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Please please answer! I think i'm going mad

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:12 pm
by angelstar
Hey guys..I've been reading this forum for a few weeks now. Ive had bad breath from a very young age and have had many negative comments from it. However I only used to brush my teeth once a day and ate a lot of sugary food, which is what most people at that age did. Now I'm 18 and i got a dental clean up, starting brushing twice a day and also started brushing my tongue. My little sister told me perviously that I had bad breath, and now when I ask she says that there is no smell whatsoever, only if i eat something with lots of onion and garlic and breath right in her face.

However I just can't seem to accept that the smell may be gone and I'm always looking out for peoples reactions due to the past. Do you think it's possible that the bad breath is now simply just gone due to brushing teeth more and brushing my tongue? It seems too hard to believe since I had very very bad breath. Even my mum and dad have said that my breath is perfect and admitted in the past it had a slight smell. So what do you think? Am i just being paranoid or do you think they're just being nice?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:27 am
by halitosisux
I can tell you for a fact that it is possible to end up with BB simply from a single day of not brushing your teeth.

So its quite possible that any BB you've supposedly had in the past was down to nothing more than poor oral hygiene practices.

If you can accept this then hopefully you can accept what people are telling you about your present breath situation.

If you are still worried, then find a dentist who can test your breath with a halimeter.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:03 am
by angelstar
Thankyou for the reply! I know you're right i just can't seem to get over it really. I've already done the halimeter and I got a very very low score. Now I just need to find a way to get over it really and forget about it but it's quite difficult :( Who knew something as silly as this was so major.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:12 am
by halitosisux
yw, yes once we become conscious and convinced we have BB its very difficult to break the obsession. BB is pure mental torture because there is so much uncertainty.

If someone could have tricked my mind in some way into believing that I no longer had BB I would have gladly opted for that. BB is only the problem we allow it to create for ourselves through our consciousness of having it. And that's how you need to approach this now. Throw yourself into your life and if nobody seems to mind then whether you have BB or not becomes irrelevant.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:56 am
by angelstar
Have you been able to do that????

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:01 am
by EazySlug
I think there is no reason why you shouldn't trust your family when they tell you there is no smell. And especially hearing this from your little sister should convince you that there is no smell at all anymore, knowing that kids don't prevent themselves from telling the truth to people's face! Anyway, be glad now, cause you are finally cured!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:06 am
by halitosisux
angelstar, I've been very lucky to find a problem with one of my teeth which once I'd dealt with, my mouth went from feeling like it would ignite from the stench, to one which feels neutral. I have a brother who tormented me for years who has been my feedback and who I trust more than I could ever trust another person on this.

I dont get any reactions if I talk near anyone - not that I ever got any reactions before because I made sure that nobody was ever subjected to my BB. I'd smoke, eat, chew gum, or RUN for dear life to ensure this. And I lived like a hermit. My brother tells me my breath doesnt smell anymore.

But yet at certain times, like if im doing sports or if im thirsty and my mouth doesnt feel fresh, the fear that my breath might smell still terrifies me. I have very deep seated mental problems from this because it goes right back to the way I was made to feel in my childhood and this will always remain with me. Maybe with time these issues will undo themselves, but I'm FAR FAR from that still.

But I made the conscious effort to throw myself into trying to live normally because I felt there was a very good chance I was cured - and so far it all seems to be ok and now able to exist without constant thoughts of BB running through my mind at every moment.

The trust has to come from within yourself. Nothing that anybody says can remove your fears, you have to remove them like any other phobia, by facing up to it.

EazySlug there is EVERY reason not to trust your family when they tell you there is no smell. They dont want to see you going nuts over what they consider to be something so harmless. They hope you'll simply believe them when they say your breath is ok and forget about it.
I agree that young children are quite good for feedback though. If you stink they dont consider the implications of being honest with you.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:56 am
by angelstar
halitosisux the thing is i never really stopped doingall the normal things because of it, so i don't have to deal with that, I mean I still did the usual going out partying and all of that, but the paranoia was always there which drove me mad. Its amazing that you've found an actual problem because that means that something was removed which means you probable are cured, so if anybody should stop worrying it's you :D I think the fact that i only made minor changes is what worries me. I mean people on this forum have much better oral hygeine than me yet they still have the problem so doesn't it make sense that I would? And my breath was quite bad aswell.

