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am i crazy? is source stomach, nose, or mind? Please help!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:25 am
by shyguy555
First off I am so glad to have found a forum like this!

I am in my early 30's, and for the past few years been in a really weird state of mind which obviously affects social and professional situations, enough to the point where I even feel compelled to avoid them altogether. What I'm noticing is this: I notice a foul smell when I exhale through my nose. It's difficult to explain because you can't smell anything as you exhale, but when I swallow saliva and slowly exhale through the nose while lifting my tongue in my mouth I notice its extremely unpleasant (the best way to explain this is to create the lowest frequency "hum" as you exhale... the smell almost makes me sick).

The only thing that goes through my mind is that if its THAT unpleasant for me, it must be 10x worse for someone next to me. All the websites I read say that most of the time oral hygiene is to blame, but this happens even after brushing my teeth and even after using Listerine. This just won't go away! But I must say though it isn't permanent. It can linger for 4-6 weeks, then go away, and suddenly reappear. Is this nose or stomach related? I highly doubt its mouth, because I brush and rinse regularly. I doubt this is psychological, but I also notice that my mouth can taste like I have coins in it. PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:34 pm
by compor
Hello shyguy,

You might wanna control what you eat for a little while. Avoid meat/dairy products/sugar for a week or so and see how it goes. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water and clean your nose twice a day with salty water.

Constantly avoiding the above-mentioned food is really hard (at least it was for me).

You should definitely see ENT and GI specialists, have some blood/gaita tests. Even if you cannot find a cure, it will eliminate some possibilities so you can look elsewhere.

Hope it helps.

Re: am i crazy? is source stomach, nose, or mind? Please h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:19 pm
by my3rdmolars
shyguy555 wrote:What I'm noticing is this: I notice a foul smell when I exhale through my nose. It's difficult to explain because you can't smell anything as you exhale, but when I swallow saliva and slowly exhale through the nose while lifting my tongue in my mouth I notice its extremely unpleasant (the best way to explain this is to create the lowest frequency "hum" as you exhale... the smell almost makes me sick).
I encounter this only when I eat at fastfood chains where I have no choice but to drink sodas or other carbonated drinks.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:23 pm
by shyguy555

Thanks for the advice. So the source is nasal then? I can certainly adjust my diet and its well worth the effort. It makes me crazy sometimes the things I do. Almost always the only way I feel comfortable talking next to someone is if something is in my mouth, ie sucker, drink, food etc.

Could this be dehydration? I feel like sometimes it can be triggered by caffiene and periods of heavy drinking.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:13 am
by wnaysha
let me tell you what it is... I am cured now.. so I know what it is..

it is a weak immune system/ bacterial/fungal infection

the post nasal drip is only to get rid of the bacteria/ or fungus in your esophagus and upper respiratory system!! I will post all of my research/experiments soon inshaAllah... :-)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:36 am
by shyguy555
wnaysha wrote:let me tell you what it is... I am cured now.. so I know what it is..

it is a weak immune system/ bacterial/fungal infection

the post nasal drip is only to get rid of the bacteria/ or fungus in your esophagus and upper respiratory system!! I will post all of my research/experiments soon inshaAllah... :-)
Well this is promising... thank you. I shall eagerly await your response. However I never suspected PND though because I don't have symptoms such as clearing throat often etc.