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Post by Free2breath911 »

I got the call…“Can you begin work Monday?” I know I have been testing the waters by going out more now, but......I’m so nervous.

It has been so long since I actually worked a job. I’m getting cold feet and my boyfriend keeps telling me I need to make a choice.

I have to go in for a short training this Friday. I’m so scared....the tears just began to flow last night while in the shower.

I dont know if I can do it..... I’m not confident at all. I have literally watch my bb go from horrible to a very obvious lower level. But I’m not 100% cured.
I was trying so hard not to speak directly into the managers face and I believe she caught that I was trying to hide something, but she didn’t smell anything.
All of these people.....Geesh …I’m so nervous! I just got a new car, was able to finally get the medication I need, and finally a job. Here it is! I thought I was ready but now I’m so afraid!
Something Is telling me to just go ahead and go for it…..but then I know the first person that does a nose rub,… I’m going to lose it!
Then my boyfriend is telling me to wait a few more months and then go back to work. Anyways I just needed to vent. J

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Post by deebo »

Free2breath911 wrote:I got the call…“Can you begin work Monday?” I know I have been testing the waters by going out more now, but......I’m so nervous.

It has been so long since I actually worked a job. I’m getting cold feet and my boyfriend keeps telling me I need to make a choice.

I have to go in for a short training this Friday. I’m so scared....the tears just began to flow last night while in the shower.

I dont know if I can do it..... I’m not confident at all. I have literally watch my bb go from horrible to a very obvious lower level. But I’m not 100% cured.
I was trying so hard not to speak directly into the managers face and I believe she caught that I was trying to hide something, but she didn’t smell anything.
All of these people.....Geesh …I’m so nervous! I just got a new car, was able to finally get the medication I need, and finally a job. Here it is! I thought I was ready but now I’m so afraid!
Something Is telling me to just go ahead and go for it…..but then I know the first person that does a nose rub,… I’m going to lose it!
Then my boyfriend is telling me to wait a few more months and then go back to work. Anyways I just needed to vent. J
i had the same feeling a few months ago . after being out of work for so long i finally get a job ,then co-workers hint of my BB. For a week I was really thinking of quiting but the pattern set in , people know me and my bb , i keep my distance for both our liking . There is no disrespect ,no more anxiety than normal now after 2 months. The 1st day and the unknown is the worst .

What does your BF say about your bb? Start there . if he doesnt know what you are worried about ,he can't make an informed recommendation . I say Go for it too. What does "ready " mean??
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Post by hali_grl »

I say deebo is right it is the fear of the unknown that maybe worse than anything. I quit my good paying job after only a week bc i couldn't work in a call center of all places like this. I honestly can't see myself working a job until I get this under control bc having thoughts of killing myself before going to work is just not healthy and the anxiety was literally driving me crazy. But my bb is full force horrible and everything I tried didn't work. Does your bf know why you dont want to start. My job was like 34 miles away so thats almost 70 miles a day I was travelling and my bf was the one forking over the gas so I just told him I quit bc it was too far. I'm getting into this work at home thing im going to wait until i actually recieve a paycheck before i say anymore about it but Im pretty sure the company is legit i researched up on it and even seen youtube videos from some of their employees so know there are other options. But i think it is just all in your head bc your bb is noticeably better you get no reactions anymore but i know the damage from suffering with bb for so long can still cause us anxiety when dealing with ppl esp new ppl. I think if you start by going out and spending an entire day with a friend or family member getting use to spending that much time outside your comfort zone you may become more comfortable with the idea. Your bb is changing God is moving in your life he has blessed you with a new job, a new car, and the ability to get you the medicine you need to beat this thing \:D/ . Be strong and allow your faith in God to pull you through.
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Post by Susie »

A nose rub does not say you have bad breath!!! Don't waste your time on the nose rubbers. People rub their nose for all different reasons.

Go enjoy your new job!
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Post by compor »

I agree, some people keep touching their nose with no apparent reason. Before BB, we probably weren't even paying attention, but now since we focus on reactions nose-touching drives us crazy.

