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Tongue Cleaning

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Tongue Cleaning

Post by austuser »

I know this is the very basic treatment for reducing bad breath and most people here do it, but I wanted to post a topic relating specifically to how to properly clean your tongue for any new visitors who need to know the basics.

Tongue gel


Tongue scraper

Basically you must pat your tongue dry before applying any tongue gel. Ive read on here that some people just start brushing the gel onto their tongue when it is wet. This dilutes the product and makes it less effective.

The tongue needs to be patted dry with a towel or cloth and then the gel needs to be applied for 2 MINUITES. The gel needs to be worked into the tongue surface, rather than simply brushing the coating off. For the entire two minutes you musn't let any saliva get onto the tongue, so let it drip out of your mouth into the sink (its very messy but fun in a weird kinda way)

After the two minutes of brushing, use a tongue scraper to remove the gel and bacteria coating. Make full passes over the tongue starting from top all the way down to the tip. Wash the scraper after every stroke as to avoid placing any more bacteria on the tongue. You may need to do about 12 strokes to get all the product off.

Wash your mouth.

Repeat every step above, including patting the tongue dry again, but this time only work the gel into the tongue surface for 30 seconds. Again, make sure not to allow any saliva to get onto the tongue and interfere with the gel. After 30 seconds, continue brushing the entire teeth, cheeks, roof of mouth, gums etc.

Then scrape the remainder of the gel off your tongue and wash your mouth.

This is the best way to keep your tongue clean and is really a must for any bb sufferer, even though it is NOT going to get rid of bb, but at least give your mouth the best opportunity to flourish with whatever other treatment you use afterwoods.

There are many places that sell tongue gel (not toothpaste), various tongue scrapers, and toothbrushes or the excellent "Tung Brush".

This is the very least you can do for your breath. Make it a habbit.

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Re: Tongue Cleaning

Post by noptical »

TUNG BRUSH is the solution to all your tongue cleaning problems. :D
I havent found a more effective product than this yet. And you dont need 15 mins to clean, just a min and you're fine.
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Post by Larc400 »

:shock: Doesn't the Gel you're mentioning contain Zinc, which ultimately has a drying effect (sadly)..?
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Post by Crepusculo »

Does the dryess really has a direct effect on bad breath? Because i have dry mouth most of the time due to creatine intake, and the bb gets worse late at night because i stop drinking so much water. I'm curious to know what will happen when i stop taking creatine, but i still have doses for two more weeks.
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Post by austuser »

I use breezecare's oral gel and the new Kforce breath guard gel. Neither of them cause my mouth to be dry, on the contrary they give me more salyva.

The new breath guard gel is the same thing but it contains propolis and has a strong minty flavour. Most tongue gels have the same ingredients, and have never given me a dry mouth.
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here's the deal on the gels

Post by LJ »

Here's the problem with most of the gels, including what comes with the tung brush; most of them contain SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate, a soap and drying agent.
The zinc itself is drying but the combination is over the top. I cannot use these items at all.
How can it be said that this is the best thing for your mouth? how can someone make this claim?
Read the ingredients on everything and ask yourself, do you really want to use this on your oral surfaces?
How much do you know about your oral surfaces? Is it skin? no, so can it be treated like skin? should we use soap in our mouths?
with an existing bacterial imbalance; dry mouth further creates odors and sends those VSC's on the wind long before you reach your destination, your ****ing breath is already there.
Again, if you are finding relief with gels that contain zinc and sls, and people are thrilled to be near you; kiss you; tell you a little secret; then you are not part of this group.
This is the group of the damned; it's going to take lasers; guided missles; tongue transplants; drilling air holes in the back of our necks so our breath comes out backward.
Anyway, think about this; and find out if your not in fact causing yourself worse breath than you would normally have; but find out; from different sources.
If you stop the routine and find your breath is worse; is it worse than it was before I started or is it because you have dried out your oral tissues to a degree they will need weeks to rehydrate.
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Post by austuser »

if you are finding relief with gels that contain zinc and sls, and people are thrilled to be near you; kiss you; tell you a little secret; then you are not part of this group.
I can use these gels and experience relief long enough to be able to enjoy these things. But that doesnt mean my halitosis is not chronic. The effect still wears off, sometimes it lasts 6 hours, sometimes it lasts 2 hours. But i stil get bad breath.

If i go out on the town, my breath wont always last and I will need to go home and do the routine again. My goal is to find a solution to the bacterial imbalance in my oral flora, so i think i have a right to be here just as much as you.
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Post by Larc400 »

Would it be poss to post the ingredients of the Breezecare & KForce gels..? Maybe things have progressed! 8)
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Post by austuser »


Sorbitol, Hydrated Silica, Water, Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Glycerin, Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide, Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate, Xylitol, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Carrageenan, Sodium Fluoride, Zinc Gluconate, Essential Oil of Peppermint, Natural Flavour, Sodium Benzoate

KFORCE Breath Guard Gel

Sorbitol, Hydrated Silica, Purified Water, Xylitol, Glycerin, Peppermint Oil, Sodium Methyl Cocyl Taurate, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Pyrophosphate, Zinc Gluconate, Propolis Extract, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Pyrophosphate, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Sucaralose, Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Grape Seed Extract.

