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What happend to all the old members?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:08 am
by me
What happend to all the people from 2005/06/07. I wonder if they still visit the site and they just don't post, or maybe they found the cure, or maybe they just gave up all hope. :-k I wish some of them would come back and make some posts, maybe then we could find the cure!! I don't mean to offend anyone but it feels like every time I come on this site, is always new people asking the same questions that have been asked a million times before. Like have you tried this toothpaste, or do you think chewing gum will cover it?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:52 pm
by elliott
ha, it's just too embarrassing to be considered a bad breath "GOD".

I mean is that some sort of sick joke?

Really, there isn't much more to say. I'm sure most of the old timers lurk around, waiting for that magic thread.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:32 am
by Archimonde
Bad Breath God reporting in, what's going on in here?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:16 am
by hopeful
I'm still around. Still haven't given up hope. Like Elliot said, waiting for the "magic thread."

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:57 am
by Jimi Stein
elliott wrote:ha, it's just too embarrassing to be considered a bad breath "GOD".

I mean is that some sort of sick joke?

Really, there isn't much more to say. I'm sure most of the old timers lurk around, waiting for that magic thread.
It is just rank i setup based upon the number of posts.
It is just a funny thing, do you want me change it?

Re: What happend to all the old members?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:24 pm
by fess
ol' timers like me? yeah us freaks are still around. we're smarter, wiser, listen more
and try to give advice less. i"m 38 and just trying to cope with all my other issues. maybe
if i take care of those then the right doors will follow treating not necessary curing this
awful buddy of ours. i will note that everybody tries to eliminate portions in their diet particularly dairy. supplements will not hold the correct nutrients your body needs like
proteins found in cheese and probiotics in yogurt thats the good whatcha call live bacteria that fights off the bad living bacteria in your gut for all you smart people..what i'm sayin
is stop avoiding important foods that your body essentially needs. it's not foods more
then the germs feeding in your skin tissue that eventually circulate in the blood stream.
now that's tuff to defeat, unless mask it or control it with a real antidote. the hardest
part is everyone here has their own unique condition that requires different treatment
that will only work out for them not the next person. thats why us old members dont
write back, it's more research and learning then predicting and guessing.

Re: What happend to all the old members?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:03 am
fess wrote:ol' timers like me? yeah us freaks are still around. we're smarter, wiser, listen more
and try to give advice less. i"m 38 and just trying to cope with all my other issues. maybe
if i take care of those then the right doors will follow treating not necessary curing this
awful buddy of ours. i will note that everybody tries to eliminate portions in their diet particularly dairy. supplements will not hold the correct nutrients your body needs like
proteins found in cheese and probiotics in yogurt thats the good whatcha call live bacteria that fights off the bad living bacteria in your gut for all you smart people..what i'm sayin
is stop avoiding important foods that your body essentially needs. it's not foods more
then the germs feeding in your skin tissue that eventually circulate in the blood stream.
now that's tuff to defeat, unless mask it or control it with a real antidote. the hardest
part is everyone here has their own unique condition that requires different treatment
that will only work out for them not the next person. thats why us old members dont
write back, it's more research and learning then predicting and guessing.
You don't need dairy at all in your diet. You can get plenty of protein in the form of meat and Probiotic in the form of supplements or soy yogurt. I consume close to 300grams of protein a day and avoid dairy.

Humans are the only mammal species that doesn't ween itself from milk by age 2. Even Arnold Schwartzaneger is quoted as saying he doesn't drink mild because "MILK IS FOR BABIES" I wish more people would stop eating dairy, we'd have less fat to move over on a slide board to our scan tables.........<----I'm sure you'll get the reference.

