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If Diet is the cure, then what diet do I follow?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:58 am
by Killjoy87
If we are we eat.... then what do I eat? I have a cheesy smell coming from my nose and random spurts of BB coming from elsewhere. By this I mean every 5-20 min a burst of BB will come from somewhere else in my body. ( This usually smells really bad). I am 22 yrs old and going to college and I need to find a cure. I understand that alcohol dries the mouth out, but is there any form of alcohol I can drink? Beer has lots of yeast, but what about wine/ hard alcohol? I don’t understand why my body cant process foods like everyone else. ( If that is even the case.) WHY ME!?!? #-o :oops: ](*,)

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:08 am
by stressedout
Hi there,

I am curious to know what your detailed diet is like now. And we will take it from there.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:06 am
by Happylife
You will know better about your body than anyone else.

Try out all good foods ...if u don't feel good after eating that food, then that is not right food for u. I know this seems to be very generic...but it is true...

How about adding few good things one by one....

Start with Broccoli... I just started adding it to my diet as it helps a little bit for H Pylori patients and i was recently tested positive for H Pylori..

Hope u'll feel better.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:24 am
by Killjoy87
Thanks for the advice. I worked downtown this summer and I would often skip breakfast for fear of worse BB. For lunch I would eat vegetable soup, and a roll. When I came home for dinner anything was fair game. Hamburger, steak, pasta, whatever.. Do the foods you eat the night before affect on BB hours after waking? I have a GI appt tomorrow, and as bad as this sounds I’m praying for a hernia or something identifiable. I have a hard time accepting anything else. [-(

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:58 pm
by stressedout

it would not hurt if you experimented with your diet to see if changes make you feel better. Dont think about why some can eat it all and not suffer, you are not them, and you dont know what could be coming to them under the right/wrong circumstances.
Hamburger, steak, pasta
you know these are not the best healthy options, not telling you to cut them, is your choice, but you can try elimination of some foods/ingredients and introduction of some you havent been used to. Keep trying for a while, and see how you feel, we are all different.

It may not be necessary a food allergy, but there are various food sensitivities that are harder to detect. What would you choose - give up some you really want to eat, but you feel better, or keep eating whatever and not knowing it is contributing to your suffering?

You never know that you might feel better. Good luck.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:08 pm
by stressedout
Oh and as for alcohol, we all know moderation is the key. Try giving up beer. Red wine is great for our heart and blood (as they say), treat yourself with a glass or two, and not so much that it makes your mouth/throat dry out. Better have it with food. If you choose to have hard liquor, do a shot or two, no more; I go with tequila on a good Saturday as a treat. Choose it wisely. But unfortunately until you feel better, and even when you do, as a BB sufferer you better stay away from getting completely wasted on those college nights LOL Your breath will get even worse.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:19 pm
by stressedout
Well look at that! ... to_protein

How do we know this wont contribute to some health problems? Why do we need to genetically modify our naturally grown food? No wonder cancer rates skyrocket! How can we trust those food industries, we dont even know what we are putting into our bodies after grocery shopping.

Says it has more protein etc..why would we need more protein in potatoes, it is not like we can't get it from elsewhere (natural source).

God knows what else they will come up with, and people end up suffering from "incurable" issues.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:34 pm
by Killjoy87
Thanks for the advice stress~ I will play around with the foods I eat and see if there is a positive result. It sounds like India has some malnutrition issues. I wonder if they eat so many potatoes because of their culture or their pockets? Either way I agree that playing God for quick solutions causes more problems for people. I have a GI appointment in a couple hours, and I am hoping for some answers. Apparently she is a GI/GP so I can kill two birds with one stone ;) Would you happen to know why a cheese smell would be coming from my nose?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:31 pm
by stressedout
Hey Killjoy87
I dont know for sure about the nose smell, however i have experienced it as well recently. And now the only speculation i think of is something digestive. I didnt have any nose smell a short while back, then all of a sudden i started smelling something not pleasant in the morning after waking up, and during the day i could notice the same smell just a bit less strong, i couldnt get it, my diet is pretty much the same all the time, i freaked out and cut out some good things i ate and it made me weaker but didnt fix it. So i couldnt get why, so i thought "what was different between then - no nose smell, and later - with nose smell. It was either 2 things - i was taking various vitamins every day (many) and i was taking higher doses of betaine HCL for digestion. So i stopped the vitamins and lowered HCL to maybe one capsule per meal once in a while. Nose smell is gone for now - knock on the wood. I read somewhere that too many vitamin supplements can cause BB. Or if it is HCL - then this is my theory - since im mostly vegetarian, my meals didnt need so many HCL caps (was i crazy!) and it screwed up my digestion. And i also read that nose smell bypasses the mouth and caused by digestion issues, so very well could be those 2 things that i have eased on recently. I hope you get closer to your cause and get better very soon!

