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Help me find a job please.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Help me find a job please.

Post by vampire8868 »

Thank you anyway.
Last edited by vampire8868 on Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by meowkity1 »

Im in school now online and I wsa just crying earlier thinking about how I wont even be able to work becuase of this. All kinds of jobs went through my head where I could be secluded.

You'v got to hold on dear. I truly hope you know better.
Please continue to check in with us. Im so so soryy you feel this way.
I can see your new here, please just review the site there is tons of valuable information here.
I wish I was in NY so I could give you a hug
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Post by sputnik »

Hi vampire,

I'm 38 and have had bb for 20 years. I have no friends and the last time I had a girl was in the late 20th century so please understand that I know EXACTLY what you're going through.

s*****e will achieve nothing but cause great pain to your family. It's not a solution to the problem we all face on this forum. Every time I think i've found a possible cure or a product that improves my breath, it comes back with a vengeance. We all battle with this affliction day in and day out and must ALWAYS keep going.

If you're looking for a job with the least possible interaction, try night shift security, driving (truck, cab, package delivery, whatever). You can also try to telecommute or open your own online business.

Just don't ever give up, you're not alone in this.
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Post by Ruben »

I agree with what others have said. s*****e will accomplish nothing.I went for an interview 2-3yrs ago, after brushing the back of my toungue real well i thought perhaps i had been able to mask my bb for this interview, and basically the people where hiring anybody but esp people with my credentials, i was shoe in, but by the time i gotten to the interview which was about 1hr away from where i live, the bacteria had already started putting out those noxius gases, i didn't realize it, until toward the end of the interview when the lady was just pulling her mouth up to her nose in digust.
Of course i didn't get the job.

This sort of disease puts you in isolation basically. You'd be treated like a pariah even by your own family so it good that you have a sister who cares about you.
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Post by hope10 »

Vampire..I know that feeling too. I cry everyday of my life because of bb situation. I also came to USA hoping I would find a cure, but still nothing. Don't give up, here you can find support, friends. You are not the only one with BB. Try to read the posts of dr Aydin Murat. He is really good and he provides us interesting information. First you have to find the cause of your bb in order you can work on it. Believe me, I understand how you feel. But tomorrow is another day and maybe you can find any hope and you will be feeling better by then. I sorry...I don't know what else to tell you, my English is not good enough...I am still learning. Good luck and don't feel alone..we all here have the same problem.
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Post by stressedout »

I wish someone in FDA or wherever read this thread and did something at last! It is like a totally separate doctor position must be created to help and heal people (and NO bullshit freshbreath and such companies that rip you off and give you just another mouthwash).

Serious research is needed. They arent doing anything cause they think halitosis is not a terminal illness, well IT IS!!!
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Post by vampire8868 »

Thank you all the comments, my friends.
Last edited by vampire8868 on Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by snow »

oh vampire stop complaining. we are all in the same boat! u wanna killa urself?? u that selfish?? u can't handle the pressure?? u that weak??

with killing urself u achive what exactly stupid?? just another number who was crazy killed himself. nobody takes us seriously because they don't know what we go through every day! They don't know how many people suffer with this,. there are women here that have alot alot alot harder life than u, annd they get up every morning and fight, they continue to look for a cure! if u kill urself u havent done anything at all in life! IT MEANS ALL ure time spent here on earth was just a big waste of everybodys time and space!

if everybody killed himself at first obsticle in life where would we be? i mean for Gods sake, people living with bigger health issues and they proceed, people living without food, and other nessesary stuff in life and they proceed, and ure crying lik a **** this is to much?

we've all been there, hitting the rock bottom is something u come to as a human, sooner or later, so u can appreciate life when it gets better, and belive me it does get better! so u'll leave ure sister by herlsef and other family members?well there's no better way of telling ure family ure a pussy, they should take better care of u, because u weren't able to do it by urself, u were to sensitive for this world, u poor poor fragile flower....

I have had bad breath for about 12 years, and i mean dragon bad breath, had girlfriends, had greaat jobs, and still do! and all this was not achieved by complaing like a baby that the world isn't made the way I want it, but i addopted to the world, and now things look pretty bright from the perspective I'm looking from...Trust me I know as most of us here I also did »consider« s*****e, but what I would have missed if I did something stupid as that! After the right decision, I had a real nympho for girlfriend (hope girls don't get offended by this, and if they do-GROW UP!), man the sex was unbellivable!!! had great job, met some incredible people, I mean just incredible people, I can not tell u more. This site did help me alot with great advices, but most of all i have to thank to myself, for not giving up, for pushing forward. I can have all the things, i want, get all the advices i need, but if I am not ready to do something about it, its all just a big waste of everybodys time. Abundantlife, was talking on how to pick up chicks, what they like etch. All true but homie (abundantlife), its all a big waste if they don't understand it in their head. But i can confirm that its true all u said. Some women are disturbed by bb, but theres a billion more women to try, and u can take my word that alot of them will ignore it! Plus doctors and other scientists, are doing research every day, who knows maybe tomorow they will find the cure, and u just killed urself today, how stupid do u feel now?!

ure sisters has other problems, and I bet ure money she aint thinking about s*****e like u! what if ure mother did s*****e 30 or more years ago before u were born, because she had problems with i don't know her feet smelling bad or she had big ass, whatever, u wouldn't be born, nor ure sister...

what is the meanig of life? what is ure destination??-well judging from ure posts, u aint gonna go far in life, u sound like a loser who wants all answers on a plate. Thats what life is all about finding ure perpose on earth and making a difference, until u do, ure a big nothing, and haven't really done anything in life. if u allready made a desision, and ure like a donkey that will not change his mind, then why the *** u wasting everybodies time here, the rest of us are doing something about our problem, we are trying to find the cure!

