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alien girl

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:02 pm
by coco.bratt
Hello. My name is Olya. I am 19 years old, a few months later I will be 20 years old.
My story begins with the age of 13. When I lost my mother, I am very worried for a long time I could not realize that my mother had died. Then my dad infected me live with him and his family, his new wife and her son.
7 years I lived with this problem. I have several times appealed to specialists, doctors and spent a large sum of money but I did not help.
And recently, I thought I found a solution.
This summer, I was fascinated by the raw food diet. This diet has promised to heal me from many diseases. After 3 months, my bad breath was gone. I was really happy! So happy that did not notice as I have a new problem, even more awful and humiliating for me.
Now I suffer from the smell from the nose.
I was starving, would sit on a special diet to somehow alleviate my situation. But alas, it did not help. I am in despair. I want to live a normal life, I want to be happy and smiling. And most importantly - I want to start a family. I want to find love, I want to have kids. .
How and by what I can to help yourself?

my dad's birthday

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:34 pm
by coco.bratt
Tomorrow will be a holiday - tomorrow is my dad's birthday. We live separately. I live alone and I'm happy about that because I can have my own world and not to cause discomfort to anyone with my problem.
I bought a gift for my Daddy. But I do not know how I congratulate him, I'm afraid to approach him and kiss him to say sweet words to him. I really miss him communion. I really miss him.
I love my dad, he is the only important thing that I have in this life. He cared about me when i was a child and he supports me now. But I can not be opened to him. I really want to tell him everything, tell him about my problem a bad smell and I do not know what it is connected and I can not control it.
How can I show him my love , he deserves all the best, he deserves my support, especially on this day. But his daughter is loser.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:49 pm
by exume
hey at least when u talk they wont smell anything so u gotta accept it i have both nasal odor and bb and body odor

Re: bb

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:32 am
by coco.bratt
exume wrote:hey at least when u talk they wont smell anything so u gotta accept it i have both nasal odor and bb and body odor
Hello. Im really sorry what you have this problem. how you are struggling with the problem every day?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:45 am
by coco.bratt
Today is Wednesday, Nov. 17. Today is the birthday of my dad. I remember my childhood, as we noted dad's birthday our happy family, and certainly they were the brightest moments of my life.
This morning I called my dad on the phone, wished him good health and success in everything. Then I went to the kitchen and wrapped gift for dad in a gift bag. Now I am concerned about the issue - how to give the gift dad?
My smell from the nose disappears then reappears and grows. I noticed that people can not be beside me, they simply turn away or leave. The last thing I want to upset my dad that.
I have an idea - to meet him at lunchtime on the street, then it is likely that he will not feel my smell. But to be more confident - I have to cram wadding in the nose, although I noticed that this is not always works Sometimes the smell is so strong that nothing works.


Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:11 pm
by exume
hey thanks for saying that but its been like this for 2years or longer i hate it so much people judge me immediately because of my strong odors but i learned to just accept myself

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:12 am
by coco.bratt
Hello, today is November 19. My day began today like all the previous. I woke up with thoughts about mine desperate silly situation, with thoughts about my unpleasant odor from the nose. And why I do not feel that smell of myself? I have no problem with a runny nose, my nose completely clean and breathes freely, but the people around obviously feel something. .
Today I went to the supermarket for shopping and has closely followed the reactions of those around me. They obviously felt uncomfortable and occasionally sniff, as well as a hand touched their nose. In general, as usual, nothing special.
Even yesterday, I firmly decided for myself that I should go to the doctor that probably would have put the diagnosis. But here's the problem - I have lost confidence in the doctors after twice appealed to the paid professionals about my BB from my mouth. I spent very large sums of money on these doctors and no one helped me.
I managed to get rid of bad breath with the hunger and raw food diet, but without the help of doctors. Doctors - I do not assistants.
Yesterday morning I was thinking about my despair, that I do not know the cause of my smell from the nose and I do not know how to get rid of it. I thought about the worst things that is easier to surrender and stop fighting .. But last night I called my new friend from the forum of BB. This girl has the problem of odor, she feels it daily and she's too depressed by this. We had a long talk with her on the phone (we have not talked many time, I missed her). And after our conversation with her, I have cheered up.
I feel we should support each other, we - are the people who will never condemn the people for an unpleasant smell, which they can not control.
The people around us think, "Oh no, she did not clean teeth?" or "Ugh, why she is so stinks?". These people are not even aware of our suffering.
I want to get back on famine, it is very hard for me, but when I do not eat or drink, people around me do not feels my smell . The only issue on which I have not found the answer - is it for a happy life I have all my life to be hungry?

