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Sure Cure over time!! Time to clense

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Sure Cure over time!! Time to clense

Post by tony »

To date I have tried every strategy mentioned on this web site not to mention the $$$ I have spent. My diet has always been close to perfect and included Vit B, C & zinc tablets but still no BB cure.

My New strategy
Vegetable juicing – For the past 3 weeks I have been juicing organic vegetables with a large content of green veggies including a lot of spinach.
I minimise fruit due to the sugar content.
I drink the juice 30 minutes prior to eating any solid foods to allow maximum absorption of the NATURAL vitamins.

I believe my new strategy of juicing will not be a miracle cure however will cure me of BB over time.

Additional Steps-
-No more Vitamin pills including Vit C, B & zinc. All vitamins should be absorbed naturally.
-Maintain a healthy diet which includes balanced meals and plenty of fibre.
-Maintain a good exercise program
-Eliminate stress- I have been going to a budhist temple for meditation.
- Try and be positive about life (I know this is hard people. Even if it means walking in the park to reignite the feeling of being alive).

My next Steps -
I plan on experimenting with different juices and will do a week consisting of a high content of garlic and ginger to see the effect.

I have been struggling with BB for 17 years, I have minimal friends however know if I can get through this I will live the rest of my life to the fullest and will be a much stronger person.

I can tell you this, the juice has definitely had a positive effect on my energy levels and a slight improvement on my breath after only 2 weeks. Long term I’m sure the results will be positive.

I will beat this Battle!

If you can provide your thoughts or recommend any juices it’ll me much appreciated.



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Post by Jimi Stein »

Look, this is the only solution that works, after 6 months you should be without bad breath, or that should be decreased over 90%.

I am the same, nothing helps but raw diet helped. But I intake too much fruit and minimum veggies, so my teeth has been damaged because of too much sugar and acids.

So I stopped, twice, right before the cure, I was smelling the cure, suddenly all my friends came back, were inviting me around..........

I should be cured, but you should prepare for the weight loss, and hunger, these are the worse side effects you might have.

I wish you good luck. And update us, this is definitely a cure, I will have to go raw again, but this time I will have to juice veggies a lot so my teeth will not suffer.
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This is very interesting.........

So you can maintain a meat eating diet as long as you drink vegetable juices before meals?

I think for a lot of people, going vegetarian is not practical so this may be a viable alternative.

Thanks for the post.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

From my experience meat is the worse factor in bad breath. It decomposes in your gut, and it makes your bb worse. You should avoid it at all costs. It is not so hard. I haven't tasted meat for 20 years.
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Post by trenski »

Jimi, I didn't know you didn't eat meat. What exactly does your diet consist of? Has eliminating meat help "control" your BB at all. Thanks
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Post by Archimonde »

factory farmed meat is indeed the worst thing for bad breath, HOWEVER lately i've been eating grass-fed/pasture-raised lamb and it doesn't seem to worsen my breath much, my breath is much better than it was despite eating a fuckton of meat, ~1.5 pound a day but I need more time to experiment and gauge how my breath really is. I've located a source of grass-fed/pasture beef, i should know soon if what the animal is fed is a factor when it comes to BB, supermarket beef gives me TERRIBLE bb within 12 hours, will pasture beef do the same? That's what i wanna find out.

I've always suspected that GRAINS are the cause of my BB since every grain on earth gives me BB while fruit/veggies don't. So it's not too far-fetched to say that the reason supermarket meat/dairy/eggs cause BB is because the animals (factory farmed) have eaten grains. I know that fish doesn't worsen my breath and they don't eat grains. I wish i had access to wild meat, that's the purest meat in the world. The nutrional value and content of factory meat and grass-fed meat are very different, you can look it up on a nutritional database.

Every single manufactured food item sold in supermarket contain grains and every single one of them worsen my breath. But if i manage to avoid everything that contains grain, very hard to do but possible, my BB clears up after a while. My priority right now is to find meat that doesn't give me BB, if i can do that then i can probably live a normal life without BB.
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Post by tony »

Jimi, have you tried introducing small amounts of red meat?
I am an "O" blood type and have been advised that I should be eating some red meat as my body is able to digest it better than others.

Mentioned above - I eat next to no fruit as it contains too much sugar so BB will be stimulated.
Also, I don't plan on losing any weight. I have always eaten healthy for obvious reasons and will ensure I get the necessary fibre etc to stay healthy.

