planus . Secondary Syphilis is to be considered if you had a history of STD since Syphilis has a high prevalence in Thailand. ... clnk&gl=us
Yeah, I was thinking about starting some anti fungals soon. Not Nystatin though...But yeah, if the white patches don't go away after anti fungals then I guess the doctors were right. At least then I wouldn't feel like I wasted my money seeing them!

I'm not a smoker at all. I've never heard of Leukoplakia, but thanks for the link. That's kinda scary though, it says that some cases of Leukoplakia turn malignant. Great....mouth cancer. :shock:

:shock: LOL, thanks for all that sadman. Now you've given me a complex! OMG, Syphilis! I would hope that after two doctors they would have been able to tell me if it was Syphilis or not. If they couldn't spot Syphilis then they utterly fail at their jobs! But in all seriousness, I was tested for both Syphilis and HIV in February. I get tested for HIV every 6 months, and last time around the doctor said I should be checked for Syphilis too because he said it was going around Thailand. Anyway, both tests came back negative. So I'm pretty sure it's not Syphilis.

At this point, i'm not sure if I want to spend any further money on more doctors....I don't want to be told a third time that it looks normal.
caramiamine98 wrote:Some people with TMAU find that going on the occasional course of metronidazole (or sometimes neomycin) helpful so maybe people with candidiasis might find that taking anti-fungals periodically (say once a year or so) helpful in keeping everything under control. Just a thought. Cheers C
Hey C,

Thanks for your suggestion. I read that people who are susceptible to Candida sometimes have to take anti fungals periodically for like maintenance. I haven't had to take them since I took them the first time around though (which was a little over two years ago). But if these white patches don't go away in the next few days, I will start them from sure.
Archimonde wrote:The probiotic thing is interesting. You had never stopped taking them til recently?

Why didn't you buy some in Thailand? Are you taking them again now?
Hey Archi,

Yeah, I took them on a daily basis, and didn't stop until recently. Actually, when I made that video on how to make yogurt, those probiotic supplements I used to put in the yogurt were almost my last ones.

Probiotics are not easy to find in Thailand, but I was able to finally find some 3 days ago (mainly because I frantically searched for them). So i've been back on them for 3 days now. But I must say the selection of probiotics in Thailand is not that great. They only had 2 brands where I bought them, and I bought both brands. The selection of probiotics in America is much better.
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Post by jc »

KT wrote:
Actually, I would just like to have the halimeter done out of curiosity sake. It'd be interesting to know what I score on it.

The halimeter is inaccurate when it comes to detecting dimethyl sulfide & hydrogen sulfide. That`s probably the reason why most people who swore that they have bb get low scores on the halimeter.

A hydrogen breath test & an oral chroma test are better choices.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

jc wrote:The halimeter is inaccurate when it comes to detecting dimethyl sulfide & hydrogen sulfide. That`s probably the reason why most people who swore that they have bb get low scores on the halimeter.

A hydrogen breath test & an oral chroma test are better choices.
Thanks for that info. I guess I'll save myself the money then.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Another update.

So the white patches haven't gone away yet, and my throat still feels like there is just something not right, so I started taking an anti fungal (oral Clotrimazole) today...

Anyway, let's see if it does anything. I'm still not convinced it's Candida, but I guess time will tell.

If the white patches don't go away, I guess I'll have to get a 3rd opinion. I'd really like for them to take some cultures from my throat if I see a 3rd doctor. I probably should have demanded it already, but the doctors were pretty adamant that it looked normal.

I'll let you guys know what happens.
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Post by Leonardo »

Any update on your progress KT?

Hope things are working out for you.
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