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Bad Breath Since the Age of 10.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:12 pm
by 90zbabii
Hello I'm a 18 year old female and I've been suffering with bad breath since I was 10 years old. When I was in the 5th grade I became aware of it because at the end of the school year two of my best friends told me that my breath stinks. My BB is ruining my life. I can't leave the house without a pack of gum on me. When I talk I never make eye to eye contact and always look down or either cover my mouth when I talk so people won't smell it. I get nervous when going to the store or mall to get things because sometimes the cashier ask for my telephone or email address to send my discounts and things. I've never had a boyfriend. Though guys try to talk to me I resist and not talk so they just walk away. I don't have any friends, I don't talk on the phne to anyone except my immediate family..because I don't have any friends to talk to. I hold my breath on a daily basis when going out in public and sometimes I get light headed from this. When I'm line behind someone or on the bus I constanly hold my breath so they won't smell it through my nose. I hate sitting next to people because I'm afraid they'll smell my breath through my nose, so I either put my hand on my face covering my mouth and nose in a way they won't notice or I'll take really small breaths which leaves me migraines all the time. I don't know what else to do. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss, scrape my tongue. I go to the dentist every 6 months and even they don't know I have it..because I'm so quiet. When they ask me how I am doing I always nod yes (as in I'm fine). And they say you are so quiet do you ever talk. My dentist tells me I have great hygiene all the time so I know it's not from my mouth. I'm tired of being depressed and crying everyday. I have suicidal thoughts all the time. I'm 18 years old and want to have a job and my dad keeps bugging me to get one, but I'm so afraid because my co workers may make fun of me and talk about how bad breath is. If that happens I don't even think I'll be able to live it'll devastate me.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:12 pm
by exume
I kñow how you feel but desribe how it smells

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:25 am
by halitosisux
babii, your life will pass you by before you know it. You are fortunate that you have the internet and a wealth of information to get your teeth into. You are still young and sound to me like you are frozen with fear, but you need to pull yourself together and build up a positive attitude and one in which you feel there IS a possibility of solving this. BB is usually curable - and just because the solution appears to be evading you and so many others on here, as it did for me for so long too, that doesnt mean the solution doesnt exist. I spent nearly 25 years trying to solve my own case, I explored so many different avenues, yet there were still so many potential possibilities that I didnt persue. Looking back now, that scares me to death, to think that simple negativity could have so easily kept me trapped for the rest of my life. And that's all it would have taken, not for the lack options.

I learnt more about BB in the past 2 years or so since joining this site than in the whole time I spent having BB. Its all about trial and error, dont expect the cure to come to you, YOU have to go out and find it. Forget about embarrassments. Become assertive and FORCE your doctors to take you seriously. Build up a plan with them and go thru things methodically. You might have the simplest of causes right under your nose just waiting to be discovered - once you get the right help. Snap out of the idea that just because the simple measures you've taken so far havent worked must mean your problem has to be so deep seated and complicated. Believe me, with the right help, the solution could be far simpler than you can imagine. So be positive, work on making a plan and then sticking to it.

Being told something so cruelly at such a young age will have magnified this problem in your head. You might even find out eventually that whatever problem you think you have isnt actually anything like as bad as you think it is.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:46 pm
by RED1214
Great post halitosux :)
You're so right in the fact that bad breath IS curable. There is a reason for every single case of bad breath. For some members on this website I do believe that they're suffering from halitophobia and so we should all ask ourselves has anybody ever directly told us that we have bad breath on a handful of occassions? Somebody may have told you when you were younger and it's stuck in your head. This avenue should ALWAYS be explored thoroughly. Just keep trying everyone :)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:23 am
by halitosisux
Thanx red. I have to get quite close to a number of different people every day in my job. Its unreal how many people actually have bad breath, especially in the mornings. But even the worst cases I am subjected to, the smell is only within their immediate proximity. I've NEVER come across anyone whose breath travels further than this, although I have come across people whose body odour can quickly take over a room. So all this talk of horses dropping dead at 150 feet when someone opens their mouth is nothing but pure paranoia.

I've never come across anyone with TMAU or fishy smells. I can rememeber a girl at school who smelled a little bit fishy, but it was mild and if she wanted to i'm sure she could have easily masked it. Her breath didnt smell bad, or fishy for that matter. I know that extreme cases of TMAU can stink a whole house out. If anyone really does have this level of odour, then they either have TMAU or something very similar.

