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obssessing over breath and other health issues

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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obssessing over breath and other health issues

Post by waitingforrelief »

i've been posting on this site and obssessing about my health issues in general a lot lately. it's gotten to the point that it's pretty much all i do at home. go online and look up supplements, health forums, and this site to find what could help me.

i know that it's something that i'll have to spend the time in helping myself. to do research, to learn. after all, i AM learning how to take care of my body after doing damage to it all these years.

however, i don't think the obssessing is a good idea. i was thinking maybe i should shoot for not doing it so much. limiting myself to only a certain amount of time a day to think about this. after all, all the reading overwhelms me so much sometimes, and there's only so much one can do/experiemnt at any given time.

lots of us have talked about acceptance. i think one of the reasons i go around buying tons of supplements and stuff to help myself, then giving up the trial in 3 days, leaving my pantry full of bottles of pills - is that i haven't accepted myself as someone with my health problems, especially bad breath. and so i look for things that would instantly "cure" me in a day or two and can't stick with anything. because then the trial of any product would become the "me" that's unacceptable, it would be tainted with the fact that i have bb, which i in some ways still can't accept.

so i move on to another product so i can in a way "forget" that i have bb, with the false hope/denial that this next product will erase this self with bb.

and the cycle goes on.

but if i truly accept myself, i probably won't need to run from one product tot he next in frantic denial. and maybe i can actually spend my time on my life, on living, rather than only on the possibility of living if only i didn't have bb.

my goal has been to share with someone in my life my bb problem, and still have yet to do it. a smaller goal would be to maybe spend a little less time online researching about this. don't know if i can do it, but i'll try. after all, i've always been a bit addicted to net surfing and stuff like this...

well, just wanted to get this off my chest.

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Post by Busted »

I use to do the same thing waitingforrelief, but I've tried a lot of things that didn't work for me so I stopped lookin online. I don't think any supplements are goin to help me, so I'm not goin to waste my time on them.

To be honest I thought that by now I would have been cured of this nightmare. I guess there's pretty much a chance I'll have to live the rest of my life like this. I sometimes wish I was someone else, especially after seeing how happy other people are, and how they don't even have to worry about about their breath.
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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:23 am

Post by jc »

Hi Guys:
Ever since I saw this site I`ve been visitng it almost daily, wishing that one day a post will say that a permanent cure for all halitosis sufferers is finally found. I`ve pretty much tired myself out in all those years that I`ve searched for a cure but I`m giving it another try coz I know that with our numbers it will be easier to dissect our condition. And if none of us would be successful in doing this then we could at least, as one voice push the medical field into helping us. I sincerely hope & pray that we all pass this ordeal with flying colors.
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