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Stress and Bad Breath

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:27 pm
by JennyWilson
You notice the mindset of people who have bad breath and know it, and people who have bad breath and don't know it. Those who know it have stress in social situations bordering on phobia. Your mouth becomes dry and your breath turns almost toxic. But for those who don’t know about their bad breath this social stress is not a problem. This book I’ve been reading suggest a good sized part of the bad breath problem is simply the knowledge or belief of its existence. It says that removing and curing the physical cause of bad breath will only over time (years for some) cure the psychological side of bad breath. It also points out that a person who is not suffering from bad breath will still produce instant bad breath in a high stress situation. It says this is simply from the high stress load causing their mouth to dry out. It really made sense to me so I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same way.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:14 am
I can attest to this. My long time association with halitosis still affects me even though I am cured of the chronic symptoms. When I am with my wife and kid the thought of Bad Breath never crosses my mind.
However, just today, I was out looking for a new truck and I suddenly found myself becoming very insecure when the salesman asked if I'd like to test drive one. As he went to make a copy of my license, my anxiety slowly ramped up until my saliva turned in to froth. This also happens at work sometimes and almost always in social gatherings of more than a couple people.
This disease really affects so many aspects of your personality and it boggles my mind how science has largely ignored it. For now, maybe we should all just meditate and that car salesman deserved to smell my BB for even THINKING I was gonna spend over 30K on a vehicle with no leather. The hell is this world coming to?

Stress and Bad Breath

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:18 am
by JennyWilson
The book also says that most drugs will lower saliva levels equal to a high stress situation and will also cause bad breath. It explains the morning breath most people have and bad breath sufferers have the common link of low saliva levels. It suggests the cure for bad breath rest partly in restoring saliva levels. It then puts the case that by lying you may be able to convince a person that he/she has bad breath the person can develop bad breath due to the stress of thinking it’s true. I have read a number of people in this forum say their bad breath problem started when someone told them they had bad breath. Could this be the cause of their bad breath?

Re: Stress and Bad Breath

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:42 pm
by KeepTrying09
JennyWilson wrote:This book I’ve been reading suggest a good sized part of the bad breath problem is simply the knowledge or belief of its existence. It says that removing and curing the physical cause of bad breath will only over time (years for some) cure the psychological side of bad breath.
While I think that OralTech book you're referring to is a waste of money (i'm sure most everything is says can be found on the forum for free), I do agree with the fact that the psychological scars of having bad breath take years and years to shake off completely. I've been cured for almost 3 years now and I still worry with it sometimes. I just gotta step back and look at the big picture, and remind myself that the majority of people don't react to me the same way as they used to. Even if there is a one off reaction though, it's enough to get my mind racing again. Just gotta learn how to relax and not analyze every single little thing that people around you do. Otherwise you will always find "evidence" that you have bad breath.
JennyWilson wrote:I have read a number of people in this forum say their bad breath problem started when someone told them they had bad breath. Could this be the cause of their bad breath?

This would be called Halitophobia and it's been talked about a lot on this forum too. Perhaps someone had temporary bad breath at one point in their lives (maybe after they ate some smelly food or had a wild night out drinking or it was just hormonal changes taking place), someone told them about it, and they then became obsessed with it after that. It happens to some people.

So yeah, it can happen. Best way to know if you have bad breath is to just ask someone flat out.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:20 pm
by Haligone
I believe that this is true. When I am at home, or over the weekend, I feel relaxed, and I can tell that my BB goes down. Sometimes I try a new treatment, or something that seems to work. It all seems fine until Monday when I'm back at work, then the first reaction I get from someone freaks me out and it all goes downhill from there.
My wife TRUELY believes that I am MAD!!!! to think that I have bad breath, my sister says she does not notice, but then I get to work and people put their hands up to their noses when I haven't even opened my mouth.
I recently tried a new product xylitol which seemed to be working 100% whilst I was on holiday at home. I went back to work bullish and full of confidence. It has helped a bit, but I am still getting reactions. I am so disappointed. I do not know if I can carry on like this............

