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No progress thus far

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:07 pm
by corrin
Hey guys. Today is my twelfth day since I have been taking doxycycline and I have not smelled an improvement in my breath. Today I was on the bus and got a reaction from a passenger who was sitting next to me. After he asked me a question he put his hand over his nose; we all know what that means. Shortly after that, I would say about forty minutes later, I got on another bus and sat next to this girl. She began texting her friend who was sitting in front of me and I noticed that everytime one of them finished texting the other, they put a finger under their noses and started giggling. However, I did not speak or open my mouth for the entire bus ride (literally), so I am pretty sure what they were smelling was my body odor. It was confirmed that it was me who they were talking about because after we got off the bus, the girls were walking in front of me, and the girl who I was sitting next to said to her friend, "I was going to get up and sit next to you but that would have been obvious." So there, no imporvement in my body odor either : (

I still have hope, but will not be surprised if this medication does not help at all. I have eighteen more days on this stuff, so we'll see.
