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Everything is getting worse

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:49 pm
by billie
Yesterday was my birthday and i was home alone. I got into a fight with my brother couple of days ago and now he left and i'm living alone.
It's so painfull to be alone on your birthday.
Today i stayed at home and didn't go to work, i didn't even call in sick and i turned of my phone.
I'm so depressed right now.
I tried antifungals and antibiotics and they didn't work.
I don't know what to do anymore i'm home alone everyday.
I was reading all my old post and i noticed thast i have been on this forum for 2 1/2 year. I was 24 when i came on this site now i'm 27.
I'm so angry at everybody my family everyone.
what have i done to diserve this, People are treating me bad everyday i'm hurting right now.
I'm sorry for writing this post, but i have now where to turn to.
I've keep hitting my fist against the wall cause i feel like doing it all the time. I don't wanna do it, but i still do it. I'm going crazy

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:28 pm
by mich
~Hug~ I know exactly how you feel. Ppl will never stop hurting us unless we're cured. When I was 19 I told myself I should be bb free when Im 20 and many yrs passed im turning 24 and bb is just taking my life slowly. Thisr is a life long torture for someone has it. I never imagine that I would be taking anti depressant medicine for bb, and ive always been negative for antidepressant as treatment to other illneses. But yea bb is a monster. Anyway, Happy birthday pal! I wish you happiness and peace of mind =D>

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:18 pm
by deebas
Wish I could say something positive mate but it only gets worse..

You just have to take it one day at a time and enjoy the little moments like when you can find someone who will chat to you while discreetly holding their nose or looking away..

The most depressing thing for me is trying to work out if anyone can remember me before I had BB

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:03 pm
by KeepTrying09
Hey billie,

Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you are at home everyday alone, how do you know that you still have bad breath?

Please understand that I am not saying this to insult you, but reading your post it seems like you are suffering from deep depression. This is where bad breath gets really tricky, because there are some people who truly have bad breath which causes them to become severely depressed, and then there are those who are severely depressed who come to believe that they have bad breath when in fact they don't (hence halitophobia manifests). I'm not suggesting that you have halitophobia, but I just want to point out that deep depression does nothing to help your situation, regardless if your breath is truly bad or not.

My advice to you would be to seek the assistance of a doctor in regards to depression, While I generally don't like the idea of taking anti-depressents, I must concede that there are times when they are necessary, if only to get you though a rough patch. Of course there are natural anti-depressents as well you could try. Off the top of my head, there are two natural ones that i've read a lot about. One is called SAMe, and the other is simply Omega 3 (which can be found in fish oil supplements). Both of these have been researched extensively and are shown to help those suffering from depression. Perhaps you could give them a try.

Good luck man, and happy birthday. Things will get better for sure. :)

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:28 pm
by Music Lady
Happy birthday Billie

Unfortunately I am suffering the same way you are. I am unemployed and no one will hire me. It is even hard to get and keep a temp job. I've had this for almost 8 years now and when my birthday comes I don't even acknowledge it and other people don't anymore either because they know how hard its been. I tried something a few months back and it reduced the smell but then it came back even stronger after I stopped. Because I'm not working I didn't have the money to pick up more, but I plan to as soon as I get something.

I've even started to have nightmares which I never had before. Its strange. Anyway, stay strong. If its possible to do that.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:55 pm
by billie
Thanks for replying, everyone

I first have to tell you guys that i'm a girl :lol: I just like the name :P

@ keeptrying09, I'm the one who send you a pic of my tongue and i was one of the first who ordered antifungals and those clotrimazole lozenges from you. I have very bad breath and i don't even wanna explain anymore how i now that i still stink. Believe me people have told me.
I get so confused because why do i have so many symptoms.
I had this incredible pain on the left side of my stomach yesterday and i had this same pain couple of months ago. It went away after i had a bowel movement. I have diarrhea for a couple of days and then i'm a little bit constipated for the next day.

My symptoms:

-poor memory
-Dust mite allergy
-white furry tongue (it just looks like it grows)
-Big bloated belly
-Gas after eating dinner don't have gas after eating bread in morning. Ate patatoes yesterday and it was bad very painful.i just feel everything moving.
-joint pain
-no cavities
-Gums getting more painful, I always had painful gums, but all the dentis i've seen told me there was nothing wrong with my gums so i stopped thinking that my gums were the problem.