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:35 pm
by stressedout
Same here. My Mom says I have no bad breath, once I asked a doctor he told me he didn’t notice, but it is still not enough for me, I start thinking my mom's sense of smell is no good or doctor did not talk to me close enough to notice, or did not have chance to communicate with me during the whole day. I worry 24/7. And yes I believe that I can develop BB easily by just going crazy and watching every single "sign". Of course it all started with BB, years ago after I had been sick and had pnd, cough and tonsil stones, but now I do not feel even closely as bad as I had that time, I suspect my breath sometimes to be fresher than someone’s else, but I am capable to create so much anxiety about every single move a person close to me does, that of course my breath turns not so fresh after all. When I am home, I am mostly very calm and my mouth feels fine, but I am so scared to for example go out all day long with someone without a bottle of water or ride in a car long hours.

My Mom has problems with her teeth, and at times questionable oral hygiene, but she never thinks about bb and talks freely and friendly to anyone. Thus, I almost never feel any BB from her. This problem is partly related to ocd, hypochondria, and neurosis that I never suffered from before BB. Where would one look for help?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:02 pm
by KeepTrying09
stressedout wrote:Where would one look for help?
The best place to look for this type of help mate would be a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a counselor.

I kind of scratch my head in wonder at people who write here that their family tells them they don't have bb, their doctor tells them they don't have bb, their loved one tells them they don't have bb, and then they are still convinced that they have bb. My family did tell me I had bad breath, and my doctor never denied it (although they never said it outright, I had to bring it up in order for them to talk about it). But the fact is I was told about it directly. Of course people had reactions to me, but at least I knew those reactions were indeed due to my bad breath (since I was told I had it).

I know some people will say "People lie to you to spare your feelings". Ok, so I get that and I accept it happens sometimes. But i've found that if you really sit down with a person, look them in the eyes, tell them how important it is that they tell you the truth, and the ask them in a confident manner, then they are 9 times out of 10 honest with you.

But you know guys, people can sense fear, much like animals can. If you go up to a person fearful and paranoid and ask them about bb, then I think the chances that they will lie to you to protect your feelings are higher. They can sense your fear and discomfort, and they might tell you a "white lie" to protect you.

It all boils down to confidence. Just be confident in the fact you think you have BB and speak to someone in a very direct and honest way. If you expect an honest answer, then chances are you will probably get one.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:59 pm
by aues
KeepTrying09 wrote: I know some people will say "People lie to you to spare your feelings". Ok, so I get that and I accept it happens sometimes. But i've found that if you really sit down with a person, look them in the eyes, tell them how important it is that they tell you the truth, and the ask them in a confident manner, then they are 9 times out of 10 honest with you.

But you know guys, people can sense fear, much like animals can. If you go up to a person fearful and paranoid and ask them about bb, then I think the chances that they will lie to you to protect your feelings are higher. They can sense your fear and discomfort, and they might tell you a "white lie" to protect you.

It all boils down to confidence. Just be confident in the fact you think you have BB and speak to someone in a very direct and honest way. If you expect an honest answer, then chances are you will probably get one.
Totally agree!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:32 am
by stressedout
I dont know what's wrong with me. I dont know if I have bad BB, or mild BB, or no BB at all = halitophobia. I have suffered for 5 years, it all started with BB when I was sick. When I used to lick the wrist year ago it would smell, now I get nothing, neither from the spoon test, but I still think it comes from inside of me via mouth/nostrils from god knows where. Thus, I cant openly communicate with people, and think of it 24/7. Today we had some guests, and of course again I went overboard with watching people's reactions. After the party was over, I again started torturing my Mom about it, and she kept denying it all the way. She said that if I really had the problem she would tell me right away as she hates BB and would know how crucial it is to fix the problem. After me asking many questions, she opened up about talking about my issue with our family doctor who said if I had no teeth problems, it was psychological. It will be really embarrassing for me to see my doctor from now on (if I didnt press my Mom with it, I would not even know she talked about it). I know that my Mom is not my enemy and she wants the best for me, but hell it is difficult to let it go and start being myself. I feel like I will always need to question her on this, which of course will not resolve anything. I never understood how a phobia works until I got myself one (along with BB perhaps). Anyone in the same boat? What do I do?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:08 am
by bbsux
I am in the same boat here but i am almost positive that either my mom and sister are either lying to me or they trully cant smell me.

