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BB Product - BLIS

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:31 am
by hopefulasever
Hi guys, I was browsing some of the old forums and found the below link:
I would like to know if anybody has tried the product the prof is talking about.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:27 pm
by hope10
hello, I am using thera breath products for about a month. Let me tell you, my bb breath is 50 % better, but no cured. When using those products you still have to keep craping your tongue every hour. I don't know what to tell you but is not as effective as they tell it is. I am so confused now, because I still fell that methalic taste in my mouth, and when I talk I still can fell my breath. I am planing to make an appointment with them in the california breath clinic to see if there is anything to get my breath better. Good luck, and give it a try. Maybe it would work for you.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:13 pm
by Phantasist
I tried the whole TheraBreath regimen about three years ago and it did bring about an improvement, but did not eliminate BB completely. It also seemed that after a couple of months the beneficial effect was wearing off. Since it was rather expensive, I stopped using it.
However, lately I started using just two products: TheraBreath Plus Toothpaste with OXYD-8 and TheraBreath Oral Rinse with OXYD-8. I have noticed an improvement of maybe 70% to 80%, but again not complete elimination of BB. These two products seem to bring down the anaerobic bacteria count, but I still don't have the proper microflora balance in my oral environment that most people have by nature.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:01 pm
by Haligone
From the research I did (by research i mean trawling through BB forums on the internet :-)), and as confirmed by the 2 posts so far, Therabreath seems to be a very expensive product with limited benefits.
I have tried Xylitol, and it is working for me. See the comment I posted/thread i started in this forum viewtopic.php?t=3012.
If it doesn't work have a look at the thread entitled 'this cure works for me'.
Give it a try and let me know if xylitol works for you.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:20 am
by hopefulasever
Thanks a lot for your replies, I have been using Therabreath products for the last 4 years, no change in my breath at all. But I have used only PerioTherapy and Therabreath Extra, didn't try the other products.The reason why I keep using it is because I feel that it is the best Alcohol free mouthwash I can find. Apart from that they offer you very good price around twice a year and I make a huge saving if I buy during these times. I tried other mouth washes (such as oxyfresh etc), never worked for me either and also didn't like the taste. Though I strongly believe that the cure will never come from mouth washes, I will try the OXYD-8, just in nothing to lose except my money.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:26 am
by KeepTrying09
hopefulasever wrote:I tried other mouth washes (such as oxyfresh etc), never worked for me either and also didn't like the taste. Though I strongly believe that the cure will never come from mouth washes, I will try the OXYD-8, just in nothing to lose except my money.
Check out viewtopic.php?t=2668&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=135, page 10, 3 posts down I posted two research studies they did on the effects of a Metronidazole mouthwash on patients complaining of halitosis. Seems if you're gonna keep spending money you might as well do it on things that have been clinically shown to be effective.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:56 pm
by halitosisux
Is anyone actually referring to products containing BLIS K12 in these replies?
I am very curious to find out more on this.

I've always felt that there is a susceptibility factor to having bad breath, of the type usually seen that causes a build-up of odour on the back of the tongue. Its been PROVEN that the fortunate 2% of people whose mouth naturally contains the strain of S. Salivarius bacteria seem to have an immunity from ever having this kind of bad breath.

No doubt the same fortunate/unfortunate situation probably also exists in the gut too, leading to bloodborne halitosis for some people.

I've been reading a bit about BLIS K12 and trying to understand a bit more about oral microbiology and how it relates.

I never tried BLIS k12 because at the time when I heard about it I wasnt really thinking about bad breath much - I was quite used to living in my skewed existence. I was 99% sure what the cause of my BB was and spent years just living on that hope, which was my only option for safeguarding my sanity at the time when I absolutely needed to ensure that.

I think its all down to our bacterial profile and the complex interactions between the different species of bacteria which our unique individuality happens to give us, which determines our susceptibility.

The reason why BLIS k12 is able to have the BB benefits it has, isnt because its "good" bacteria. All bacteria can produce halitosis, that's why even people who dont normally have bad breath can have morning breath, simply because during sleep the ecology of the mouth changes for the worse as far as BB is concerned. The benefit is because of the interaction and effect BLIS K12 has on other oral bacteria.

I realise that this isnt a permanent cure, but I'm very curious to know what others have experienced.

Aydinmur, for anyone with Type 1 bad breath, or susceptibility to this type of BB, do you have any opinions on this probiotic?