I just hope when doctors call for 300 volunteers to do tests on them for cure for halitosis, I just hope we won't be one loser short!

sory because i don't support ure pitty talk like most people do, but dude I heared it all, I heared people with REAL problems, and they pulled through, and ure thinking about the easy way out, ending ure life? what a loser! ... I am sure there are people in the past that killed themself because of bb, and what has that done for ANYBODY?? nothing the rest of us still suffer just as we would if they never even existed! but if they stayed, who knows, maybe one of them would by accident find the cure for bb. we all would be cured, and would their life suddenly become the beautiful life they allways imagined?probably not, they would still be miserable, because they would find another thing that is stopping them in life to fully live and use ther full potential. »Its all in the head«- how u look at life, and the way ure looking at life right now is just wrong and retarded dude. Like Stallone said: » It ain't about how hard u get hit, its about how hard u get hit and keep moving forward, how much can u take and keep moving forward, thats how winning is done!..

sorry dude for sounding insensitive, but if u just need someone to tap u on the shoulder and tell u, how ure life is much harder than everyone elses, u really are right to feel sorry for urself… u are living in illusion… I'm just telling it like it is.. no hard feeling - because i know how sensitive u are...

for ending I leave u with a clip from Rocky, If ure smart u'll learn something from my post, if not, well loser than u just wasted 15minutes of my time!

PS: I'm not giving u »advices« on how to live ure live, what to do etch., there is no need for them really. why u ask? Because a smart person does not need an andvice, and a dumb person aint gonna listen to it anyway, so why waste my time…
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Post by Hooch »

You might wanna work on your compassion skills there Snow [-(
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Post by halitosisux »

I share a lot of your feelings on this snow, in a positive sense of what you have tried to say.
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Post by meowkity1 »

I really hate when someone reaches out for support and they get shot down and called stupid. Snow, your the stupid one for thinking she needed to read that at this time. You make me sick.
We've all got to just make it to the end man.
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Post by Phantasist »

How do you know the post wasn't written by a girl?
The hand we are dealt is fate. How we play the cards is free will.
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Post by snow »

it's pretty obvious it's a man.-and it doesnt matter really, focus on the important thing.

the title is "help me find a job" ..and it finishes the post with "By the way, I think about to hang myself. If you know any way to die without pain, please tell me." ...

-u see he didn't even do his research about this, which way is less painless, he even expects others will do it for him, and tell him what is the easiest way to die, would u like also someone else to do the last stupid step for u? i spell that L A Z Y

and trust me he or she needed to read this, all other bullshit is pointless. u want a job?? go get it!! i'm no expert but im pretty sure, it will not come flying through the window or by surfing forums and writing about s*****e! i allready told him/her if he expects everything on a plate then yea life is hard!

go get a job, it might not come immediately but if u persist u'll get one. same goes for bb, might not be fresh today or tomorow, but one of these days it will be, and then u can open a new discussion about "real problems" d*ck being to short, boobs to small, nose to big or ears to wide, and hair to fluffy, untill then do something productive.

how many people die every day and they would give anything to live, even the hompless people who might look "lazy" are fighting to live and then theres a vampireperson who wants to end his life, what a retard, oobviously he really doesnt appreciate life! and life is beautifull u just have to stop looking it through your eyes.

go get some fresh air, eat a muffin or something, watch ure favorite tv show, call an old friend, or hook up with someone from this site, before bed time, masturbate, and think about what i said, sleep it over and then post ure decision let us know why life really isnt worth living.

ps:vampire, i'm not writing this to insult u or degrade u, but if u think about it, I belive u'll see im right.

i think discussion is finished, sure others will write how incentive, well life isnt sensitive get used to it, or theres gona be a new topic each day about the same pointless blaber. go read and look for solution, about our problem and not just complain how life is unfair. theres 1000 medical sites, we are overlooking something because of these "distractions".. focus on solution not on the problem!

good luck,
sincerly ure friend snow=ice=block
:) ;)
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Post by meowkity1 »

I actually believe JIMI doesnt want that kind of talk on here anyways. Iv read the post where he told so.
I actually thought it was a girl.
Snow- one thing you said right is RESEARCH. yu cant give up until you search for a solution. EVen then hang on.
I get a lot of child support so I am lucky to live on that but I cant imagine how down I would be if I had to work. Actually if you read my post community service under venting it sums up what I felt like working just a few hours. It was pure misery.
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Post by ihatethebus »

snow...big up i kinda understand your point...ignore meowkitty, shes kinda stuck up..i apologized for a post i wrote about a girl called amy by pm and were even friends on she says shes dropd out of the forum becoz of a specific self centered pers.. whos name i prolly don nid to mention
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