Re: What happend to all the old members?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:42 am
by fess
what's going on pal. hey i read your write ups and and i'm really pleased
you have your fomula that works for you. tell me do you not have bb still.
also you said your a body builder so you must pay attention on how to
get important proteins and nutrients in your body. i work out but not to that extreme. i thought i had a fairly decent diet but i eat cheese and eggs daily because of the nutritional value. eggs because of the protein and essential amino acids that you cant get by meat and chicken alone. cheese for my bones and yogurt for my gut. help me out i hardly get enough greens in me. i also drink lots of green tea for the antioxidants that fight off free radicals in the body. see i find the problem with supplements is their stripped of natural binding property elements. for instance fruits and vegetables, the blue pigment in blueberries is the phytochemical that ward off inflammation and plax particularly in the brain vessels for vegetables it's the fibrous of the skin that attach to the walls of our colon to aide in absorbption and digestion, see what i'm saying so i only take vitamins if i know i dont get it in the organic matter such as fish. you don't get that in a pill even if it has that nutrient your supplementing. anyways i will stay away from dairy and cut down on eggs but not yogurt. since your a body builder i'm interested in finding out your daily diet. and again i'm happy to hear you found a formula that works for you. oh yeah nota for me
is short for notanymore.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:36 am
by 17yearbattle
Im an old member I just logged on with a new name... because i lost my password to my old one... also I still have my original login but its my real name so i wont use that one... lol =;

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:48 pm
by 17yearbattle
I would always check in for the magic thread... and some reassurance that im not in this alone... picking up new little remedies along the way... Although I would NOT recommend people to over do it with those anti oxidants like I did the "Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, C Ester or Ester C whichever one is was... but abusing these products to maintain social sanity nearly rotted all my back teeth from the inside out... "not the outside they looked perfectly white and fine" but when, randomly, one of my teeth broke and I went to the dentist in shock! because we all know that people like us have the best teeth and everything we've ever had wrong we've already fixed along time ago in our early stages because we assumed the problem was in our mouthes... (right?) Well when I got there the dentist told me that nearly all my back teeth needed fillings (not all but like 6 or 7 teeth).. Which was crazy because the hygienist raved about the strength and whiteness of my teeth just 6 months prior... and every visit before that.. so just be careful with all these different remedies... GoldenSeal gave me a vaginal infection because I was following the diet someone posted on here and taking way too much of it... its like over taking an antibiotic.. same side effects on women...

Anyway, I'm just ready to focus on this bug!! this feaken little bug! crazy... Lord how on earth do we eradicate the thing?

PS I still use the antioxidants but I mix them with cream and put them on my

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:11 am
by terranpatriot
Just wanted to ask this question again: What happened to all the old members? I notice that several of the people on this site that used to be regulars just stop posting abruptly. Anyone know of any news or progress experienced by these members?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:31 am
by hopelessone
i hope they didn't just give up... :(

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:02 pm
by mike987
terranpatriot wrote:Just wanted to ask this question again: What happened to all the old members? I notice that several of the people on this site that used to be regulars just stop posting abruptly. Anyone know of any news or progress experienced by these members?
hopelessone wrote:i hope they didn't just give up... :(

Hey there, I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I hung around the site for awhile two or three years ago.. Actually, it all seems a bit foggy.. I think I discovered my BB when I was 21 or 22.. Now I'm 25.

I left the site because frankly, I did give up. I had no insurance, so doctors visits were out of the question.. I had nothing but a part time job, then was unemployed for 2 years.. All I did was brood about the horrors of my waking moments dealing with anyone except myself..

I think I've reconciled this, but I even spoke of possible s*****e. Now, I feel any good in my life is worth experiencing.. even if the rest of it sucks.

Anyway, visiting the site several times a day was comforting, but at the same time, it defined me, and I remember thinking something along the lines of "I can have bad breath and be aware of it 24/7, or I can feign ignorance and while still having BB, it won't be my sole obsession".. That's why I left.

Here's a quick review of my status those years ago:
-Rotten Eggs/Sewage Mouth
-Cryptic Tonsils and Tonsil Stones
-Post Nasal Drip

About a year ago, I had my tonsils removed.. I had been unemployed for years, so I was actually eligible for some medical coverage. There's no doubt in my mind that those Tonsils needed to go, and the tonsil stones they produced were so foul, they must have contributed to my BB.