I have a job that doesn't pay enough to pay my rent, i just clean houses every freaking day. I don't know what to do. I don't wanna lose my house because i just moved in there.

I need to really take a good look at all my symptoms .
I think i've done more bad then good things to get rid of bb.
Maybe the problem is simple to solve.
today my gums were painful all day so i'm gonna start at the beginning again and look for my cure.
I need to get rid of this problem so i can go back to school or find a job that pays me enough to pay my rent. I do not wanna lose my house.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:03 am
by Music Lady
Billie, I get a pain in my side sometimes to - both sides but never at the same time. Doc thought it was gas related - I don't know. But it happens quite often . I know my problem is coming from my stomach - I went to see a chiropractor a couple times for an unrelated problem and every time he pressed in my stomach the smell would change from fecal smelly burning sock to a rotten egg smell for a couple of days, then change back. My breath carries very far so I can't sit in a small room with people.

Anyways what seem to reduce the smell for me was taking 1 prevacid and 1 prilosec back to back b4 eating anything in the morning. After doing that for at least 5 days I could talk to people without them backing away. I know that I have acid reflux. If I take just one and not the other it doesn't work. Its weird.

But what's even stranger about my BB is if I have a really bad cold, or if I happen to be crying even, the smell increases by a 1000%. I assume that's related to the aneorobic bacteria and the mucous production.

I've also tried the neti pot, benadryl probiotics and stuff like that. They've never worked. Also if I take enzymes, the smell gets worse also.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 9:28 am
by KeepTrying09
billie wrote:I had this incredible pain on the left side of my stomach yesterday and i had this same pain couple of months ago. It went away after i had a bowel movement. I have diarrhea for a couple of days and then i'm a little bit constipated for the next day.
When you alternate from having diarrhea one day to being constipated the next day, that is one of the tell tell symptoms of IBS (or irritable bowel syndrome). Have you seen a doctor about this?
billie wrote:My symptoms:

-poor memory - You should try ginkgo biloba. It's a natural supplement that is supposed to improve memory.
-Dust mite allergy
-Diarrhea - Probiotics should be helping with this.
-white furry tongue (it just looks like it grows)
-Big bloated belly - Again, probiotics should be helping with this. Also, if you are not chewing your food enough, it can cause a bloated feeling. You should try and chew your food until it is like a liquid before you swallow it.
-Gas after eating dinner don't have gas after eating bread in morning. Ate patatoes yesterday and it was bad very painful.i just feel everything moving. - Again, gas could be from not chewing your food properly, or it could be from an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast in the gut (however since you have taken meds for both of these, it's a less likely cause). Again, probiotics should be helping with this. Also, again if you have IBS, this could be the reason for the excess gas.
-joint pain
-no cavities
-Gums getting more painful, I always had painful gums, but all the dentis i've seen told me there was nothing wrong with my gums so i stopped thinking that my gums were the problem.

I have a job that doesn't pay enough to pay my rent, i just clean houses every freaking day. I don't know what to do. I don't wanna lose my house because i just moved in there.

I need to really take a good look at all my symptoms .
I think i've done more bad then good things to get rid of bb.
Maybe the problem is simple to solve.
today my gums were painful all day so i'm gonna start at the beginning again and look for my cure.
I need to get rid of this problem so i can go back to school or find a job that pays me enough to pay my rent. I do not wanna lose my house.
To say it again, depression or stress can lead to all the symptoms you have mentioned as well. Research has shown there is a link between your mood and the digestive system. When you are depressed or stressed, this affects the way your digestive system operates. Worrying about bad breath 24/7, worrying about losing your house, not being able to pay rent, etc. etc. all have an impact on your stress/depression levels. This in turn has an impact on your overall digestive health, which in turn can have an impact on your breath. Constant stress/depression has also been shown to weaken the immune system, which can also be directly or indirectly linked to bad breath. So you see it's a viscous circle.