Re: hey

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:19 am
by coco.bratt
exume wrote:hey thanks for saying that but its been like this for 2years or longer i hate it so much people judge me immediately because of my strong odors but i learned to just accept myself
Hello, what do you think that people with our problem should try to look for a loved one with the same problem? I mean, nobody can understand you as a person who experiences it every day. These people, together will seek ways of healing, support each other, protect each other and will never judge people for an unpleasant odor.


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:21 pm
by exume
i dont know but im going to get a girlfriend soon and im not letting this bb stop me

Re: bb

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:31 am
by tamacun
exume wrote:i dont know but im going to get a girlfriend soon and im not letting this bb stop me
...that's what i did son, I'm a 47 years old man with bb for the last 32 years, i don't think about my bb, just do my live, i have wife, kids, friends, enemies, like every one, i have a job and i 'm going to continue my live like a normal person, bb is a medical condition and we have to live with that. I did everything, tonsil surgery, antibiotics, probiotics, bla, bla, bla, bla, nothing works, believe me, so i did learn at one point that i have to live the rest of my live with bb, period.
Just enjoy your live buddy, if you want you will find the way to do it.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:39 am
by coco.bratt
Hello. Today is November 29, Monday. Yesterday I was with my girlfriend (we found each other on the forum BB, she has bad breath ) have decided to go to a nightclub to relax. But when we came to the club, we realized that we had made a stupid mistake. We have no place in a nightclub for self. Because we suffer from bad smell and all-around start to notice it.
In the club came up to us guys to get to know and treat us a drink or something to eat. Of course, we avoided them . This is so stupid. We are pretty young girls who dream of a normal communication with the guys, but we can not afford it.
In the end I was very upset about what is happening and we went home. We stayed at the club until 2 am, and been depressed. Definitely, going to clubs with such a problem to me is not worth it.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:29 am
by firecracker
Your story is interesting.. I am very interested in the raw food diet. Before I never ate salads..but I'm starting to crave them now..and trying different dressings.

So you mentioned your bad breath went away.... is it still gone completely? Or did it come back when you went off the raw diet?
Did the nasal odor start when you were still on the raw diet?

If you have odor in your could be fungus got in your nose..or a sinus infection. You should go to an ENT and get your sinuses checked to see if you have a sinus infection. Also the adenoids..which is similar to a starts to rot in some people as they get older and some people get it removed.

I too have suffered nasal odor. I noticed it would get stronger when I would just get out of the shower. I was about your age when i first noticed it...and I thought it must be normal because I was so young and I couldnt even imagine that people can suffer abnormal chronic bad smells. Someone else can smell it especially on a cold night walking side by side.

The smell is inside only one nostril..and right where it smells..I have a medium size nasal polyp so that could be the cause..maybe it helps to breed fungus there..thats what I think it is. I found something that took it away. Well 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1/3 peroxide to 2/3 water is often used as a mouthwash.. Well I poured that mixture into my nostril..carefully making sure to not get it too high up in there as I didnt want to ingest it. And it took the odor away! It comes back maybe a year later...then I just do it again.

ALso the raw food diet doesnt have to be just need to search around for raw food forums..they have tons of great recipes.

I'm in a similar situation as yourself. I want love and to find someone to share life with too. I see the raw food diet as a spiritual journey because its going to test your strength and will. It's sacrificing fulfilling and gratifying food for love instead. Its like making a I want to have this tasty cheeseburger...or do I want a manburger lol..have to make a choice ;)

Sometimes "love is blind"...some people can tolerate smells..even more so if its a guy that finds a girl attractive. Maybe his smell isnt that sensitive..maybe he doesnt care because he likes you alot. Also maybe HE has a little bad breath too. Don't run away so quickly...give it a little chance...if he starts coughing and putting his hand to his nose..then yeah get away. But you will come across some guys who dont smell too well, or they have good tolerance and can make you feel normal.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:48 am
by coco.bratt
firecracker wrote:Your story is interesting.. I am very interested in the raw food diet. Before I never ate salads..but I'm starting to crave them now..and trying different dressings.

