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anyone from so cal ??

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:24 am
by Grlchatterbox33
Hello Everyone,

I just found this site and I am so glad I did! I've been a member on the yahoo forum for a few months now but I didn't realize so many of the same members are on this site. Anyhow.. This is my third week at my new job. Everything is going downhill. It is so frustrating. I've noticed everyone continues to chew gum and offer me gum all the time. The girls in the office put their hands around their mouth and/or nose when talking to me. I know this all has to do with my bb making them paranoid about their own breath. To make matters worse, I am so concerned about being fired. Also my stress level is through the roof. I am having other health related problems as a result. I am twenty three and went to my heart doc last week and he was very concerned. The findings weren't good. He wanted to know why I was so stressed... not like I was gonna start telling him abt my bb situation. arghhh!! :( Anyhow- I really need to be able to talk to someone who has this same condition in person. Does anyone live in the so cal area?? OMG.. I was so depressed after reading that post where one of the girls said they were never able to kiss or kiss passionately with their spouse because of their condition. That is not something I want to hear... I have been isolating myself for a few years now. My problem started when I turned eighteen and I've been pretty much in hiding ever since. I really need someone now though.. I need to start dating again.. I need to go out more.. Knowing that this condition is incurable is devastating.. not something I want to hear.. it all just makes me even more depressed. Anyhow.. Knowing there are other people out there w/this same condition does help a little but I think my situation is probably far worse than what many of you have. I cannot smell my own bb or odor.. I have no idea when it is at its worse.. no tooth paste or mouthwash helps even temporarily mask the odor.. all foods especially water, fruit, and coffee make my bb worse.. when i eat eggs people can smell me a mile away.. hmm.. ok.. enough.. I can't go down this road again tonight.. I need some sleep.. :P

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:54 am
by jess
Hi and welcome,
Where is the so cal area?

Kristen (jess)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:05 am
by Busted
Why didn't u just tell that doctor about your bad breath problem. Sure it's embarrasing but he's a doctor so he has seen a lot of those things. He will definately consider to help u, since he knows it's causing u all that stress.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:55 am
by Grlchatterbox33

So Cal= Southern California :)

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:37 am
by pink
The things we have to deal with. I have cried myself to sleep at night due to this problem. Few months ago I started having smell coming from my nose so everytime I exhale it's like I'm passing gas. My ENT told me that it's from my mouth cuz they did a CT scan of my head, sinus and other body parts and found nothing. I am having my tonsils remove next week. I hope this will solve my problem. It has gotten so bad for me that I sleep in my car. I had my own place but the neighbors complain so much I just couldn't deal with it. My car is the only plan I can really breath. What a life huh. Well I'm in Long Beach. Where are you?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:36 am
by j0n1982
I feel bad to hear about your story. There is no cure at this time, but hopefully there will be in the future.

For the meantime, I would suggest you passionately clean your tongue with a tongue scraper or the Tung brush if you have access to it. I hear it does clear your tongue area well. I feel that should lower down the smell. That what I do to gain a little little confidence.

I do hope you meet up with Pink, I tell you it is going to be a warm experience. I met up with one of my friends here and it was nice, like meeting a part of you....

Take care

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:36 pm
by billie
Hey pink

Arte you really sleeping in your car because your neighbours are smelling you ?
How can your neighbours smell you when you are inside your house ?
or do you mean when you have to pass them in the hall way

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:15 pm
by jc
pink wrote:The things we have to deal with. I have cried myself to sleep at night due to this problem. Few months ago I started having smell coming from my nose so everytime I exhale it's like I'm passing gas. My ENT told me that it's from my mouth cuz they did a CT scan of my head, sinus and other body parts and found nothing. I am having my tonsils remove next week. I hope this will solve my problem. It has gotten so bad for me that I sleep in my car. I had my own place but the neighbors complain so much I just couldn't deal with it. My car is the only plan I can really breath. What a life huh. Well I'm in Long Beach. Where are you?
I think we have the same symptoms.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:30 pm
by Mico
pink wrote:The things we have to deal with. I have cried myself to sleep at night due to this problem. Few months ago I started having smell coming from my nose so everytime I exhale it's like I'm passing gas.
Did you just suddenly got nasal odour? Did you had BB before and how old are you? Did you had any medical condition lately(past few years)? If you just suddenly got bb there might be a good chance to fix the problem.