Warning: Propolis may cause allergic reaction. Test before use. If irritation or swelling of the mouth or throat occurs, discontinue use.

I find that the Kforce breath guard gel has too strong a flavour and i dont really like it, even though they made a big hooplah about this new gel. I like the standard oral gel, it tastes like nothing. I think that the gel that comes with the Tung Brush is the exact same as the breeze oral gel...
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Post by shorty »

I don't think that the tung gel has the same ingredients as the breezecare, k-force or the extra strenght Therabreath. The reason why I say that is because my mouth feels dry and nasty when I use the gel that comes with the tung brush. I think it has Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in it. I maybe wrong but I don't like the gel that come with the tung brush, but I do like the tung brush.
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thanks for listing them...

Post by LJ »

Okay, I looked over the ingredients in both these gels; and this is what I have to tell you. Number 1, SLsacronate is a cousin of SLS, a cleaner, a milder one, but yet, a soapy cleaner.
And if you're not interested in using these gels one day on your tongue; You can polish your car with potassium pyrophosphate which is contained in the gel.
And strong essential oils such as peppermint; which is higher on the list of ingredients in one than the other; is an irritant to the oral mucosa. Of course, nobody would buy a gel or toothpaste that didn't have that nostalgic peppermint flavor.
I see nothing in these gels to indicate they would be helpful; and most of the stuff with the exception of maybe the water and xylitol could potentially irritate.
I've used the propolis on it's own; it's from bees, that's why there is a warning; a lot of people are allergic to bees. I saw no benefit from this as well. Although initially it sounded promising.
As far as the ingredient causing the most dryness would likely be the zinc. But again, in a study in Buffalo NY, where less than 10 people who claimed to have bad breath were examined with a halimeter; several of the people did reduce the VSC;s.
The Tung brush gel though is a big let down. Good brush, bad, bad, gel. They should get a letter for putting that crap in with their product. Arent' they supposed to be part of the leading edge in oral hygeine? so, why so stupid?
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Post by rc »

Hi, this is my first post but I have been browsing the forum for a while. I'm 18 and think I have had bad breath for a few years, but it's only since I've gone to university that I've started to realise just how bad it is. Was wondering whether it is possible that tongue scraping/cleaning could actually have made my breath worse? I am a vegetarian, so I do not consume much protein, but I believe post-nasal drip and mucus/thick saliva is the fuel for the anerobic bacteria on my tongue. But my theory is that before I started tongue cleaning about 6 months ago, my tongue would be coated with food for most of the day. Since I've come to university I brush my teeth and clean my tongue after every meal. But I think that when I remove the build up of food on my tongue, most of which isn't protein, I allow my mucus and thick saliva to come into direct contact with the anerobic bacteria on my tongue, and I think that it could be because of the fact that the bacteria now have more protein to break down that my breath could actually now be worse than six months ago. Would be great to hear some opinions please, because it is just something I have recently thought of. Thanks, rc.
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no danger

Post by LJ »

Hi RC:
scraping your tongue or brushing your teeth are both part of a good general oral hygeine routine.
However, what products you use in conjunction with the routine is what is vitally important.
First you report thick saliva and mucus; that makes me think you are using some bad products in your mouth.
IF you are using tongue gels stop now.
If you are using any toothpaste other than Biotene, stop now (Biotene is really the only one in the store to buy) but Biotene is for dry mouth; it does not irritate; and for the record it does not cure chronic halitosis either.
Every other toothpaste in the store has some bad ingredient and should be avoided.
You seem intelligent to have gathered that you actually maybe hurting yourself; or creating your problem; I say, bravo to you.
And are you using a mouthwash; say listerine; it gives me chills to think anyone on this board still uses the stuff?
Stop that crap immediately.
If stopping the products you are currently using doesn't change the dry mouth factor; you should go and get checked for dry mouth syndrome.
If you have this disorder; you CANNOT use normal dental products in your mouth. You may be prescribed a pill that can increase your saliva.
Since you're aware enough to be a vegetarian; (I'm sorry I just can't exclusively kill vegetables and not large tasty animals as well) then you probably have a good understanding of your body.
If these few things don't work; move on and research further.
Give it a month to see if there are changes in your mouth by removing the products; then if that isn't doing it; it's time to see a doctor and a specialist, an ENT.
First things first though. Drop the products you currently use; use only Biotene toothpaste; you don't need a mouthwash; and do the same things you described; brush teeht and tongue and floss really well. Let us know how it's going; and hang in there; and don't get paranoid about your breath; you're young, smart, and apparently healthy; just wait and see. Laura
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Post by austuser »

LJ gives some good advice, but disregard what she said about stopping tongue gels. There are some out there which dry your mouth, there are others that wont dry your mouth. Everyone is different and you have to try them out for yourself. She's just a bitter old woman :lol:
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you funny

Post by LJ »

LOL Austuser
I redirected him from the gel due to the fact that he is currently experiencing severe dry mouth. He could return to use a "proper gel product" the likes of which this bitter old witch has yet to see; but only after he heals the dry mouth problem.
I forgot to ask him how much water he consumes; that's important as well.
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