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bb caused by gastrointestinal tract

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:41 am
by paranoid92
ive been having bb for 2years now and im pretty sure what causes by bb but just not sure how to stop or reduce it for too long withouth it returning....ive narrowed iT down to bacterial imbalance in gastroinrestinal tract but the promblem is regular probiotics dont seem to work i dont know how but my breath smells exactly like how it smells like when i take a crap and this smells keeps changing depending upon the probiotics i take for instance if i take probiotics that are rich in lactobacillus it starts to smell a bit more acidic and smell slightly like fish and even my poop begins to smell the same way.....THE ONLY TIME I SEEM TO HAVE NO BAD BREATH IS WHEN GAS SMELLS LIKE HOW A HEALTHY MANS GAS SHOULD SMELL LIKE AND THEN MY BREATH SEEMS MINTY FRESH


Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:01 am
by paranoid92
there was also a short period when i had a pylori infection and had reflux but the infection and reflux have stopped for over a year but breath still smells bad and im not sure how but i fell like it escapes from my nose through my lungs but at times when its realy bad comes from my mouth also

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:49 pm
by Larc400
'Fecal implants', ie transplanting the flora between patients is a really new concept. Is it even being used in practice, or is it just something the super specialist physicians are experimenting with?

It's a great idea regardless. For people with an oral cause of their BB, maybe a transplant of the oral flora from a non-BB-sufferer would help?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:21 pm
by Phantasist
Larc 400,
You caused me to remember something. Many years ago I worked with a fellow who had terrible bad breath all the time (even worse than mine). One day he got married - I don't know how! - but shortly afterwards I noticed that his bad breath was gone. I was amazed by this and figured that his wife had something to do with it. Could it be that when they kissed some of his wife's beneficial bacteria got transferred to his mouth thereby restoring a healthy bacteriological balance which for some reason he was lacking before?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:06 pm
by paranoid92
what im really worried about is that since something caused my bacterial balance to go bad in the first place i might be just adressing the symptons and not the actual problem and that it may not be a permanent solution and my uncle is a gastroentologist and he told me that if i really think that it would help then he found out whether its possible to arrange it for me :)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:30 pm
by Larc400
paranoid92 wrote:and my uncle is a gastroentologist and he told me that if i really think that it would help then he found out whether its possible to arrange it for me :)

What does he think about the idea that your bb is connected to your GI system? How would he explain it? How would the smell reach the surroundings..?

So many questions :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:42 pm
by paranoid92
well i suggested my theories to him because he wasnt sure himself on how my bb is exactly caused....i remember taking an endoscopy an year ago and it should that my lower esophageal sphincter is relaxed so im guessing the gases probably escape through this gap and like i was saying before the only time when i have no heart burn or bb or reflux is when my farts smell ike a healthy mans farts but the problem is i dont know how to keep this bacterial balance for too long and my bb keeps returning

i would reallly appreciate it if some one suggested me how you could acheive this

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:44 pm
by Larc400
paranoid92, let me ask you something.

When you eat, do you produce gas the other end really quickly that stinks of whatever you ate?

It could be that we have colonic type bacteria really high up in the gastro system, so that gas is produced further up than in normal people. Normally it should take a few hours for food to reach the colon bacteria, but if we have those type of bacteria in the small intestine, maybe the effect is that gas is produced earlier, and can escape also via our breath?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:01 pm
by Penguin
The smell is emitted directly from the tongue I believe. Somehow the tongue, Liver and large intestine are directly connected. I think in the sigmoid colon, there is a dense network of vessels going to the liver for detox purposes. Your large intestine constantly recirculates water through the feces for absorption. The reason for bb is because of an overgrowth of bacteria that produce a lot of sulfer.

I believe the reason for the overgrowth is from two main issues, a weak immune system, and undigested food supplying the bacteria with more food than it should( mainly high sugar or starchy foods). It is also possible you have an overgrowth of Candida Albicans(a fungus that loves sugar). I thought that was my problem, but the blood tests came back negative for antibodies for Candida. Maybe just bacteria or another type of Candida, not sure.

The reason for the weak immune system in my case is lack of sleep, and some food allergies like with wheat for example.

The reason for food not being digested well was from lack of sleep, and messing my pancreas up a bit from drinking to much.

The reason your breath gets bad is because you have rotten food with a high microbial count that produces too much sulfur(among other things that may make you feel ill and have difficulty sleeping causing a vicious circle) and it is stuck in your colon where your liver is forced to have to deal with toxins from the water that is recirculating through it. The bb I believe is the inability of your liver to deal with the huge toxicity prob.

How to solve the prob:
1. Get the bad crap out of you; do an enema. Start drinking psyllium seed husk fiber to try to make regular bowel movements. The food you eat should not be in there more than a day. A tea spoon off sea salt in water is an old Chinese method for good movements every morning. Use good salt, not regular table salt with anti caking agents in it. Jogging also helps keep things moving and also helps your liver detox your body. Keeping the intestines moving will allow you to sleep which will help your body get back on track. After and enema, you will notice a huge effect on your breath. Stuff stuck in there for years might come out in time.

