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tonsil stone?

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tonsil stone?

Post by thiguy »

i've been trying to get to the bottom of this bad breath thing for a while. i'm going nuts. long story short i've tried a lot of things but never feel successful. i'm been hopeful.. a little... as of late because it seems i've gotten things to a point where i'm pretty ok as long as i go through flossing, brushing, tongue scraping after eating. every time i eat anything my mouth feels like shit pretty quickly afterwards if i dont do this. i never thought my tonsils were a part of this. no visable stones or anything. tonight as i was scraping my tongue i scraped something up from way back that i had never seen before. a little... weird shaped yellowish thing. i removed it from my tongue with a finger and looked at it kind of confused. it didnt look like anything i had eaten that day. i smeleld it and smell a little bit unpleassant. i touched it hard enough for it to break and the smell intensified. it wasnt overpowering but it had a foul odour to it. was this a tonsil stone? and if i have the one, are their more? could this be the cause? if i dont scrape my tongue regularly it becomes very white and the back will be white and hour after brushing at least a little bit. if i dont scrape after a meal and let it go for a while by the end of the day the back of my tonque is rather yellow-white and i'd say no matter how much i scrape the back is always off-yellowish. does this sound consistent with tonsil tones? but damn, now i'm more paranoid because ever since i scraped that thing out (30 minutes ago) i can kind of smell something in my nose i think i dont know if i'm just paranoid or if i've set something off. i hope ntohing is coming out of my nose now. do tonsil stones cause problems with nose smell? sigh... want this to be over.

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Post by ihatethebus »

what you scraped off may be a ''tonsil stone'' if its smell is just as you mentioned, in my words not 100 pecent bad but just not right. its not really the source of your problem but jus a sign/symptom of a deeper problem within. i can assure you even people without the slightest whiff of bad breath can get those when they are ill. so dont start thinking tonsillectomies and all that proding and pokin around that will just give you another infection and smell to deal with. the yellow stuff on your tooth brush or scraper is gunk accumalated at the back of your tongue thats supposed to be kept in check by the good bacteria. if you stick your fingers right dooooown to the far back youll notice theres more where that came from and youre wastin a good thirty minutes of your life scraping only 10 percent of the stuff when theres more you''ll possibly neva be able to reach. keep up the tongue cleaning routine but jus do a quick rub thingy, brush yo teeth and let yo mouth flora try to stay the closest to balanced as it can get without more negative disturbance from vigorous tongue scraping routines that usually bring out blood which bacteria can feed on to produce a poop odor
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Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:41 am

Post by thiguy »

ok but what is the deeper problem? does anyone have any clue what creates these symptoms?
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