So you mentioned your bad breath went away.... is it still gone completely? Or did it come back when you went off the raw diet?
Did the nasal odor start when you were still on the raw diet?

If you have odor in your could be fungus got in your nose..or a sinus infection. You should go to an ENT and get your sinuses checked to see if you have a sinus infection. Also the adenoids..which is similar to a starts to rot in some people as they get older and some people get it removed.

I too have suffered nasal odor. I noticed it would get stronger when I would just get out of the shower. I was about your age when i first noticed it...and I thought it must be normal because I was so young and I couldnt even imagine that people can suffer abnormal chronic bad smells. Someone else can smell it especially on a cold night walking side by side.

The smell is inside only one nostril..and right where it smells..I have a medium size nasal polyp so that could be the cause..maybe it helps to breed fungus there..thats what I think it is. I found something that took it away. Well 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1/3 peroxide to 2/3 water is often used as a mouthwash.. Well I poured that mixture into my nostril..carefully making sure to not get it too high up in there as I didnt want to ingest it. And it took the odor away! It comes back maybe a year later...then I just do it again.

ALso the raw food diet doesnt have to be just need to search around for raw food forums..they have tons of great recipes.

I'm in a similar situation as yourself. I want love and to find someone to share life with too. I see the raw food diet as a spiritual journey because its going to test your strength and will. It's sacrificing fulfilling and gratifying food for love instead. Its like making a I want to have this tasty cheeseburger...or do I want a manburger lol..have to make a choice ;)

Sometimes "love is blind"...some people can tolerate smells..even more so if its a guy that finds a girl attractive. Maybe his smell isnt that sensitive..maybe he doesnt care because he likes you alot. Also maybe HE has a little bad breath too. Don't run away so quickly...give it a little chance...if he starts coughing and putting his hand to his nose..then yeah get away. But you will come across some guys who dont smell too well, or they have good tolerance and can make you feel normal.

Hello. Raw food diet - this is a very effective way to cleanse your body. Raw food diet makes a lot of energy and good mood. When I first started raw food diet, I had bad breath for 7 years. I went to the doctors, I was sitting on a health diet, took many medicines but nothing I can not help get rid of bad breath.
When I switched to raw food, I also started to conduct a dry hunger (no food or water) for several days. In conjunction with the raw food diet that gave a good result - bad breath was gone and never returned. But some vague way I got the smell from the nose.
I do not feel its smell, that is, I'm surprised at all that my smell from the nose there.
I've noticed - if I starve all day then the smell no one around does not feel, therefore it is not.
I am sincerely glad for you that you could get rid of the smell from the nose. I hope I will too, I really want this.
Where do you from?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:48 pm
by firecracker
I'm from California, USA. Where are you from? Yes I believe for me that diet effects breath greatly. I don't think I digest food that well. Even though I don't suffer stomach pains or any bad symptoms. But my breath for hours will smell like what I ate...especially if its dairy. But if I eat a salad or veggies it's not as bad. I am hoping to gain alot of energy from the raw food diet, and to feel good as well.

Where are you from?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:03 am
by coco.bratt
firecracker wrote:I'm from California, USA. Where are you from? Yes I believe for me that diet effects breath greatly. I don't think I digest food that well. Even though I don't suffer stomach pains or any bad symptoms. But my breath for hours will smell like what I ate...especially if its dairy. But if I eat a salad or veggies it's not as bad. I am hoping to gain alot of energy from the raw food diet, and to feel good as well.

Where are you from?
I live in Russia, Siberia, Omsk. We are now -9.4 F. I asked you where you are, because I know that in America there are special cafe with raw food. It is very convenient and tasty. Dishes looks very appetizing, while useful and nutritious