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I was seeing good results

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I was seeing good results

Post by billie »

But i messed it up again.

i was on earthclinic and was reading ted remedy's for curing a white tongue and bad breath. He was talking about acidic mouth and body just like notanymore. I thought i give i try and started to drink lemon and bakingsoda in 1/2 glass water. I was also taking vit B complex and vit C.
The firts thing i noticed was my tongue looking more pinkish in the morning and clean. I did this for maybe a week and then a started to add a calcium, magnesium and zinc supplement. My tongue got white again and very smelly. I didn't know why it all came back again i just couldn't figure it out. Now just a couple of minutes ago i was reading all the post on earthclinic again and and read something about candida feeding on calicium. This must be the reason why my tongue got white agian. I"m gonna stop taking the supplement and i'm gonna buy magnesium supplement. Ted also talks about taking potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate to get the body akaline. He said that they work much better then the baking soda and lime/lemon, but i used just lemon and baking soda and i saw huge improvement.
The thing that makes following Ted remedy's so difficult is that it's hard to find all the supplement and bicarbonates. And there is just so much information on that site, that it's hard for me to follow it drives me crazy.
I 'm gonna try again to see if i can get the same result again.

Posts: 259
Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:44 am


Hey Billie,

I recently stopped working out for about three weeks. During that time I reduced my protein intake considerably. My tongue went totally pink and I didn't have that ammonia smell to my saliva any more. I believe in my case, that I was in keto and my body was unable to process all that protein. Also, protein is acidic so my body couldn't normalize with so much intake.

Sounds promising for you.........good luck, I hope you find lasting improvement.

Your friend,
Posts: 58
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:30 pm

Post by macks86 »

its great the you guys are finding some kind of relief cutting out calcium/ protein. but do you not find you are lacking something vital for your body. calcium is really important, as is protein to maintain the body. so by cutting these out are you finding any side effects? are there any ok subsistues or less offensive proteins/ calcium based foods that you have encountered? in on pea protein shakes at the minute, so i think i shud cut these out, but they are my main source of intake as im also not eating meat.
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