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It's returned.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:46 am
by OneDay111
Due to a series of unfortunate events my bad breath has returned.

After my tonsillectomy, I found it very hard to brush. Eventually a back tooth, not wisdom ( havent come out) got severly decayed. I went to the dentist. They somehow filled it up and they avoided the root canal procedure.

Well now I put my finger on the back tooth and the most foul odor is released. It's been getting worse so much that I can tell that bad breath is coming back.

Ughh I went to the dentist and she goes the filling was fine... I thought this temporary bad breath nightmare was over now I feel it's going to stick with me.

I have a gap between the back end of the tooth, coming down to the gum line. Between the tooth and the gumline. Food is getting trapped there.

The bizzare thing is I have no sensitivity or pain.

Any help?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:38 am
by OneDay111
Pleaseee, I feel like I'm just going to break down again. This nightnmare never ends.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:04 am
by halitosisux
Try another dentist?
If you have a decayed tooth and clearly noticing odour where you rub any tooth or gum area then you know you need to deal with that until you've eradicated it. Why do you need help for someone to tell you something so totally obvious.

Teeth dont just decay because of a week or two difficulty brushing due to a tonsillectomy procedure. That situation with your tooth was probably already plaguing you and leading to your tonsils smelling bad, which is what I will always say to anyone, that tonsils only smell because of an odour causing situation in the rest of your mouth. That's why tonsillectomy usually never turns out to be the answer.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:55 am
by Haligone
Its the worst thing, thinking you have found something that will cure the BB (one that you genuinely believe will work this time), and finding out it does not work, and that nothing is really going to change, you will still not be able to speak to other people unless absolutely necessary, and when you do people will put their hands in front of their noses.

I am at the point of resigning myself to the ostensible fact, there is no cure.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:17 am
by aues
Haligone wrote:Its the worst thing, thinking you have found something that will cure the BB (one that you genuinely believe will work this time), and finding out it does not work, and that nothing is really going to change, you will still not be able to speak to other people unless absolutely necessary, and when you do people will put their hands in front of their noses.
I definitely know exactly what you are talking about.
Haligone wrote:I am at the point of resigning myself to the ostensible fact, there is no cure
Just try the next thing. It may cost time, money and lets you go nuts, but your situation will stay as bad as it is if you do nothing. If you are pissed off because of dumb doctors you should consider visiting aydinmur in Istanbul. I don't know him, but from what he has written on this board he has good knowledge about this topic and doesn't do this to get rich. He doesn't claim being able to heal everybody but you should give it a try instead of living a depressive life.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:33 am
by firecracker
Hi sorry to hear about your new problem. If your dentist doesnt want to help you solve the problem, I would suggest going to a new dentist. Maybe researching online for a dentist who really listens to a patient. Sounds like you might need a root canal or a tooth extraction, but something needs to be done because there is a sign of an infection.

When you had your tonsilectomy, after it was healed and you were off antibiotics. Was there ever a period that you were bad breath free completely? Or a good reduction..if so about how much percentage wise?

How many days or weeks passed by after your surgery, until you were able to brush your back teeth? What was the doctors advice ..did he tell you to wait so many days until brushing your back teeth? After your surgery does it hurt badly to open your mouth to brush? Does it feel like when you open your mouth like as if the wound is ripping open again? I'm very interested because I have a large tonsil crypt myself.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:18 am
by meowkity1
Oneday11, I feel your pain. Like you I thought i ws cured and I seemed to be. but I believe its about bacteria now. I got my tonsils out and havnt tasted poop or rotten egg senc but my mouth is still hot and togue coating . Its so permant I have resorted to using sand paper, which actually does help but it comes right bck. I dont know what to do anymore. The tonsileectomy did take away nose fart waht a relief. I just dont understand anymore. I dont taste anything seriously bad but just today someone reacted from qute a distance and I kno it was me becuase it happened as soon as I opened my mouth. I am so tired of this truly. What if I was never really cured but just felt better after tonsils out. There is a major diference I could taste it as soon as I woke up after surjery

halitosisux, you have contributed to this sit more than anyone and I truly appreciate it, but I think your just like oneaday111 and I. You thought you were cured and have realize your not but dont want to admit it. Its OK,and I could b worng but I find it odd that you continuously research your butt off and its truly appreciated because you have helped me understand many things about this.

