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What kind of BB do I have?

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What kind of BB do I have?

Post by Killjoy87 »

I use therabreath and my mouth feels great. I floss ( it smells bad, like crap) My tongue is mostly pink with minimal white coating and smells slightly when I lick my wrist. I have a lot of nasal activity (snot) but I use therabreath nasal drops. I am completely lost when it comes to knowing where my BB comes from. I feel like my BB is coming from my stomach or lungs, just because it can be so potent and I can’t imagine that smell coming from PSND. To be sure its not PSND I ordered a sinus irrigator for 100$ and I am looking forward to either curing the BB or ruling out PSND. I want to go to the doctors tomorrow, but I do not know what he/she will do. I want to tell him/her that I want everything checked I.E. Parasites, ulcers, lung infections, sinus infections, ect. Does anyone have any advice for me in regards to my doctors visit? I feel like most sites on the internet claim "97%" of BB is Throat/Nose/ Mouth related, but after reading some threads on this forum, I feel like a large percent of BB comes from Bacteria in the stomach. Especially since most people prescribed antibiotics claim temporary freedom from BB. Though isnt this "bacteria" the same found in PSND and in the throat/mouth? I am so confused why everyone thinks it comes from their stomach, and if it did come from the stomach wouldn’t that just indicate digestive problems? Which means you would only have BB hours after eating? Does anyone have any advice for me finding out what is causing my BB? And what I should say during my doctors visit

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Post by halitosisux »

Hi, what is PSND?
If you have a lot of nasal activity you should focus on that for now. Make sure you are properly hydrated and that your digestive system is functioning as well as you can get it to function (fibre etc).

Get your doc to test of helicobacter pylori. If you have lung problems, your doctor should be able to determine this.

Where do you feel your BB is coming from? (not the cause, just the source)

If you havent tried to get professional help before, then you are in a better position in terms of likelihood of something being found, so try to remain positive. Also, since you've never tried to get professional help before, I assume you havent ruled out your teeth and gums either? so make sure to get that 100% out of the equation too. Good luck
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Hi Killjoy87,

If you haven’t already seen it The Bad Breath Checklist is a good place to start. It’s very comprehensive and should give you some ideas as to where your BB is coming from. Hope this helps. Cheers, C

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Post by Killjoy87 »

PSND = Post Nastal Drip. I feel like my BB is coming from my esophagus. I just got back from my doctors visit and I think it went pretty well. I checked in with "Sinus problems," but right away informed my doctor of my BB. I talked with him like he was my only hope and he actually sounded concerned. I told him I ruled out any possibility of it being paranoia, and he didn’t once question it. He ordered a blood test and I heard him say he was going to check my electrolytes. I am not quite sure what this will accomplish, and I hope the results will be able to determine any possible fungal issues. I heard him use the word "yeast" so I am assuming he will test for this. He also prescribed an antibiotic specifically for the sinuses. I wanted to know your guys opinion on taking them. My opinion is that if the blood test comes back and everything is ok, I mind as well take them just in case I have an undetected prolonged sinus infection. I will admit I am afraid to take the antibiotics though. Does anyone know where to get some "quality" probiotics? That check list you provided was excellent. I feel like that is a complete start to finish battle plan. I am just hoping I can find a doctor willing to tackle that list start to finish if all else fails. I think we should all do that. A couple weeks of doctor visits versus a lifetime of BB and possible future health problems sounds good to me!
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Post by appletree »

I have the same problem. Everything I used was only cleaning the outside and not in the area where the bad breath came from. I discovered that lime juice will stop the bacteria and you can swallow lime juice so it gets to the infected area.

Allergy shots didn't work for me. I had sinus surgery which didn't work either. I had my stomach tied because I thought it was due to reflux. I have five scars on my stomach to remind me everyday.

I had bad breath for over 30 years also. I have tried every product and procedure known to man. Just recently I spent 1K on the perioprotect system; didn’t work. I tried something new on Tuesday and the results have been very good so far. Squeeze a couple of lime and pour into a small bottle. After brushing and flossing, tip your head back and pour a small amount of lime juice onto the back of your throat and gargle without touching your teeth. I say this because the lime juice will make your teeth really sensitive. My problem has always been bad breath due to post nasal drip. My tongue was always white and yellow. I do this every two hours and on the 3rd day my tongue has been pink/red and I don’t feel uncomfortable around people.
Music Lady
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Post by Music Lady »

I have a similar problem where the smell at times seems to come from way back near my throat area or my esophagus, stomach or is the result of a sinus infection. I have an appointment to see my doctor again tomorrow to ask about whether he thinks this Augmentin (antibiotics) can help me.