Bliss K12

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:17 pm
by JennyWilson
Bliss K12 is said to cure bad breath by colonizing your mouth with bacterium called K12. After spending about $300 a month on the idea that I could use it fix my BB, I noticed no improvement. So I phoned the company and an honest employee told me the product would not colonise the mouth as that was near impossible, so I would need to buy their product for the rest of my life. Don't waste your money on it. Like every product you have to keep buying the last thing they will do is sell you a product that Bang "cures your BB"


Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:24 pm
by halitosisux
Hi Jenny, what do you suspect to be the cause of your BB?

Aydinmur has said that he rarely sees type 1 cases of BB. The reason is probably because type 1 cases usually end up being due to known or fairly easily identifyable reasons, such as dental problems or sinus infections which doctors and dentists would normally be able to quickly diagnose and treat.

The vast majority of the people on this forum have been through all of that. As I've said, I think we all have a certain tendency to get bad breath, and I think this is possibly relating to our particular bacterial profiles. The discovery of the link between S. Salivarius and the science behind BLIS K12 has highlighted this. There could be many other strains of bacteria which some people dont have which makes them susceptible to anything from Asthma to BB to bronchitis etc.

I've always suffered from a LOT of very painful sore throats. This seems to be tapering off the older I get. I know people who dont seem to get the severity of sore throat that I am used to having, and they also never seem to have bad breath either - coincidence?

For anyone who has a systemic type of BB then something like BLIS is obviously not going to make any difference. Nor is it likely to make any difference to anyone whose BB originates in the sinuses, for example.

But if there are any people out there who only seem to have bacterial overgrowth and odour building up on the back of their tongues, BLIS k12 might help - We all understand that we cant just change our bacterial profiles by throwing new bacteria at it or trying to kill any of them off. If we are lucky enough we can identify and deal with something which is making our ecology unfavourable, and leading to our bad breath - like mouth dryness or dental issues - and that way we change our bacterial profile.

But throwing bacteria at an established flora might be able to work temporarily - and that im guessing is the main concept behind it.

One day we might have genetically modified bacteria as a cure.

If there's anyone else who's had experience of using this, it would be good to hear your views.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:16 pm
by thanatos
It doesn't work. There's really no science to back it up.

The K-2 bacteria came about as a way to recolonize the intestines after the natural flora has been wiped out after heavy anti-biotic use.

The company that developed it, called "BLIS", was losing a lot of money in stocks and sales because there was no market for their product. So they decided to jump into the bad breath market. Once they made this decision, they conducted non-peer-reviewed studies to produce the results they needed to sell their product & raise their stock prices.

If your mouth has an affinity for anaerobic colonization, then you will not be able to recolonize with aerobic bacteria. First, no receptors for the aerobic bacteria to latch onto & secondly, no way for these bacteria to live where the anaerobic bad breath bacteria live.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:51 pm
by halitosisux
Hi thanatos. I've always been quite skeptical of any remedies. I have never really looked into K-2 before and lately, with having Aydinmur on board, I've just been trying to understand more of some of the basics of BB and microbiology and really just try to fit all the facts together. At the same time I happen to be reading about K-2 and how it all relates. Thanks for your info.

One thing I dont understand - aren't anaerobic bacteria in areas of the mouth that tend to be anaerobic? and aerobic bacteria in places that are aerobic? or is that too simplistic and more to it than that?

Have you tried K-2? did it have any effect at all? what kind of bad breath do you think you have and what do you think is the reason for it?

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:02 am
by Lenses
Hi I used BLIS K 12 for about 2 weeks the gum one infact i bought like 8 packs and I still have them. Don't ever waste ur money becos it make me have upper respiratory tract infection and the itching was so unbearable and thick spit that all I did was drink water. The bottom line was my BB never improved.
According to the description that Adiymn, I think i have type 3 or 4 it is offensive and travels about 5-10 ft. I bet u I have tried every product that I came across ](*,) ](*,). You can't imagine how depressed I have been for the past 2-3 yrs now.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:35 pm
by halitosisux
Hi Lenses. Did you use chlorhexidine mouthwash while you were taking BLIS-K12? Some people can have quite bad alergic reactions to chlorhexidine, including many of the symptoms you described.

Also, if your BB was originating elsewhere , such as your sinuses or systemically, then BLIS isnt likely to do much for that.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:15 am
by halitosisux