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Possible reason for fecal breath, maybe??

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:24 am
by me
I found this on wikipedia, when I was reserching about flatulence:
"Not all flatus is released from the body via the anus. When the partial pressure of any gas component of the intestinal lumen is higher than its partial pressure in the blood, that component enters into the bloodstream of the intestinal wall by the process of diffusion. As the blood passes through the lungs, this gas can diffuse back out of the blood and be exhaled. "
Could this be a cause for fecal breath? could hydrogen sulfide (which makes flatulence smell bad) be getting in our blood, then diffuse out in our lungs, and being exhale??

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:17 pm
by rdamech
When the partial pressure of any gas component of the intestinal lumen is higher than its partial pressure in the blood
Ok, can you explain what that means exactly, because I don't get it. If you have gas and hold it in for a while, you risk forcing it to the lungs and it ends up being exhaled?????

I don't know....


It's not because wiki says it that it should be considered divine truth. I'm not criticizing, but it just doesn't make much sense.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:09 pm
by jc
This is actually the same process that happens when there`s too much dimethyl sulfide in the body. DS goes into the bloodstream then exhaled through the lungs causing foul breath.

Re: Possible reason for fecal breath, maybe??

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:21 am
by chiki89
"Not all flatus is released from the body via the anus. When the partial pressure of any gas component of the intestinal lumen is higher than its partial pressure in the blood, that component enters into the bloodstream of the intestinal wall by the process of diffusion. As the blood passes through the lungs, this gas can diffuse back out of the blood and be exhaled. "
I don't know if this is true..but if it is the question is what would cause the partial pressure of any gas component of the intestinal lumen to be higher than its partial pressure in the blood? lol

*I just wanted to note that I used to have fecal bad breath in which the same smell came out through my nose what I heard was good for this & what I did to fix this was "Goldenseal" 550mg -2 pills-3 times a day.
Have you people tried this? >_<

Re: Possible reason for fecal breath, maybe??

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:37 pm
by aydinmur
Blood gases are one of the major reasons of bad breath odor. More than 1200 compounds are exhaled from lungs every day. Some blood gases take origin from failure of nitrogen / protein / aminoacid (including cystein) / urea metabolism. Such gases contain ammonia. These patients say "I feel bad odor after meal". Their bad odors dont disappear when they lay on the bed. This specifity is used to separate these patients from gastroeusophagial reflu cases.

Some blood gases take origin from ilieum or colon (large intestine) because of carbohydrate malabsorption, illiochecal valve leakage or some chronic colon diseases such as constipation or diverticulit. Some times these patients have a defect of their pancreatic exoenzymes. These patients' breath contains methanol. Their stool's pH is under 6, contains more than 55 -60 red (fat) bubbles in each microscope area, when Sudan III dye added and heated with 37% acetic acid.

Furthermore, anemia, sleep apne, asthma, H. pylori gastritis, causes expiration of CO, IL6 and 8-isoprostane, leukotriens, nitrate, cyanide and CO2 respectively.

None of blood gases cause halitosis, but bad breath. These two are quite different.

Hope helps.

Please reply

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:29 pm
Hey A,
You sound like a very smart person. How do you know this to be true??? Where did you get this info ?
Tomorrow I have a second HYDROGEN Test, I test very + on the frist one. I am going to check this with the gastro man reading the test. I had a first round of drugs and still have I feel very defeated.
Thanks. Vickster

Re: Possible reason for fecal breath, maybe??

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:40 am
by Archimonde
aydinmur wrote:Blood gases are one of the major reasons of bad breath odor. More than 1200 compounds are exhaled from lungs every day. Some blood gases take origin from failure of nitrogen / protein / aminoacid (including cystein) / urea metabolism. Such gases contain ammonia. These patients say "I feel bad odor after meal". Their bad odors dont disappear when they lay on the bed. This specifity is used to separate these patients from gastroeusophagial reflu cases.

Some blood gases take origin from ilieum or colon (large intestine) because of carbohydrate malabsorption, illiochecal valve leakage or some chronic colon diseases such as constipation or diverticulit. Some times these patients have a defect of their pancreatic exoenzymes. These patients' breath contains methanol. Their stool's pH is under 6, contains more than 55 -60 red (fat) bubbles in each microscope area, when Sudan III dye added and heated with 37% acetic acid.

Furthermore, anemia, sleep apne, asthma, H. pylori gastritis, causes expiration of CO, IL6 and 8-isoprostane, leukotriens, nitrate, cyanide and CO2 respectively.
That was pro, i hope you'll post more. Are you a doctor?

Re: Please reply

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:08 am
by aydinmur
VICKSTER wrote:Hey A,
You sound like a very smart person. How do you know this to be true??? Where did you get this info ?
Tomorrow I have a second HYDROGEN Test, I test very + on the frist one. I am going to check this with the gastro man reading the test. I had a first round of drugs and still have I feel very defeated.
Thanks. Vickster
I do know these because Im oral microbiogist who works on mostly halitosis and breath odor. Good luck Vickster, hope you heal soon.

To Aydinmur - please read

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:26 pm
by hoping
To Aydinmur

If a person is not suffering from anemia, sleep apne, asthma, H. pylori gastritis, it seems like food is the main cause of blood gas.

Please advise on the kinds of food that produce none or relatively small amout of blood gas.

I would try anything to get rid of my nasal bad breath.

Thank you.

Re: To Aydinmur - please read

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:37 am
by aydinmur
hoping wrote:...snip... Please advise on the kinds of food that produce none or relatively small amout of bloodgas
I dont know what kinds of food that produce none or relatively small amout of blood gas. I think, it is important that what enzym system has a defect.

Re: To Aydinmur - please read

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:36 pm
by carrie
aydinmur wrote:
hoping wrote:...snip... Please advise on the kinds of food that produce none or relatively small amout of bloodgas
I dont know what kinds of food that produce none or relatively small amout of blood gas. I think, it is important that what enzym system has a defect.
Do you think there's any correlation between this and Celiac's Disease? Perhaps a gluten intolerance produces blood gas?
Still searching for the perfect dental plan. Find one, let me know.

Re: To Aydinmur - please read

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:44 am
by aydinmur
carrie wrote:Do you think there's any correlation between this and Celiac's Disease? Perhaps a gluten intolerance produces blood gas?
Definitely yes.

I think no need to have Celiac's Disease. Even tendency to malabsorption of gluten / lactose / lactulose or any other chemicals may cause either breath malodor or halitosis.

These individuals dont aware their predispositions to malabsorption. Practioners may not pay further attention to their enzymatic profile of their gastrointestinal system, because they have no gastrointestinal symptoms, no clinical evidence, neither suspectful situation about their malabsorption. Such patients have only bad odor and perhaps subclinic signs due to partial malabsorption. Unfortunately, there is not enough scientific studies on this topic.
Such individuals are alone today. This is what I think.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:11 am
by Archimonde

Is there anything we can do to correct malabsorption or minimize it?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:21 am
by aydinmur
I dont know what you can do to correct malabsorption or minimize it. I strongly feel there are somethings that has not been discovered yet.