So I got them out.... And yet I continue to have BB... I'm glad they're gone, even if they weren't the cause. Digging into those crypts two or three times a day with a cotton swab was a bizarre activity that normal people would never believe.

The Surgeon said my adenoids were fine, so he didn't remove them.... That's okay, because they don't seem to be part of the problem.

I'll just get to the point... At the beginning of summer, I got a job with the Census... thankfully, a crew leader position that didn't require me to go door to door.... I did, however, have to teach the material to a group of 15 adults.. Whenever I met with these people, reactions were obvious... But sitting behind a desk 10-15 feet away, I don't think they were catching the worst of it, so I had a lot of good days... Hours were short, I was making good money, etc. After the training, the daily meetings I arranged with my crew was a little more uncomfortable and there was nose touching and covering, despite the fact that I flossed,brushed, gargled, and chewed sugar free gum at these meetings.. In between seeing new people, I would usually brush my teeth at least once after about an hour or two of having done it already, but it felt controllable.. Sometimes I even thought maybe my BB had gone with the tonsils and I was experiencing some casual BB that everyone gets.

Well, this job gave me confidence... Going into it, I was a complete wreck, and my longtime anxiety issues were in full force.... But after a few lessons, I realized I could handle this.... At least the anxiety.. I can overcome it.

Since then, I got an online interview for a job in Japan..... an English teaching job.. I got hired the day after the interview... I felt pretty good, but also nervous.. I thought, alright, I can't take any chances.. I should go into this opportunity with my best mouth forward... So I thought I should try Smartmouth again... maybe it will be extra effective now that those wretched tonsils are gone.

Smartmouth seems to at least eliminate or strongly weaken normal Morning Breath.. Also, when I don't use smartmouth, after some time later in the day or the next morning, my mouth has a stagnant taste.

I'm still using it.. have been using it since I got to Japan... But why the hell are my coworkers covering their noses the moment I open my mouth to speak in a 6 foot range of them? How the **** is it that I can be so thorough in my dental and mouth hygiene and then be insulted 10 minutes after having done my daily ritual??? WHY THE BLOODY HELL S THIS STILL HAPPENING TO ME!!!??

We aren't allowed to chew gum during class, but I still do... Xylitol.

I brought the Smartmouth gum, but that lasts about 45 seconds.. So I found a local brand called Xylitol that at least seems to last much longer...

I floss, brush teeth and tongue, gargle smartmouth, chew a piece of gum on my way to work, spit it out and keep a newly crushed piece wedged between my teeth and my cheek while I'm working in hopes the unchewed gum's freshness will slowly leak into my mouth over the period of a class.... I also sometimes brush my teeth if I can escape into the bathroom.

But back to the point.. I am distraught... I love my placement here.. I like the job... I'm paid well... I enjoy the kids.. It's a wonderful opportunity, spoiled horribly by this inhuman and unnatural disease!!

Japanese people are polite, but kids will often say it like it is.. So when I hear the Japanese word for stinks, and I see people cover their noses, my day is ruined... It truly defeats me... because I want to interact.. I want to socialize and get involved with people! I HATE THIS ****ING LIFE!

I just moved into my own place after staying with a coworker for 3 months.. We had our separate rooms, and he was rarely around... but being in my own place, having scrubbed it down, furnished it a bit, and fixed it up.. .I'm proud of it. I don't want to live in my parent's basement again! For some reason here in Japan, my allergies are hardly effected at all, and yet the BB persists!!

I would say these days, less like Rotten Eggs, my BB smells like a god damn fart in the face.. When I'm speaking to someone within 6 or so feet, I get reactions.. they can probably sense it vaguely within 10 while I'm speaking in their direction... And within 3 or 4 feet, I get rude reactions or verbal confirmation, along with a backdraft that every single time, my immediate assumption is someone just farted..... And that's what I thought it was until I realized I noticed I always smelled the same scent when speaking in close quarters..

What do I do???

Having the Tonsils removed didn't cure me..
My sinuses and allergies are much better here in Japan... but that doesn't seem to influence my BB..