Its going to be hard to help eahother because we all have a diferent cause
Oneaday11 I was so happy for you, we're like a little family and Iv asid before that I have put a face to some of you. My son starts school next week and I am dreading picking him up and dropping him off evryday, its goig to be pure misery. His preschool teachers came for a home visit an they both definately rubbed their nos a lot even though I was positive I took all the steps to be normal for atleast 15 minutes.

There has got to be a ay to get rid of the bad bacteria. I can scrape gunk off my togue which helps but I ave long tongue hairs and each one has been died white. I have started using interdental brushes but how effective can this be, brushing is not adequte, If we are overpopulated by bad bacteria how will we ever get id of it from every crack and crevice. Im so sad lately I have been thinking about getting some teeth pulled. I told my heigenist I was a scaling deep gum cleaning. On my right side my gums have subsided and theres this thinkness under the gums. The bitch had the nerve to tell me my teeth were normal. Thats just as rediculaous as my ENT telling me my tongue looked normal. I know what normal is. Normal is hat I had before bb. I g uess I m back and alot improved but I am tired. The only thing that gives me decent erliefe is when I put thera breath paste on my tongu and tlet it sit. I truly just want to get a extra sharp sword and just shave off my tongue surface. This is not that farfetched I have already tried it with a razor and razo blades.
My on recently causght me using the sand paper and he was shocked. He asid mom wht are you doing thats not for that I just went in my room and cried. When he heard me he went to his room and cried for me.
One thing is since my tonsilectomy my kids dont react anymore neither does my mother but my sister seems to have alergy attacks as soon as i come in her presence.
Well Im ucking back.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:12 am
by halitosisux
meowkity1 wrote:halitosisux, you have contributed to this sit more than anyone and I truly appreciate it, but I think your just like oneaday111 and I. You thought you were cured and have realize your not but dont want to admit it. Its OK,and I could b worng but I find it odd that you continuously research your butt off and its truly appreciated because you have helped me understand many things about this.
Meowkity, I am here for two main reasons. Firstly, fear. I want to know as much about this problem because I feel insecure incase it ever happens again, and it has me by the balls again like it had for the entire prime of my life. I think I have a natural susceptibility to have BB for the slightest of reasons.

Secondly, I feel so much bitterness and hatred for this problem, for what it took away from me. I read the forum every single day and I leap on every opportunity I can to offer some advice that may help someone.

I had a tonsillectomy and I knew it didnt help me. I knew I wasnt cured. I knew it in myself and I knew it from my feedback. This is not the case since I had my wisdom tooth out. I know as far as anyone could ever know it, that I'm cured.

But I can understand why you might make such a conclusion, I'm sure there are others who are thinking the same as you. The way I refer to this problem in some posts may sound like I am implying that I still have BB, but I'm just trying to speak to everyone on the same level as though I'm still a sufferer. There have been a few people who resent me because I probably sound arrogant unless I speak as a sufferer - but what else can I do?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:37 am
by halitosisux
Meow, how can someone react from quite a distance as soon as you open your mouth? Even if you just chewed on a stinkbomb it would take time for that odour to travel any distance. Sometimes the way you speak about this problem sounds so much like there is a psychological aspect to it all.

For instance, numerous times you have stated that you never detect any odour on your tongue - so why the obsession with your coating? It sounds like you've become totally fixated on your tongue. Why would you feel relief from letting theracrap sit on your tongue, when your tongue doesnt even smell anyway if it wasnt all psychological???

