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cured at last!

Tell us your story with bad breath
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cured at last!

Post by kiki11 »


I have suffered bad breath ever since I was little. The cause was a combination of tonsils with white stones and post nasal drip, sinus problems and allergies. When I turned 20, I removed my tonsils and my breath improved and became an on and off situation. However during the last 5 years (I am 30 now), my nasal problems worsened and I had 24 bad gasoline breath that does not go away no matter how much i brush . My ENT told me there is no cure for my nose problems, it's related to allergy. Several months ago I was surfing the net as usual looking for cures.

I stumbled upon "therabreath" and "smartmouth" mouth washes. I decided to give them a try so I ordered them online. It works :)))) it really works , after rinsing with the mouthwash I have odor-free breath for 12 hours , these products do as it says! I found smartmouth a little more effective lasting longer, I mean I am really glad I discovered these mouthwashes in my youth, I thought there is no cure, when I read about the science behind these third generation mouth washes, it prevents the bacteria from binding to the protiens in your mouth , so that they do not produce gases which cause bad breath, this protein can come from mucus or food, my tongue used to be always white .. now its pink , my bad breath has effected my personality in the past, I was never spontanous , i always think first if the person in front of me is at a safe distance, or sometimes I go blank without speaking a word if i happen to sit next to someone in the car or something, it effected my love life everything, I do feel now I am a new person, I brush twice a day and use the mouthwash twice a day , I thought I really want to share this story with people who have this problem ,, finally bad breath has a cure. this link can help ... re=related