My bb is just like the gentlemen’s mentioned in Team Zissou’s post where the smell is like a strong mothball burning sulfur type smell. It extends at least 10-20 feet and gets worse when my nose is running, if I happen to be crying or when I lye down.

But to make life more confusing it also gets even stronger right before menstruation.

I went to see a chiropractor a couple times a year ago where he explained that bad breath can also occur if your illevocal valve is out of place. He would do this procedure where he pressed in my stomach from my naval area. Each time he did this the smell would change to a rotten egg smell. The rotten egg smell would stay for 2 or 3 days and then switch back to the stronger mothball smell.

Last week I swallowed a spoon full of xylitol – within a few minutes I could smell this awful bb coming from my left nostril – I was also having a lot of pnd that day and sinus pain which was also only coming from my left nostril. Work was hell that day. People literally got up and moved away from me.

I will post back what my doctor says.
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Post by Ruben »

Killjoy87, what antibiotics did he prescribe?
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Post by Killjoy87 »

Ruben he prescribed amoxicillian. After I am done here I am going to go GNC to buy some heavy probiotics ( I also ordered the swanson chewable ones from Amazon) I guess I am going to try taking the antibiotics and overloading on probiotics. I am also thinking about calling my doctor and seeing if I can get a script for an anti fungal. My theory is the majority of us have to have commonalities between us. For some reason we have "bad bacteria" that is causing our breath to smell. If we don’t have digestive problems, diabetes, or gum disease then something we did in our past caused an overload of "bad bacteria." I also beginning to think that my nose running a bit more than usual has to do with the presence of the "bad bacteria." I had a tonsil infection 2 years ago and was prescribed antibiotics. My bad breath did not exist before then, though I am not sure if my BB is a direct result from the antibiotics. Any thoughts/ similar stories?
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Post by Killjoy87 »

So I am currently drinking a beer and ate dinner two hours ago. I swallowed BILLIONS of probiotics today and I have not noticed any bad breath. I havnt started my antibiotics and I may choose not to. I went to GNC today and spend 54$ on probiotics. I bought a chewable kind, and two pill forms. Once claims to have several billion alone. I also bought lime juice, lemon juice, sea salt, and biotene mouthwash. I added them all plus a few drops of the Thera breath sinus drops and squirted it down each nostril. I just did a tongue test and seem to have no BB. possible cure?
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Post by Ruben »

Killjoy87 wrote:So I am currently drinking a beer and ate dinner two hours ago. I swallowed BILLIONS of probiotics today and I have not noticed any bad breath. I havnt started my antibiotics and I may choose not to. I went to GNC today and spend 54$ on probiotics. I bought a chewable kind, and two pill forms. Once claims to have several billion alone. I also bought lime juice, lemon juice, sea salt, and biotene mouthwash. I added them all plus a few drops of the Thera breath sinus drops and squirted it down each nostril. I just did a tongue test and seem to have no BB. possible cure?
hey killjoy87, thanks. I believe you have to kill the bad bacteria first before with the probiotics. Or at least the Probiotics should start toward the end of you antibiotics regimen, at least it seems to me, because you'd be killing the good bacteria in the probiotics along with the bad one if you are taking the antibiotics at the same time.

I myself have ordered some Flagyl + antibiotics and probiotics, and will starting my probiotics regimen, when i'm winding down on the antibiotics that way the have to chance to be the first group of bacteria that colonize my body.

I think i've actually pinned down my bb, and will be doing a major write up as soon as i'm done.
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Post by Killjoy87 »

Great Ruben, I will be looking forward to your results.
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Post by stressedout »

Hey Killjoy87
Did your doctor test you for yeast? You mentioned drinking beer - that is like pouring yeast straight down into your esophagus.
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Post by Killjoy87 »

Test for yeast or yeast infection? I had him prescribe me medicine for candida just in case. I picked it up from the pharmacy and it was 1 pill lol. I took it this morning.. No improvment :/
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Post by stressedout »

yes test for candida=yeast infection. if you have it 1 pill is not what treats it, you need to take it for a while (doctor has to tell you for how long). but you need first to know if that is what bothers your body, and if it is, beer is your enemy among other things like sugar.
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