The key point about this is that it is an inevitable fact that anyone who has teeth & gums is GUARANTEED at some point in their lives for problems to occur, which will cause them to have some level of bad breath. And depending on certain aspects, like our confidence levels at the time, others may want to ensure that we know about it. BUT what they dont realise (or maybe their evil does realise) is the seed they are planting in our heads for some of us. From that point on its like a switch has been flicked. We become aware of things we otherwise would not have become aware of. REACTIONS of others, our own tastes, odours, our tongues, our tonsils etc etc. By our own nature we are predisposed to the kind of sensitivity that turns what is nothing more than a harmless annoyance to others, into us becoming prisoners inside our own bodies.

The madness of BB, like most other forms of madness, stems from the unknown. Its impossible to know at any given moment whether your breath smells or not because you cant smell your own breath in the same way that another person can smell it. And because we cant absolutely trust anyone else, let alone ourselves, everything about our problem revolves around this uncertainty. So its about understanding the psychology of this problem as well as the true physiological aspects.

And just think about it. Why would we assume we have have BB because of what we think we can smell or taste, and yet someone you come across who definitely DOES have BB can be so blissfully unaware of it. What the hell is going on? how is this possible that we can be convinced we have BB because we think we can smell or taste it and yet there are people whose breath absolutely does stink but they can remain completely unaware? This is nothing to do with familiarization of odours, its about self-awareness, self-esteem, self-confidence self-image. How all of these combine into the development of any obsession.

I know some people are convinced, not only of the fact that they have BB, but also of the type of BB and where it originates. But I'm mostly referring to the original poster of this thread and the trap which I think most of us can relate with.


Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:19 pm
by trenski
You are right Halitosiux. Your post make valid points. I do know people you are unaware of their BB and they carry on normal daily activities.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:21 pm
by halitosisux
I just dont get how some people can smell so bad and yet not even be aware of it, while most sufferers on here do seem to be aware. I dont think familiarization has anything to do with it. I could smell my own bad breath if I tried to, by a number of ways. And even though I'm told I dont now have BB (which I believe purely because of the difference my tooth extraction made in terms of bad smell and taste) but I can still taste things and pick up some odours from my mouth. But if no one had ever told me I had BB, would I ever have suspected that I did in the first place? would I ever have tried to smell my own breath and become obsessed with the concentrated odours on my tongue and my tonsils etc, which apparently are perfectly normal to have anyway?

Would ANY human being who gets told their breath stinks (whether it did or not) eventually end up convinced they have bad breath once they start obsessing about it? I think so. Once this happens and someone eventually becomes aware of any odour, whether it be from the tongue or the tonsils or wherever, that's the trigger and they are going to be CONVINCED from that point on that they must have BB.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:30 am
by mitc
I had faecal breath odour for YEARS. Talked to many doctors who took my money then show me the door....I finally had a friend who suffers too, send me a eBook he bought 5 or 6 months ago he ask me how his breath smelt and didn’t smell a thing. He said the eBook amongst much else had him stop eating dairy food/ soft drinks and coffee/tea. So I’m like reading it and doing all the stuff it says to do. Thinking this has to be bull. But after a few days my tongue started turning red and felt nice. I worked up the courage to ask a friend how my breath smelt and he’s like I don’t smell anything. Now I’m thinking all those years of humiliation and I could have solved it ffs! There’s a site about it called Badhalitosisbreath. Com. When I read the site I felt sorry for the guy as he clearly had a real tough time with his bad breath, which pretty much ruined his school years. At lest he found a way to beat his bad breath and is letting others know how. Post this everywhere you can to help people!! Thanks R.J

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:55 am
by RED1214
Hi Mitc. If bad breath goes away when avoiding milk then that pretty much means you are lactose intolerant, which is a well known cause of bad breath. If people have not already tried going lactose free then they should definitely try it. This involves avoiding every single trace of lactose. People tend to think that by not drinking milk, yoghurt or cheese they are not consuming lactose but it's simply not true. Lactose is hidden in LOADS of different foods. Always read the labels! If this doesn't work, try going completely gluten free for at least a month. Food intolerances are very common causes of bad breath and they've got to be worth a try.