Post Nasal drip persists, even if I'm allergy free..

My new theory is that it's the Post Nasal drip (whatever the cause), which doesn't settle in my throat, but just above my uvula, so that normal swallowing doesn't remove it.. However, if I rough the area up with my tongue, I can taste the saltiness of mucus, so I know it's there.

My mucus doesn't have an apparent scent, or at least I can't smell it, or my breath, without the aid of a backdraft effect from another individual, and the mucus is usually clear, though sometimes I can feel an infection sensation and snot in my nose can be hard to clear, and is sometimes lightly colored.

The cause of the Post Nasal Drip is probably one of the following:

- Nasal Polyps (one allergy doc, 4 or so years ago commented that nasal polyps were starting to form.. so I can only imagine their status now)
- Deviated Septum

The reason I think it's either of these cause the Post Nasal drip is that I can only ever breath out of 1 nostril at a time.. If I hold the clear nostril shut, I can breath through the clogged nostril as if there were a pinhole opening... So I figure either nasal polyps are somehow shifting around and getting in the way, or I have a deviated septum, which I guess would mean my whole nasal structure is messed up.....

Other theories that seem plausible:

- Lacking bacteria necessary to defeat bad breath germs
- My lungs emit the fart smell .. often the same smell I notice later when I take a shit at the end of the day... So I suppose this would be crap toxins from my intestines leaking into my blood stream. (Had a colon cleanse several years ago, but didn't seem to do anything.. The hippy lady that administered it commented that I have a ton of mucus in my stool)
- Something actually rotting inside of my lungs (seems less plausible)

Oh hell.... I had to come running back here.. because it's painful, I tell you... It's horrible.. I want to be BB free. I want a life. The only reason I can continue to go on is that I'm human, so my mood, mental and body cycles reset every 24 hours or so... Even if I know I hate my life, my body has the will to live and the ability to forget how bad yesterday was because today may have been a good experience.

.. The best days.. the days when I recoup mentally and gain confidence I've noticed are days I spend in isolation or not having to speak to anyone.... Isn't that terrible? I'm sure you all feel the same. When I'm alone, in my own business, I can forget this plague and get lost in the things that make me happy.

There's a company meeting on the last friday of every month.. These have been dreadful, having to perform example situations in front of everyone, in an extremely TINY classroom with a partner teacher... One of my team teachers I did an example with, was pretty obvious in her reaction, and held a paper in front of her face while telling a secret to another teacher.... ARGH! It pisses me off. They have no idea!! To be so rude. Psychological disorders can be born from a BB problem.. It ruins lives, and warps our personalities.

And how cruel fate is.. What I want to be is an artist... and I believe I'm skilled enough to do that... but I can't find any such job.. Instead, I'm a teacher, and speak loudly for 40 minute classes back to back in a small classroom.. Hilarious, right?

Well, I'm getting irritable just thinking about it... I'm going to eat and play video games.. It's all I have XD

Also, I feel for all of you. I don't pray, but know my thoughts and sympathy are with everyone here. Good luck.. You'll probably see me around here occasionally these days. Good to see familiar faces again.

Talk to you all again soon.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:37 am
by Haligone
mike987 wrote:
terranpatriot wrote:Just wanted to ask this question again: What happened to all the old members? I notice that several of the people on this site that used to be regulars just stop posting abruptly. Anyone know of any news or progress experienced by these members?
hopelessone wrote:i hope they didn't just give up... :(

Hey there, I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I hung around the site for awhile two or three years ago.. Actually, it all seems a bit foggy.. I think I discovered my BB when I was 21 or 22.. Now I'm 25.

I left the site because frankly, I did give up. I had no insurance, so doctors visits were out of the question.. I had nothing but a part time job, then was unemployed for 2 years.. All I did was brood about the horrors of my waking moments dealing with anyone except myself..

I think I've reconciled this, but I even spoke of possible s*****e. Now, I feel any good in my life is worth experiencing.. even if the rest of it sucks.