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:43 am
by Happylife,_ ... d_Minerals

This link has the list of good sources which has all the essential elements for human body.

List may not be complete but, at least it should be helpful. I'm trying to follow good diet as well :) . Good Luck.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:47 am
by herbalsupp
:( :( :(

sometimes we need additional help when it comes to bad breath. For years I have been walking around with candy and gum, coffee beans, you name it. Almost 2 years ago I discovered a mint that changed my life called Dentiva. It is a long lasting mint (1-4 hrs) and it corrects the pH of the mouth to not only kill bacteria but also prevent gingivitis and plaque. Since using it i have changed my life and the complaints of bad breath has stopped. There is a great site to get it from ... They provide great resources of list of research done on this.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:56 am
by halitosisux
This might be worth trying actually, because it contains zinc gluconate and xylitol and a few other ingredients that look like they might help.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:04 pm
by Happylife
Whenever i tried a gum containing Mint or pepper mint ... it stinks more.

That is why i am sticking with Fruit flavored gums. I am sure there are others like me.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:16 pm
by mike987
herbalsupp wrote::( :( :(

sometimes we need additional help when it comes to bad breath. For years I have been walking around with candy and gum, coffee beans, you name it. Almost 2 years ago I discovered a mint that changed my life called Dentiva. It is a long lasting mint (1-4 hrs) and it corrects the pH of the mouth to not only kill bacteria but also prevent gingivitis and plaque. Since using it i have changed my life and the complaints of bad breath has stopped. There is a great site to get it from ... They provide great resources of list of research done on this.

Actually looks kind of promising, but I'll be damned if that post is not a sales pitch. New user; name= herbalsupp;, 1st post claims a working treatment AND a website you can get it at.

Do you really have BB or are you trying to sell your product?

If I'm in error, surely you can understand why I'm quick to judge.

Anyway, if anyone tries herbalsupps gum, let us know.

Here's a genuine looking opinion from Sadly, it's the only review so far:
waste of money, August 29, 2010
By jack
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Dentiva with Xylitol and ACP for Oral Hygiene (Health and Beauty)
takes about 30 minutes for the tablet to melt down and leaves an overwhelming minty taste in your mouth and throat. Wears off quickly. If you take them throughout the day to keep your breath fresh, your gums get dried out. a big disappointment

I don't want to shit all over this product, because it's probably better than any mint or gum out there (don't know if that's saying much) but then there are these comments attached to the review:
Anat Sapan says:
i love this stuff!!!
check out for full details.
the stuff works ... i think it is revolutionary
This same message was posted twice on that same review.. Notice how it also mentions that site. Doesn't seem genuine... Seems like a poor fake, right? If someone actually had their BB vanish due to the stuff, I'm sure they'd throw in their personal story and lots of details.

Ugh. So yeah. Looks like an alright product, but is being pimped by phonies. Wouldn't cure anyone's BB though.. Would probably be a fine product for people without Chronic BB.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:36 pm
by herbalsupp
you can be a cynical as you want. I have been using the product and know that it works. I don't think I need to get on the site and pour out my heart on how many times bad breath has affected my life in the past. At the end of the day the Dentiva product has changed my life. You can try it or you can make cont to knock it. I am not selling anything but sharing my feelings about a product that in my eyes is revolutionary.