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Neti Pots and Reverse Flow

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Neti Pots and Reverse Flow

Post by solitude »


Sorry if this sounds like a noobie question. I searched the forum but couldn't find the answer.

So i started using a neti pot after finding out about them on here (actually i just use a water bottle with those squeezy caps).

I began with it up my right nostril and had a little laugh when i saw the water flowing out my other nostril. It does look funny.

Tried it with the left notstril and found it a lot harder. I needed to use a bit more pressure to get the water flowing and even then it was only a small drip going through. I did get a good flow but only for a couple of seconds.

I broke my nose when i was young so maybe it's just because of that. I can breath freely though, and the flow was fine in reverse. Do you think it's just harder to get water up that nostril than it is to get it out? Should i be concerned about that?