Anyway, visiting the site several times a day was comforting, but at the same time, it defined me, and I remember thinking something along the lines of "I can have bad breath and be aware of it 24/7, or I can feign ignorance and while still having BB, it won't be my sole obsession".. That's why I left.

Here's a quick review of my status those years ago:
-Rotten Eggs/Sewage Mouth
-Cryptic Tonsils and Tonsil Stones
-Post Nasal Drip

About a year ago, I had my tonsils removed.. I had been unemployed for years, so I was actually eligible for some medical coverage. There's no doubt in my mind that those Tonsils needed to go, and the tonsil stones they produced were so foul, they must have contributed to my BB.

So I got them out.... And yet I continue to have BB... I'm glad they're gone, even if they weren't the cause. Digging into those crypts two or three times a day with a cotton swab was a bizarre activity that normal people would never believe.

The Surgeon said my adenoids were fine, so he didn't remove them.... That's okay, because they don't seem to be part of the problem.

I'll just get to the point... At the beginning of summer, I got a job with the Census... thankfully, a crew leader position that didn't require me to go door to door.... I did, however, have to teach the material to a group of 15 adults.. Whenever I met with these people, reactions were obvious... But sitting behind a desk 10-15 feet away, I don't think they were catching the worst of it, so I had a lot of good days... Hours were short, I was making good money, etc. After the training, the daily meetings I arranged with my crew was a little more uncomfortable and there was nose touching and covering, despite the fact that I flossed,brushed, gargled, and chewed sugar free gum at these meetings.. In between seeing new people, I would usually brush my teeth at least once after about an hour or two of having done it already, but it felt controllable.. Sometimes I even thought maybe my BB had gone with the tonsils and I was experiencing some casual BB that everyone gets.

Well, this job gave me confidence... Going into it, I was a complete wreck, and my longtime anxiety issues were in full force.... But after a few lessons, I realized I could handle this.... At least the anxiety.. I can overcome it.

Since then, I got an online interview for a job in Japan..... an English teaching job.. I got hired the day after the interview... I felt pretty good, but also nervous.. I thought, alright, I can't take any chances.. I should go into this opportunity with my best mouth forward... So I thought I should try Smartmouth again... maybe it will be extra effective now that those wretched tonsils are gone.

Smartmouth seems to at least eliminate or strongly weaken normal Morning Breath.. Also, when I don't use smartmouth, after some time later in the day or the next morning, my mouth has a stagnant taste.

I'm still using it.. have been using it since I got to Japan... But why the hell are my coworkers covering their noses the moment I open my mouth to speak in a 6 foot range of them? How the **** is it that I can be so thorough in my dental and mouth hygiene and then be insulted 10 minutes after having done my daily ritual??? WHY THE BLOODY HELL S THIS STILL HAPPENING TO ME!!!??

We aren't allowed to chew gum during class, but I still do... Xylitol.

I brought the Smartmouth gum, but that lasts about 45 seconds.. So I found a local brand called Xylitol that at least seems to last much longer...

I floss, brush teeth and tongue, gargle smartmouth, chew a piece of gum on my way to work, spit it out and keep a newly crushed piece wedged between my teeth and my cheek while I'm working in hopes the unchewed gum's freshness will slowly leak into my mouth over the period of a class.... I also sometimes brush my teeth if I can escape into the bathroom.

But back to the point.. I am distraught... I love my placement here.. I like the job... I'm paid well... I enjoy the kids.. It's a wonderful opportunity, spoiled horribly by this inhuman and unnatural disease!!

Japanese people are polite, but kids will often say it like it is.. So when I hear the Japanese word for stinks, and I see people cover their noses, my day is ruined... It truly defeats me... because I want to interact.. I want to socialize and get involved with people! I HATE THIS ****ING LIFE!

I just moved into my own place after staying with a coworker for 3 months.. We had our separate rooms, and he was rarely around... but being in my own place, having scrubbed it down, furnished it a bit, and fixed it up.. .I'm proud of it. I don't want to live in my parent's basement again! For some reason here in Japan, my allergies are hardly effected at all, and yet the BB persists!!

