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What would you do if someone shouted 'YOU STINK'

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:18 pm
by firebreath
Unfortunately it is common for us BB sufferers to be called all types of names and get some odd gestures hinting to us that we smell.What is the most worst is when someone a total stranger or even worse someone we know comes face to face with us and tells us that 'WE STINK'.

So,my question is what would you do?

A.Confront the person there and then and tell them its a medical condition.

B. Confront them later (in private) and tell them its a medical condition.

C.Ignore them.

D.Tell them to **** off

E.Other - provide info.

Please tell me your reason behind your chosen action. - thankyou...
Some of us have a great deal of anxiety and despair when something like this happens,learning how others cope with it may help us to deal with this a little bit better.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:01 pm
by exume
a because thats mean

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:31 pm
by cool
e) be smart, try to use it to your advantage!

somebody who tells you straight to the face that you do stink might be a helpfull budy when finding out what remedy does work and what not, if you can manage to let him become your private halimeter.

depending on the situation you should make sure that he ment bb and not anything else that might let you stink in his personal view.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:12 pm
by OneDay111
c, is what I would do

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:32 pm
by burton
Always ignore stupid people. It's the best way you can treat them. If they don't get any reaction, they might be the one's getting emberassed.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:28 pm
by vinnie
thats a tough one, it depends on a few circumstances,is it in front of a group or a single person, were you forced into the spotlight or was it quietly politely said, i believe there are a few ways to deal with it...

if someone approaches the subject shouting so everyone can hear, you are already firmly in the spotlight,as you have nothing to lose try and use it to your advantage by demanding/asking that person how to resolve it (it helps to be violently bitchslapping the person in your mind)

if they try and back out from helping, say no, don't walk away (raising your voice so everyone can hear) you tell me i stink, and you tell me in front of everyone,then tell me how to resolve it clever cloggs? do you actually want to help or are you intent on degrading and isolating me?

so where is it coming from then my mouth? gums? teeth? sinuses? stomach? intestines? diet? do you think its a protein issue? do you think its a metabolic disorder? what and where exactly?

obviously you would like to belittle the person til they are frowned on by everyone, but giving them a way out by getting them to say they want to help you and not intimidating them too much in front of everyone, may be better as this person is brutally honest even if they are not capable of showing it the right way, so anything you experiment with they could become your self volunteered tester friend :-)

if the person is really rude, obnoxious and loud in telling you, cover your nose whilst they talk move your hand in front trying to remove their bad air and turn it on them, maybe the next person they tell will be done in a less attention bringing manner :lol:

Regards vinnie

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:55 am
by thanatos

I'd want the situation to go away ASAP.

If the person decided to keep on going, it's time to fight

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:57 am
by Peace
Tell them "just stop breathing, I don't mind!"

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:37 am
by billie
Last week i was doing grocery shopping in my old neighbourhood and i saw 3 boys walking pass me. I saw them laughing when they passed me, but i didn't want to be paranoid thinking they were laughing at me. I was wrong because they were laughing at me. They waited untill they were far enough from me and shouted hey stinky 3 times.
I choose to do c, i ignored them and did not look back . I just kept walking with my heart almost beating out of my chest. I was so hurt.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:38 pm
by vinnie
hey billie,

in your circumstances you did the right thing to walk off and ignore.

people who are mean and spiteful like that will meet karma, what goes around comes around...

some people are worth knowing, some people are not,

Regards Vinnie

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:18 am
by Ihatemybreath
I just would cry my ass off. Being sensitive is hell.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:05 am
by FedUp
I just ignore it and walk off. I know when I'm cured (yes i'm still optimistic), I can forget about it all and live on the way I see fit.

Why get upset about a bunch of people you don't really care for or know? I've been told a few times I stink, although my heart sank into my duodenum I somehow had the strength to carry on regardless.

I cannot wait to do simple things such as going to places and eating and drinking without fear of offending people.