2. Cut down on eating sugar, and things that bacteria and Candida may like to eat. You will notice a difference and be able to pick out the worst ones for you. You should not really have much gas at all from your food. The gas is the bacteria eating it seems. Eat more vegetables and stuff you normally see on a eat/do not eat candida list.

3. Sleep at least 9 hours a day if you can. This is my biggest problem, and possible the main cause. If you dont sleep, your digestion weakens, your immune system weakens and you cant stop over growth in the intestines. Your intestinal muscles become somewhat fatigued and will lead to constipation which compounds the problem. Sometimes you cant sleep no matter how hard you try because you may have something in there you shouldn't have eaten producing lots of gas and toxins that wont let your liver relax maybe. Enema----get it out of there and you will be sleeping no prob minutes later.


Sleep 9 hour or more. 10 if you need to for a while.

Keep the intestines clean and moving well. Food should be out from 12 to 24 hours.

Eat foods that wont give bacteria and yeasts a feast.

Exercise really helps with everything, even your organs.

Your problem will most likely go away.....Let me know

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:31 pm
by paranoid92
thanks penguin for the reply i do notice that when i get a good nights sleep my bb doesnt show up for a few hours and i wanted to know whether you had any reflux too because and endoscopy showed that my lower esophageal sphincter was relaxed and whether the bad breath gases could escape from there anyway ill try out want you said thanks for the help

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:31 pm
by Penguin
Years ago when my problems were at their worst, I had really bad heart burn. It usually started because of eating something like pizza, or anything else with cheese or grease, and it could last straight through all day for up to two weeks sometimes. I thought it was too much stomach acid or something. But counter intuitively, it turned out to be slightly too little stomach acid, and not enough pancreatic digestive enzymes getting to the food via the duodenum(a small duct connecting the pancreas to the small intestines). I picked up some digestive enzymes from the health food store and took them with my meals, and my heart burn totally went away and i have never had it again since. That was about 6 years ago. Though I dont take digestive enzymes with every meal now(though I maybe should), whenever I eat a huge amount of food(like chinese buffet :) ) I take some to help out the digestive process. The ones i have now are made by NSI and are called Mega Digestive Enzymes with Pancreatin 10X. It has about 82,000 units of Protease, 82,000 units of Amylase, and 12,000 units of Lipase, and other stuff.

Many people assume the burning is from too much acid, and take tums, which can make the problem worse.

Give it a shot, you should be able to get digestive enzymes at any health food store. This may take care of it, or at least make it better i would say.

Glad to help if i can. Keep me posted if you try the enzymes out. So far anyone Ive given them to said their heartburn went away within 5 min after taking them.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:15 am
by Ammycin
Your problem as like as to me. Finally the symptom show as gastro esophageal reflux disease and prescribed Cisapride medication for the treatment of night time heartburn due to GERD.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:48 pm
by me
Finally a post suggesting the digestive system as the cause!!!

I agree with alot of the things Penguin suggested except for 1 or 2 things.
By personal expirience I can tell you that pooping regulary will help your breath enourmesly. I can personally tell you that after I poop my fart breath is reduced by a lot!!! I take Colonix fiber to make sure I poop everyday. If I didn't follow this system I coud probably not work. I don't know if working out helps or not but it definetly makes me feel better about myself and it helps to clear the mind.

I disagree with the smell being produced from the tongue. Right in the beginning of me having this curse I was put on heavy antibiotics that got rid of the smell on my tongue and made it look redish and nice. How ever once I got out to the world I realized that my fart smell was still there. Every now and then the fart smell would hit me and it was clear that the smell was coming from down under.
Also I wouldn't do the lemon with water, thats gonna help you poop yes, but it's gonna make your poop liquid and worst smelling. For some reason when my poop is liquid my poop breath is more potent and noticable.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:59 pm
by me
Regarding Acid reflux I do belive I have some kind of silent acid reflux going on and although I don't think is the cause for my poop breath, I think it is mostly what makes my saliva smelly. I never felt heart burn sensation but I do sometimes feel like I have a turd stuck on my chest. The thing is that when I was put on prevacid It would only make me constipated and feel worst.

I think that what ever is causing my gas to back up the esophagus tract some how is also causing my silent reflux.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:47 am
by paranoid92
hey guys,
i just finished getting that enema a few days ago so far so good my bb has reduced but has not completely gone away i can still smell it from time to time when im lying down or sitting im still getting mild heart burn in the morning sometimes...i wanted to know where does everyones breath come out from cause for me it comes from both my nose and mouth so i have a suspicion the gases may be escaping from my loosened esophageal sphincter...anyway continue suggesting ideas that helped you and thanks for all the help