I would say these days, less like Rotten Eggs, my BB smells like a god damn fart in the face.. When I'm speaking to someone within 6 or so feet, I get reactions.. they can probably sense it vaguely within 10 while I'm speaking in their direction... And within 3 or 4 feet, I get rude reactions or verbal confirmation, along with a backdraft that every single time, my immediate assumption is someone just farted..... And that's what I thought it was until I realized I noticed I always smelled the same scent when speaking in close quarters..

What do I do???

Having the Tonsils removed didn't cure me..
My sinuses and allergies are much better here in Japan... but that doesn't seem to influence my BB..

Post Nasal drip persists, even if I'm allergy free..

My new theory is that it's the Post Nasal drip (whatever the cause), which doesn't settle in my throat, but just above my uvula, so that normal swallowing doesn't remove it.. However, if I rough the area up with my tongue, I can taste the saltiness of mucus, so I know it's there.

My mucus doesn't have an apparent scent, or at least I can't smell it, or my breath, without the aid of a backdraft effect from another individual, and the mucus is usually clear, though sometimes I can feel an infection sensation and snot in my nose can be hard to clear, and is sometimes lightly colored.

The cause of the Post Nasal Drip is probably one of the following:

- Nasal Polyps (one allergy doc, 4 or so years ago commented that nasal polyps were starting to form.. so I can only imagine their status now)
- Deviated Septum

The reason I think it's either of these cause the Post Nasal drip is that I can only ever breath out of 1 nostril at a time.. If I hold the clear nostril shut, I can breath through the clogged nostril as if there were a pinhole opening... So I figure either nasal polyps are somehow shifting around and getting in the way, or I have a deviated septum, which I guess would mean my whole nasal structure is messed up.....

Other theories that seem plausible:

- Lacking bacteria necessary to defeat bad breath germs
- My lungs emit the fart smell .. often the same smell I notice later when I take a shit at the end of the day... So I suppose this would be crap toxins from my intestines leaking into my blood stream. (Had a colon cleanse several years ago, but didn't seem to do anything.. The hippy lady that administered it commented that I have a ton of mucus in my stool)
- Something actually rotting inside of my lungs (seems less plausible)

Oh hell.... I had to come running back here.. because it's painful, I tell you... It's horrible.. I want to be BB free. I want a life. The only reason I can continue to go on is that I'm human, so my mood, mental and body cycles reset every 24 hours or so... Even if I know I hate my life, my body has the will to live and the ability to forget how bad yesterday was because today may have been a good experience.

.. The best days.. the days when I recoup mentally and gain confidence I've noticed are days I spend in isolation or not having to speak to anyone.... Isn't that terrible? I'm sure you all feel the same. When I'm alone, in my own business, I can forget this plague and get lost in the things that make me happy.

There's a company meeting on the last friday of every month.. These have been dreadful, having to perform example situations in front of everyone, in an extremely TINY classroom with a partner teacher... One of my team teachers I did an example with, was pretty obvious in her reaction, and held a paper in front of her face while telling a secret to another teacher.... ARGH! It pisses me off. They have no idea!! To be so rude. Psychological disorders can be born from a BB problem.. It ruins lives, and warps our personalities.

And how cruel fate is.. What I want to be is an artist... and I believe I'm skilled enough to do that... but I can't find any such job.. Instead, I'm a teacher, and speak loudly for 40 minute classes back to back in a small classroom.. Hilarious, right?

Well, I'm getting irritable just thinking about it... I'm going to eat and play video games.. It's all I have XD

Also, I feel for all of you. I don't pray, but know my thoughts and sympathy are with everyone here. Good luck.. You'll probably see me around here occasionally these days. Good to see familiar faces again.

Talk to you all again soon.
Took it right out of my mouth...............symptoms exactly the same, at times I wondered if it was me that put this post on here and I just didnt remember!!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:21 am
by meowkity1
Mike I just read that xifaxin removes bad bacteria from intestines and if you may have wondered about ammonia gas, lactulose can be used