EazySlug I just always think my family don't want to hurt me so maybe that's why they say theres no smell, but who knows? we'll see!!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:13 pm
by EazySlug
Hey, when reading your messages I wonder if you two aren't kinda halitophics?
It's certain that there is a long way still before acting with confidence or at least normally in front of people, after all everyone of us has suffered in the past with people's reactions and mockeries.
But I think that's a huge step yet that close friends or family members keep telling you that no you have nothing, or at least nothing noticeable to them.
I don't know why we always have to mistrust them because they're close and therefore they want to be nice and not hurt us.
A couple of days ago I kissed my mother on the cheek and she stepped back a little. I didn't say anything but I knew that my breath was abominable.
Anyway, I think that close ones are both able to tell us when we stink and when do not.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:45 pm
by halitosisux
Angelstar, maybe your treatment by others has been different to mine. We're all affected differently by this. My whole life revolved around avoiding anyone being able to smell my BB and perceiving me like a worthless pile of shit, which is how my siblings made me feel right throughout my childhood. And as far as I was concerned, if I wasnt free to live my life without being shackled by my BB then I just didnt want to know about anything else. Its a terrible attitude to take towards life, but that was my reality and my world - maybe if we lived in jungles or caves still it would be different. But to have to live in this modern world with BB is pure hell. And I felt condemned to that.

I'm trying to say to you that if you think its possible that you no longer have BB, then u need to try to overcome your phobia by throwing yourself into life. If you are treated like a human being instead of an animal, then whether you have BB or not becomes irrelevant. In my case, because of my own self-perceptions, I know how I would have been treated had I tried to do this while I knew I still had BB - so I simply didnt go there.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:07 pm
by angelstar
halitosisux the thing about your siblings is really bad :( I can't imagine anybody related to me making me feel that bad which is why i doubt them when they say there is no bad was your breath before you fixed your tooth???

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:19 pm
by angelstar
EazySlug I do still act normally around people and stuff...but it's still on my mind. I might be halitophobic now but i definately had bad breath before. And maybe your mother stepped back a little because she was suprised that you kissed her? Maybe not because of your breath. I just wish there was a way that I could know whether I have it or not.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:28 am
by halitosisux
I dont think my BB was all that bad during my childhood, which I now know was only due to hardly ever brushing my teeth, because it was mostly only my siblings who would make cruel comments about it. But when I reached about 15 I remember my brother telling me that my breath was so bad that I should go and get help. I still didnt have the best oral care at this time, but that quickly changed as I became obsessed about it and my BB.

Whenever I wanted to know how bad my breath was from this point I'd ask my brother to gauge it for me. I already knew how bad it was though because my tongue would have such a strong odour on it which always correlated. He'd simply describe it as shit breath.

When I had the tooth out, the taste I was so used to was gone almost immediately, even with all the blood and guts of the extration. And my mouth would no longer feel "inflammable" within an hour or two after brushing my teeth. It just remains neutral. My tongue hardly smells except the very far back, but not on the same scale to what it used to smell like.

The odour on my tongue was identical to the odour pouring from the gum around my tooth. Very similar to tonsillotith odour or flossing odours.

It was years after discovering this stinking tooth until I finally had it removed. I just wasnt able to handle the prospect of zero hope if the tooth turned out not to be responsible for my BB(like my tonsillectomy turned out not to be). But by some miracle, it was.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:45 pm
by bad day1
Hi Hal.

Question about the halimeter test. Were you able to try the test before you fixed your tooth problem? I'm just curious what score someone with confirmed tooth-caused BB get from the halimeter.

I've taken the test three times before, and always had low scores. I'm wondering what BB causes can be ruled out by those who score low on this test.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:51 pm
by halitosisux
Hi there, no I never had any tests. My brother was able to tell me all I needed to know. Good question though, I think tooth-caused BB depends on the scale of the particular problem and the type problem. In my case it was small-scale, even though it led to my tongue smelling as bad as anyone on here could ever describe. My BB was bad but only from fairly close range. I've never come across anyone whose BB travels more than a meter or so.

If your scores are low and you know for certain that you do have BB (as confirmed by another person, not reactions) then this probably means the foul gasses you are producing are not the two main gasses which a halimeter is designed to detect. The oral chroma test will detect more of the known BB gasses.