From our communications in the past, it seems that you have tried almost everything under the sun to cure your bad breath. Instead of starting at the beginning again and going through everything a second time (as you mentioned you are going to do), perhaps it would be wiser to stop focusing on the bad breath, and start focusing on the other things that you are suffering from (such as all the symptoms you listed). Perhaps if you find the reason as to why you are having those symptoms and then find the cure for them, you will also inadvertently discover the cure for your bad breath.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:28 pm
by billie
Again, probiotics should be helping with this. Also, if you are not chewing your food enough, it can cause a bloated feeling. You should try and chew your food until it is like a liquid before you swallow it.
You're right keeptrying i'm not chewing my food enough i have noticed that i eat too fast so i'm gonna work on that.

Yesterday i went to see my doctor again. First she told me that if i had allready tried so many things to get rid of bb it will probably never go away.
I told here that there must be something wrong and that bb is a sign. She asked me how i knew i had bb and i told here that other people had told me that. Then she said that she could not smell and that she wanted to me to go see a psychologist. She told me she would honostly tell me if i smelled bad, i was crying at that point. We had been talking for 30 min so she was getting tired of me. I do not have halitophobia people have told me more then 4 times that my breath smelled bad. When i went to the doctor i had just brushed my teeth and had some water. My breath stays good for a little while if i don't eat.
To say it again, depression or stress can lead to all the symptoms you have mentioned as well. Research has shown there is a link between your mood and the digestive system. When you are depressed or stressed, this affects the way your digestive system operates. Worrying about bad breath 24/7, worrying about losing your house, not being able to pay rent, etc. etc. all have an impact on your stress/depression levels. This in turn has an impact on your overall digestive health, which in turn can have an impact on your breath. Constant stress/depression has also been shown to weaken the immune system, which can also be directly or indirectly linked to bad breath. So you see it's a viscous circle.

From our communications in the past, it seems that you have tried almost everything under the sun to cure your bad breath. Instead of starting at the beginning again and going through everything a second time (as you mentioned you are going to do), perhaps it would be wiser to stop focusing on the bad breath, and start focusing on the other things that you are suffering from (such as all the symptoms you listed). Perhaps if you find the reason as to why you are having those symptoms and then find the cure for them, you will also inadvertently discover the cure for your bad breath.
About the depression you're also right it makes it worse an i need to break that viscous circle. I tell you honestly i really do not wanna live anymore i mean just thinking about my age. I'm almost 30 and have nothing. Most people on this board go to school, have a job, kids, husband etc.I'm saw everything passing by, my dreams and goals it makes me depressed. I guess i have to get over it and try to do all the things you just wrote.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:19 pm
by billie
Ok Keeptrying i've been thinking today.
Yesterday i was kind of happy when the doc told me that i have no BB ,so me being totally happy i decited to go to KFC. I ate pretty fast and after i was done i got unbelievably tired and almost fel asleep in my chair. I got up and went to bed, this was around 18:00 and woke up 00:31. This happens quite often. Today i ate lasange and right now at this moment i am very bloated. I ate lasagna at 18:00 or something like that and right now as i'm writing this i still feel alot of movement in my stomach. I'm not going to be cured by a magic pill i know that now.
I don't have money to by probiotics or other things, this is what i have:

- vsl#3 probiotics (a month supply)
- Kefir
- apple cider vinegar
- activated charcoal
- zinc tablets ( sweetend)
- Vitamin c and b ( cheep ones)
- enteric coated peppermintoil capsules (not much)


Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:34 pm
by billie
I now also remember when the stomach problem and bb started.
I was second year highschool and this girl asked if i wanted to sleep at her house we were best friends back then. I remember waking up in the morning and i had this painfull gas that i could not keep inside. I was so embarresed and told the girl that i always had gas in the morning. I lied, but i had to tell her something. She was like ok :shock:.
In first and second year of highschool everything was ok no BB i know because we did thruth or dare alot and i had kissed 3 guys. After that it went bad i don't know when but i think 3rd year. This is gonna be a long road.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:19 am
by KeepTrying09
billie wrote:You're right keeptrying i'm not chewing my food enough i have noticed that i eat too fast so i'm gonna work on that.
You might wanna check out this thread if you haven't already. Scroll down to the bottom of it and there's a video regarding how not chewing your food properly can lead to bad breath. viewtopic.php?t=2586&highlight=chew+food+properly
billie wrote:Yesterday i went to see my doctor again. First she told me that if i had allready tried so many things to get rid of bb it will probably never go away.
I told here that there must be something wrong and that bb is a sign. She asked me how i knew i had bb and i told here that other people had told me that. Then she said that she could not smell and that she wanted to me to go see a psychologist. She told me she would honostly tell me if i smelled bad, i was crying at that point.
Billie, can I ask you at what point in your life did those people tell you that your breath was bad? Was it like recently, such as 6 months ago or 1 year ago, or was this something that happened earlier on in your life, like in your teenage years or early twenties. The reason I ask is because some people do experience halitosis for a short period of time in their lives, while others are stuck with it long term. I know my bad breath started from a very early age and lasted up until I found out what my cause was (I was 25 years old by then). But I also know that some people report that they suffer from bad breath during their teenage years due to a change in their hormones, only to see it disappear once they are adults and have exited out of that period where they were going through so many hormonal changes. If the doctor is telling you that you do not have bad breath, then perhaps you suffered from bad breath when you were younger, but the emotional scars of having it have left a permanent mark on you. The only way to know 100% for sure Billie is if you have several people confirm that you have bad breath at this stage in your life, which means you are going to have to actually ask several people. If several people can confirm that you have bad breath, then you can rule out halitophobia.
billie wrote:About the depression you're also right it makes it worse an i need to break that viscous circle. I tell you honestly i really do not wanna live anymore i mean just thinking about my age. I'm almost 30 and have nothing. Most people on this board go to school, have a job, kids, husband etc.I'm saw everything passing by, my dreams and goals it makes me depressed. I guess i have to get over it and try to do all the things you just wrote.
And that's the only reason I am even mentioning halitophobia to you Billie, because you say that you are very depressed and borderline suicidal. Often times people in this state of mind can imagine almost any illness or condition affects them, including bad breath. And believe me I understand how frustrating it is to have people tell you that you might suffer from halitophobia, but to ignore the possibility would be to ignore a cause of bad breath that could indeed be affecting you. I would honestly consider your doctor's advice and see the psychologist. Perhaps they can help you work through this stressful/depressive time in your life. Perhaps they could be a second person who verifies if you have bad breath or not. And who knows, perhaps getting you back to an emotionally healthy state of mind would also inadvertently cure your bad breath (whether real or imagined).

I really do wish you luck Billie, believe me.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:25 pm
by derang
This is interesting, I believe the chewing may be a contributing factor in my BB.

Other than starting to chew properly what other action could i take to help clear out the debris left from 10-15 years of not chewing properly?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:47 pm
by billie
Billie, can I ask you at what point in your life did those people tell you that your breath was bad? Was it like recently, such as 6 months ago or 1 year ago, or was this something that happened earlier on in your life, like in your teenage years or early twenties.
The first time someone told me my breath smelled bad was in church. She asked me if i had brushed my teeth and i said yes. She was very annoyed and then she said that i was lying and that i didn't brushed my teeth, i was 16 or seventeen then.
She also told me another time that my breath smelled. She was lik 'i can smell you acros the room, go brush your teeth'. Also in 2006 a lady told me that i smelled bad and that i didn't brushed my teeth enough. I was with my cousin today and we were walkin in the park and their were all these little bugs everywhere. I told her thast i found them annoying and then she said that if i closed my mouth they would maybe go away and then laughed

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:43 am
by KeepTrying09
derang wrote:Other than starting to chew properly what other action could i take to help clear out the debris left from 10-15 years of not chewing properly?
You shouldn't need to do anything really, just start chewing your food better and your body should take care of the rest. I guess you are assuming that you have a massive build up of gunk in your large intestines from not chewing properly for so long. If that's the case, you could do colonic irrigation (colon hydrotherapy), but make sure you take probiotics after your session, as this type of treatment can clear out the beneficial bacteria that should be in your gut.
billie wrote:I was with my cousin today and we were walkin in the park and their were all these little bugs everywhere. I told her thast i found them annoying and then she said that if i closed my mouth they would maybe go away and then laughed
I would have taken this opportunity to really have a discussion with your cousin about your breath. Perhaps she could have proven useful to you. I would have asked her what exactly did my breath smell like, how often it smelled, etc etc. It would be great if you could have someone that you trust and rely on to help you through this. Perhaps she could tell you when something was working and when something wasn't working, so you could stop playing the guessing game.