I had been a vegetarian for 3 years with no decrease in BB.
For the last 2 months I have introduced meat. I now eat red meat once a week and fish 2-3 times a week.
Since the re-introduction of meat, the minimal amount I consume doesn't increase or decrease the BB.
I believe the best diet is a balanced one, so long as sugar (no fruit) is kept as minimal as possible. Every time I have tried to eliminate either meat, wheat etc things get worse and puts everything out of whack. While I do consume only small amounts of these things I believe they play a role in keeping our digestive system in order. I have however elimiated dairy for the last 5 years as you would be aware only creates excess mucous to allow bacteria to breed.

I believe by eliminating meat we are not consuming the necessary iron & zinc and so would have to revert to vitamin pills. As mentioned above my strategy is to no longer take anything unnatural ie. vitamins etc.
The comment made to avoid commercially farmed me containing all sorts of unknown chemicals is also very wise.

Also when it comes to juicing ensure you drink it straight away, storing it will only kill off all the vitamins.
It takes alot of time so hopefully its all worth it.

I hope you all try the natural way and stop taking all the commercial rubbish pills which our bodies only become reliant on.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Come on, poor animals won't suffer because of me, that is a ****ing doctor myth, eat chicken soup to get well, what a bs, meat totally fucks up your system, rotten in your guts, give you diseases.

Maybe if you eat it raw, but I am not a Neandertal.

This is my religion, i don't like animals to be slaughtered just to fill my stomach, sorry.
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Post by tony »

No worries Jimi.

My reason to begin eating small portions of meat is another one of my experiments to hopefully raise iron & zinc levels which are crucial in maintaining testosterone levels which in turn assists to keep male bodies healthy (my theory).

If you have had a full health check which concludes you are not defficient in any vitamins and minerals then I accept your point that you don't need meat.

To say eating small portions of meat rot in your gut and cause disease is rubbish. If you have a healthy diggestive system then your body should process any food and naturally be clensed (something I am still struggling with). I said I eat red meat once a week, hardly a large quantity.

I know we all have a long way to go to finding the true answer and I'm sorry if I have offended you especially if you choose not to eat meat for religious reasons.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

But look at the people who got rid of cancer with raw diet, meat did not help, it was green smoothies that just wiped away the cancer.

That is the cure. The man was not made for eating cooked food. He is like monkeys, they eat from raw food. I dont know any raw people who needs to be on meds, their breath smells superb and the have no bo. But it is hard to stick with that diet. Mostly only cancer survivors stick on raw diet. And some strong ones. But like i said before, bb is not as big issue as cancer.
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Post by tony »

Ok, point taken Jimi.

What you said all makes sense, my issue is whether my diet would provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals to make my body 100% healthy to eliminate BB without consuming any meat?
I look forward to any feedback.

I do know for a fact, one diet isn't suited to all as it depends primarily on your blood type.

Desperate people go to extroadinary measures and that is why I will continue to experiment.

Once again everything is only my opinion based on what I have read and experienced so I apologise if I am wrong.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

No problem Tony, each person has its own way. THe only thing that worked for me was raw food.
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Post by macks86 »


i am seriously considering this diet as i already weedled out many no no no's such as sugar and dairy for years and more recently trying to do wheat. i also havent had meat for a few months now and am finding it ok. the main problem is weightloss im concerned with. many of the links say avoid carbs as they convert to sugar. this leaves me totally confused..... so what can i eat to not waste away. i normally have just plain brown rice to bulk out my meal or lentils in addition to raw foods, also natural pea protein powder shakes with rice milk.

i am preaprared to do this raw diet, was just wondering the logistics of it. i am alreayd quite a bit underweight and didnt want to waste away on green smoothies alone

any help much appreciated.

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Post by tony »

Hi Mack

I had the same concern you of wasting away by only drinking vegetable juice.

When I only ate raw veggies, not only did it cause problems with my guts after six months but I just didn't have any energy.

-I always drink my vegetable juices 20 mins before meals to allow all the vitamins to be absorbed.

-I have a vegetable steamer so include heeps of high carb veggies like sweet potatos. Avoid normal potatos as they are very starchy.

-I mix organic fibre into water and drink twice a day to keep my digestive system in order.

-For breakfast I have oats and rice milk. Not sure if this is great for the breath but still believe it is very important in keeping the energy levels high.

-Like you mentioned I also include brown rice to maintain carbs in my diet.

You mentioned you were worried about the carbs turning into sugar? My understanding is this will only happen if you don't exercise to burn off the energy.

Back to my theory of trying to get the body & mind as healthy as possible to combat BB naturally.

I am definately feeling more confident and recon there has been a 30% implrovement in my breath.
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