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BB free for 8 weeks and now its come back

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:53 pm
by lisa1983
I have been bad breath free for 8 weeks since I was given Metronizole (400mg for a week) along with Augmentin (375mg for a week) by my ENT Doctor. I've had the best time, appreciating all the things that would normally have affected me. Stupid things like, standing in a queue in an overcrowed corridor for an hour, going to my daughters assembly and just getting on public transport without fretting. I have been so much more confident and then over christmas I came down with flu which was so hard to shake and after 2 weeks just as I thought was nearly better from the flu along comes the bad breathe. I am devastated, I feel like crying. I have an ENT appointment which follows a sinus scan at the end of the month but that is ages away. I'm no doctor but this obviously rules out poor diet amongst other things and its telling me that it must have been some kind of infection up there which has come back to haunt me. I want to visit the doctor tomorrow and see if I can get the same medication again but at the same time I worry that whatever it is will become immune to it. Your thoughts would be appreciated.............

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:23 pm
by halitosisux
Hey you should go back to your doctor and explain what happened. If it is something to do with your sinuses and you are worried about having developed metronidazole resistance there are other antibiotics that could be used in place. I cant imagine your doctor not being encouraged by what has happened. And when you see your ENT things should become even clearer. Stay positive.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:08 am
by lisa1983
Hey thanks for the reply. I am trying to stay positive but I am just so upset it has come back to ruin my life again but at least we know what made it go away. Do you think its a case of anaerobic bacteria?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:11 am
by iva
Hi Lisa,

I think it is anaerobic bacteria overgrowth in the nasopharyx, throat, mouth, maybe oesphagus.
For me Metronidazole works every time during intake, when I stop it, bb comes back after a while.
So I`m trying different other techniques to fight the infection whith some success

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:27 am
by compor
Hi Lisa,

I used lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin for 14 days, my bb was completely gone. Damn it felt so good. At first I was still covering my mouth and avoiding conversation, a few days later I was talking freely among friends and colleagues. But I knew it was just a temporary relief. Have you seen the movie "Awakenings" (Robin Williams, Robert de Niro)? I was awake for 10 days. Tried to get social with people, especially with the ones that I've deliberately avoided because of my bb. Now it's time to get back to my anti-social life.

Strangely, although the pills I used temporarily cured my bb, they didn't help with the coating on my tongue. I always felt the coating whenever I touched the top of my mouth with my tongue, as I do know.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:58 pm
by lisa1983
Well I've just got from the doctors and he gave me what I wanted so I went straight to the chemist! I'm noticing a pattern emerging, I am always bb free when I get up and its not until 4 hours after I get up that the nasal odour kicks in. I went to the gym this morning and after a shower I tipped my head upside down to do my hair and there it was again. I often find bending down and when I cry triggers it. It seemed to be really strong, possibly the strongest I have ever experienced. The wait in the doctors was horrible and felt like the longest 10 minutes of my life but I just kept reassuring myself that it could only be a good thing the odour was present.

Iva, I'm interested to know what your odour smells like and can you smell it? Do you know what brings it on? Is it constant? Have you seen an ENT and finally what techniques have been using? Sorry for the questions!

Compor I know exactly how you feel, I too felt so free. It is so unfair that we have to suffer like this, I am just thankful to have the support of my family who I have been open with. I sometimes have a coating on my but I think its more about what I eat then the bb itself.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:56 pm
by halitosisux
Lisa, you managed to remain BB free for weeks after stopping the metronidazole. For most people the BB returns as soon as they stop. This is what you need to be positive about, because its a good sign that some situation was eradicated for a while. Maybe you have a susceptibility with your nose and sinuses that your ENT can eventually diagnose one you explain what happened.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:03 am
by iva

my nose odour smells like dirty socks, I know it from the smell I feel when I leave the room and then enter in it. There`s nothing else to bring it on but bacteria in the sinuses and nasopharynx. Anaerobic infections are stubborn, I`m starting to think they are incurable...
I`ve seen an ENT but I`ve not discussed the nose odour with him because it is not a problem for direct communication with others, it just fills a room with that stale smell.
I`ve been rinsing ny sinuses and nasopharynx with camomile exrtact with some sea salt, baking soda and povidone-iodine; I `ve also been gargling with it and taking some oral probiotics. These help a little, I dare say that if a month and a half ago my bb was a 10, now it is a 7

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:57 pm
by halitosisux
Try a google search for "sneezing bad breath" I'd be surprised if there isnt some connection to this and what many people have on this site.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:57 pm
by lisa1983
Well day 3 of the medication and no whiffs today at all, yesterday I had the slightest of whiffs but nothing that worried me. I really hope this is working and will for the long term. I just saw on another thread someone asking where they can get tested for anaerobic bacteria, this would be a good idea for me if it was possible.

Iva thanks for the reply, I'll bear some of those things in mind should my meds not work this time. I am willing to try anything. I don't think mine fills a room or anything it just seems to sit in my nose but it causes me great discomfort when it comes to communation with others. I am terribly paranoid and can't decide if it is a good thing or a bad thing that I can smell my own odour. I have been doing sinus rinses with tea tree oil but it only works sometimes as my nose is so congested.

Halitosisux thanks for helping me be positive, you are right the 8 weeks was a good achievement I just hope I can build on it.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:31 pm
by halisux
lisa1983, what medication are you on now? are you back on the Metronizole?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:19 pm
by lisa1983
I am currently on Metronizole along with Augmentin and its working, I feel so good!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:43 am
by dick.karma
is it safe to use metronidazole long term?

did you experience any side effects?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:50 am
by lisa1983
I am only on my 2nd course metronidazole both of which last for 7 days.
The only side effects are tiredness and a metallic taste so nothing to bad. I finish the course tomorrow.

antibiotics for bb

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:43 am
by deebo
lisa1983 wrote:I am only on my 2nd course metronidazole both of which last for 7 days.
The only side effects are tiredness and a metallic taste so nothing to bad. I finish the course tomorrow.
I'm curious to know the numbers of folks who have cured long term chronic bb with antibiotics . I personally think my bb was likely caused by longterm use of Cephalexin . Its hard to resist antibiotics that Drs promise will make life better. It sucks when what ever we were hoping to snuff out ,comes back with a vengeance and then some !

I never really had terrible bb before cycling antibiotics.Using them has also likely cause digestive issues and who knows what else. All along ,I could have been taking a topical antibiotic. Dr's get a deal selling these patented antibiotics . At least mine did . She had the pharma swag around the office and I'm sure she was still paying off med school at her young age .

My point : current antibiotics are very likely a short term fix that often lead to more trouble than they are worth .