Believe me, I know how you feel. I was at the same position a year ago. I didn't think I would make it, thought of excuses like "thanks but I accepted another job offer", but I took the job. Now, after 1 year, do they like me here? No. Do they hate me? No. I don't talk much, for apparent reasons. I'm just focusing on my job, avoiding conversations. But still it's much much better than sitting home and thinking about good old days and how our lives would have become if we hadn't had bb.

Try to get periodontal cleaning if you hadn't already in the past few months, avoid meat and dairy, be a bit more obsessive about your cleanining routine, drink lots of water and you should be fine.

I wish you the best of luck, be strong. You can do it.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

Thank you all!
Thats all I can say....To think that somehow these people I never meet are the closest people to me during this time.

It just seems so much easier to sit at home and keep taking the pills til I get 100% confident. In my air conditioner, happily away from people.

Sometimes I think on how I use to be in the store in a check out line, and people are all "rubbing there nose" or " holding one finger over there nose. And In my head all Im saying is "I'm almost done, Im almost done". Nearly dead from holding my breath so long.

That takes a major toll on you after 3 years. And suddenly I begin to do normal things and a job offer falls in my lap. For the normal person in this recession...this is a blessing. But for me....I almost rather be BROKE. I will not talk to anyone, this is causing me so much anxiety....If i go I will update from the job tommorrow!!! And vice versa.
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Post by hali_grl »

If anyone knows how you feel I do bc im fresh from quitting a job bc of the anxiety so we all def know what your going through. hopefully you have the courage to accept the job offer but if not i get it. if no one else around you understands what your going through just know that we do. CHEERS! :)
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Post by exume »

what did people say your breath smell like
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Post by deebo »

exume wrote:what did people say your breath smell like
great question exume !!
if only the world was honest and no BS. So often they will say "i can't smell anything" with sweat beads growing on their lip and forehead .hahah
I think nose rubs are nothing SOMETIMES , but plenty of people cough and rub noses or what ever when they get blasts of powerful BB . I've seen worse ,i'e seen plp gasp and cover their faces,tuck their nose into their sleeve , and a host of other shit ...and yet Never once open their fuking mouth to simply and honestly say "you have bad breath" .

So Not to make us bb folks paranoid ,,but to say nose rubs are "nothing" is misleading .Try moving closer and see what happens next
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Post by hali_grl »

How'd the job go?
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Post by elliott »

More important than fighting BB is LIVING with it.

Seriously, you have to stop driving your self crazy. We worry more about our own BB than other people are disgusted by the smell. There are a LOT of people out there unknowingly with BB who go about their lives like anyone else. I see them all the time chatting away in front of their friends, no worries in the world. Everyday, I'm surprised by the people I come across with BB.

I started a new job in a very small office with 4 other people. I can't hide. They all smell me, they all know. The reason why they don't chat about me and treat me like an animal is because I don't act like one. I'm friendly, funny, and I simply get the job done.

The BB is not an issue, they are already talking about future plans for my job, and my new boss is making sure I'll be around for a long time. This is all because I have decided to be myself, and not let BB ruin my attitude.

The breath is not in your head, it's real, but everyone else, the so called reactions... it is in your head. People get over your smell if you are a good person. Period.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Elliot, please dont exagarate, I am sure the level of your smell is pretty low, if you would smell like triple like now, for sure nobody would keep you around.

I understand people, it is very hard to smell this, your bb just aint so strong.

You probably don't fill up the room, people don't use spray outside your room, .....

be realistic here, bb is a big stop, most of us are single with no job only because of bb, not because of our personality. There is nothing wrong with our personality. Only bb is the reason we suffer. Personality will change after we get rid of bb.
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Post by Free2breath911 »


As I drove the 30 minute drive to the job, my heart was beating out of my chest. I walked into the building....the entire time I was saying to myself "go, go, go" "Just keep going in". OMG...look at this? Im around people!

Mouthwash, travel toothbrush, and tongue scraper in my bag " You can do this". I began to feel a nervous breakdown coming over me.
People were saying hello every 2 seconds, I was just smiling back. No words.

