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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by vonreally »

hey jimi i know this is going to sound crazy but i had this theory. i was thinking that all of the bacteria live in our mouths an thrive on our tonque right. well what if we took a laser to our tongue and burn it something like tattoo removal. my theory is that if the tongue and back of the throat are slightly burned then there would be no surface for the bacteria to grow on thus elimanating mouth oder. i would be able to talk to other people againg. i know it sounds like i am out of my mind but if i stay in this condition much longer i am going to go insane anyway. i would be willing to give up my sense of taste to live like a normal human being. besides i would probaly only be the back taste buds and back area because that is where my problems come from.

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Post by DVY »

hey vonreally, your not crazy ! i was thinking the same thing. i too have been suffering with bad breath for about 20 years, and like everyone else here have been reduced to living in isolation. i felt cursed, some days i just go home so deppressed but the next day i fell like today i will find the magic combination to help my bad breath. sometimes i think ive found it and try to go out in public like i didnt have bad breath, but still get offered gum even when the person offering it knows im chewing on some at the time. but today is a new day, and one of us will find something that works. your idea seems logical to me because it would disrupt the area that is supposed to cuase the problem. i think these other rinse products are only temporary solutions, plus if they had a cure they would go out of business so they give you a little hope and we spend lots of money to keep buying more rinses that dont work long. if we havent all ready i think we should start a thread on what combination of products or treatments have helped, while still searching for a cure, that way we dont have to waste our time,money and hope on stuff we know doesnt work. what do you all think?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

come on vonreally

do not do such a thing. It is not worth it. Try raw food, buy some book about it and stick to the diet if you are really desperate. It is better way than shaving tongue. Raw food is not easy at all but it will benefit you.

Do not harm your body, you will need it many more years.

ALso I still haven't heard any testimony of tonsil zapping with laser. Do you think it works?
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