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Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Post by meowkity1 »

does anyone understand histamines. have n valuable info on histamines please post. No bad taste any more no rotten egg or fecal but people are starting to sneeze around me again.

Posts: 484
Joined: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:32 pm

Post by Phantasist »

Histamines are produced in the sinuses in response to breathing in allergens. It is a protective reaction of the very sensitive mucous membrane inside the sinus cavities. This happens when we have a cold or hayfever or are allergic to anything else that we breathe in. This is why the drugstores sell tons of ANTIhistamines. Antihistamines stop the secretion of mucous and dry up the nasal passages. This gives us temporary relief from a runny nose (mucous production). However there is a downside to it. If antihistamines are used too long, they will cause an adverse reaction. Remember that the mucous membranes in your sinuses are very sensitive. After a while the antihistamine will cause the mucous membranes to swell up and close the passages. You will begin to feel pressure, possibly headaches and you will not be able to breathe through your nose. There will be a strong urge to use more antihistamine to get relief, but that will only make it worse. Antihistamines should only be used when absolutely necessary and then only temporarily. They are not a permanent solution for anything.
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