And then this whole thing about coughing and sneezing - jeez I wish that's all I had to put up with during my nightmare with BB. Coughing and sneezing may well be a sign that people can smell something bad, but it might also NOT be. And even if they do seem to be coughing and sneezing more when you are around, what makes you assume that its because of an odour - specifically YOUR BREATH?

You are repeatedly told that your breath doesnt smell bad, NOBODY tells you that your breath smells. Maybe some doctors have agreed with you that your breath smells while you talked with them, because they DAREN'T disagree with you.
You might have had a time in your life where your breath didnt smell good, like most people.
But that doesnt mean to say that this is the case now.

If anything, all that tongue scraping and excessive use of chemicals etc IS giving you some BB, and wouldnt be if you left things alone.

I've been following your story since you came on here. You had a tooth that went rotten, and you couldnt afford to deal with it at the time. You strongly believed it to be causing you some odour problems, which is likely. But dont you think that it might be this experience that you are unable to let go of since you latched onto it?


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:23 am
by ihatethebus
h.sux. i agree with your well explained theories pretty well but id like to support the people who say their their bb flies across a distance immediately the mouth is open. when i used to sit at the back of my classes all i had to do was open my mouth and close it 2 secs later and either half the class wud turn to look back or extreme fidgitting and panick would strike (people start fidgiting and flipping thru pages vigorously). no one seems to be able to make mouthwash that can mask these gases' combination because it seems they dont know anything about the resultant bbs structural formula which gives it an air density that can allow it to travel at great speeds and be smelled in other rooms and cars with fully shut windows.

sorry for the thick para

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:33 pm
by meowkity1
Someone mention NH3 which is amonia. I learned yesterday we release more amonia when we are acidic. I probably am acid but I never have heart burn and I also never ever ever burp

Halitosisux, your right I believe I am warped psychologicly I do know that.
Since my tonsilectomy my son says I am fine Iv been getting on him about brushing and its getting on his nerves. Recently we went to a restaurant. and the table next to us had 3 pole t it. The guy on the end put his chair in the isle so his back would face me. I got sad, left and cries. My son cried with me and he said, mom Im soryy I can see now. We both sat in the car a nd cried for a bit. Thank you for not taking it the wrong way when I said maybe your one of us. LIke Iv said youv contributed the most and its apreciated
Your right it all started when a filling fell out. There was poop gas coming out of this tooth and I didnt get it fixed for abuut a year. I believe tthis just jacked up my oral flora big time and I dont know how to get it bakc.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:55 pm
by meowkity1
I, nd did I mention I have also used a rotary tool. WARNING. and honestly it halped alil but the speed was too fast so I bought a fingernail rotary tool. Rediculous, I know

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:18 pm
by iva

I believe it`s about bacteria too. I just don`t know how to get rid of the bad ones and repopulate my mouth with good bacteria. Antibiotics and stuff like Metronidazole help temporarily, which means bacteria somehow adapt to them and mutate...
I often wonder if I kiss s.o. with healthy mouth - will that help?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:11 pm
by meowkity1
Iva, I have also thought about having my year old slobber in a cup and then place it on my tongue. I know its wierd but Im gonn try it all.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:53 pm
by Phantasist
Don't use sandpaper on your tongue, and don't scrape too hard. You may be doing more harm than good. Just get the excess coating off your tongue and leave the rest. You will never get all of it because of the crevasses. I use a paring knife, lightly and carefully.
I also believe my BB is due to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth, and I have also had the experience where people started caughing when I was close. We must be exhaling some chemical substance.
I know that no one in this forum believes that Dr. Katz's products work. I tried his regimen a couple of years ago, and it produced some improvement for a while, but didn't last. However, lately I have had some success with a procedure that I described in a thread called "Oral Hygiene Regimen That May Help" (August 5th, 2010). I believe it reduced my bad breath by about 80%. It is not a cure for us because we have the wrong microfloral ecology in our mouths, but this may help you somewhat, at least temporarily in important situations.