I have asked both if i smell bad or if i have bad breath multiple times because i am getting reactions from other people. Both have swore up and down that i do not have it.

Yet i walk in a classroom of of 40-50 students and the people around me have their hand under nose or around the mouth and usually 5-10 people are coughing or sneezing. Coincidence ?? Maybe if it was happening in one of my classes but i am taking 6 classes and all 6 classes its the same thing. I also do want to mention that my mom constantly rubs her nose around me especially after i speak. I LOVE MY MOM but the thought that she might be lying to me, especially after i told her how important it is for her to tell me the truth so i can fix this, pisses me off.

I have also noticed that in high stress situations my breath does get worse and the reactions multiply 10x. In high stress situations my taste in the mouth becomes VERY VERY acidic and smelly. If i rup my teeth or any part of mouth with my finger or try the wrist test it smells like ammonia.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:45 am
by stressedout
Hi bbsux and everyone,

I lost my faith in my Mom too, I just cant get why she would be lying or maybe her standard of bb is not the same. She keeps swearing and crossing i have nothing, and if i had she would want me to get rid of it, I dont know if someone perhaps told me to continue telling i have nothing or what, but this path is definitely leading me into a crazy house. Again, i never have any smell from the wrist test of even the spoon, my tongue looks fine and i have min pnd. The only time i can smell myself is when I wake up, and it is not through the mouth, but when I inhale and exhale hard through the nose, I smell it back from my nose. What the hell is it? My nose is clean and is not bothering me much at all. This morning i again inquired with my Mom and breathed at her through my nose right after waking up, first she goes "nothing", and after she goes "well everyone has it, you need to brush your teeth, it is not bad and is not what you think it is". What the hell, if my teeth were the issue and a matter of simple brushing why am i feeling it from my nose? Anyone has an idea??? This took over my life.


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:36 am
by ihatethebus
stressed out. if youre getting that morning breath cheesy,socksy,rawish thingy odor from your nose in the morning then you probably have a spot or more between two molars thats trappin food and sort of closing up. believe me its almost impossible to find out which spot its coming from because it doesnt seem to progress into anything much more complicated than that. the breath youre giving off is probably coming off when you open your mouth even without speaking and tends to travel slowly depending on what you ate or wateva your mouths floral condition is on the day. a person whom youve spoken to simply detects the odor as a dirty mouth and the body's defense reflex from the sick smell is to cover the nose in fear of contamination. the smell youre prolly given off can get passed on to someone you kiss who can easily get rid of it with brushin because the source in not something lodged deep inside their gums...A dentist/ oral-hygenist wont be able to find the source or think youre crazy when youre explaining. itd be wise to go get your teeth deep-cleaned by any proffesional with access to a periodontal vaccuming device.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:12 pm
by stressedout
any other ideas? cause i must dismiss this right away. i have NO issues in my mouth - neither with tongue nor the teeth, i floos regularily and never i get any smell from flossing, the molars were removed long ago, when i look at the spots where they were or feel the spots with my tongue it is all smooth area, i would know if something got trapped. how can anything get trapped if the area is smooth, it would have to cut through the skin. again, this smell comes when i exhale with my nose, not the mouth, and i read somewhere that when you exhale with the nose it bypasses the mouth and the problem might be deeper in the throat or some issue with digestion which makes more sense to me cause i do have some problems with gas. last night i had chopped veggies, some olives with coconut oil, and this morning i didnt feel that smell from nose at all. throat has a much better feeling. i just cant seem to figure out what food causes it.