As I sat in the lobby waiting on my boss to come down and greet me...I begin to want to just cry and run away. I was sweating like I was sitting in a hot sauna....inside of this cold building.
"This is not right"..." this is so hurtful" I said to myself. I told the receptionist I left something in my car. As I hit the outside of that building. I felt the weight of the beginning of a nervous breakdown...fall off me like a ton of bricks.
I jumped in my car and drove away as fast I could…..I just wanted to be in my home with my boyfriend as fast as I could.

About 10 minutes later my boss called…I was like omg?? What am I going to say? Because at that point I knew I was done! I could not put myself in that position of stress anymore.

Long story short my boss kept calling me all that day. I finally sent her a e-mail explaining to her somewhat of my situation. (NOT THE TRUE REASON). I really believes that she senses something is going on in my life because in the voicemail she told me “please call her, and see if we can work something out”. Like who say’s that to NO-SHOW? She told me also she did not interview anyone else for the job, because she wanted me and that the job offer is still open to me.

Unfortunately guys…I knew I could not do it. My entire life I have always believe that if you push pass any pain, everything will get easier. But this bb thing has taken a major toll on my confidence.

I feel like due to other issues I unfortunately suffered with acid reflux for the past 3 years now and it did some major damage in my throat. I cant afford the best medical treatment so I have to follow this ent orders.

I was just given the medication only last month that finally is reducing the acid in my throat. And I have to wait to see if I in fact have the damage (which I know I do) in the lining of my throat when the pills are done.

I for the first time in 3 years told my bf out right I suffer with BB. It came out easy because I now know its of no fault of my own. I didn’t ask for this. Where as before in the beginning I was thinking it was due to lack of flossing. BS (everyone should have BB then). And now It all makes sense, I always wondered why my symptoms never measured up. Why doesn’t anyone else ever complain about sore throat on the bb forums. And why does antacids meds lower my bb smell?

Well I guess its true when they say “the truth will set you free” because my bf now said he is going to buy me some insurance ASAP. We don’t have a lot but he is going to pull from his savings. By the end of all the crying that day, he made it a lot easier by telling me “I don’t have to work Period”. so as I sit here online getting insurance quotes, I feel blessed and relieved. My bb has a source and I believe it has a cure. But I need the proper treatment and time to fix it. So that’s what it takes…then that’s what I’ll do.
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Post by deebo »

elliott wrote:More important than fighting BB is LIVING with it.

Seriously, you have to stop driving your self crazy. We worry more about our own BB than other people are disgusted by the smell. There are a LOT of people out there unknowingly with BB who go about their lives like anyone else. I see them all the time chatting away in front of their friends, no worries in the world. Everyday, I'm surprised by the people I come across with BB.

I started a new job in a very small office with 4 other people. I can't hide. They all smell me, they all know. The reason why they don't chat about me and treat me like an animal is because I don't act like one. I'm friendly, funny, and I simply get the job done.

The BB is not an issue, they are already talking about future plans for my job, and my new boss is making sure I'll be around for a long time. This is all because I have decided to be myself, and not let BB ruin my attitude.

The breath is not in your head, it's real, but everyone else, the so called reactions... it is in your head. People get over your smell if you are a good person. Period.
these would be inspiring words if i were unrealistic . Its true that halitaphobia can be worse that bb sometimes, and the stress could even make some bb worse . That said, I think we've all had times where we've forgotten about bb or thought we were "fresh" ,only to be reminded by strangers or co-workers of Their terrible reality of our breath . In your situation ,maybe you are dealing with people who are more understanding than most. Maybe your BB aint so bad . Have you ever explained to them that you have a systemic issue causing BB and that it isn't hygiene problem ? I'm actually working this tact into my life where possible too. But I can't expect my divulgence to make their sense of smell disappear or mold their reaction or lack of respect .

You paint quite a black and white picture with either being an "animal " or a "good person.Period " . The vast majority of us bb and people in general fall in the grey area . Great that youre a "good person " though. Cheers
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Post by hali_grl »

i know how you feel everytime i got in my car on the way from work i was so relieved but when i finally quit like you said a million tons was lifted off my shoulders. why put yourself in a situation that is going to make you suicidal or regret waking up every morning? thank God that you have a loving and understanding bf that is willing to take care and help you through this. i hope everything works out!
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