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Try this...

Post by smiley »

I had chronic persistant halitosis for about 5 yrs due to post nasal drip. I had horrible breath due to anaerobic bacteria becoming resistant and stronger from everything I tried (Profresh,Therabreath, Smartmouth, Biotene, antibiotics, etc.) My breath was so bad it started coming from my nostrils even when my mouth was closed. I was always attractive and it's funny because I carry myself so glamorously (hair, makeup,full 9) that when I would stink up a room full of strangers they would wonder where the smell was and move closer to me I guess assuming it was not coming from a person that looks like me. I never had a problem attracting men but I was always so uncomfortable with close relationships (esp close contact) with my bb. A guy I used to date tried to make me feel unwanted by saying no other guy will put up with my smell but him needless to say that ended. Bb affected my career, relationships, attitude/personality (I became shy and withdrawn), and almost my faith.

I came across a natural sinus med online called Sinus Doctor by Joe Johnson. Basically it's essential oils (cinnanmon, thyme, and clove) which are powerful natural antibiotics. It was super expensive ($92) because each oil is superior and organic purchased from different areas of the world. Next time I will def look for cheaper versions of these oils myself. Anywho u add a couple drops of each to a bowl of hot water/facial sauna (I use crockpot) and inhale the steam thru nose for a few mins, then you also open your mouth and breath in there as well, do this 3-6 xs daily. This alone is not enough to help with bb at night before bed I add the oils to my toothbrush and brush my teeth, gums, cheeks, roof, and tongue then I gargle and rinse with a cup of warm water and a couple of drops of each oil (warning: oils are very powerful and may burn but to me it means it's working.) After this let a probiotic (200 million live) dissolve on tongue and swallow. Basically, your killing the bad bacteria and repopulating your mouth with good bacteria. Now in the morning after I cleanse tooth brush I brush my teeth as normal and rinse(regular brand toothpaste), then I add hydrogen peroxide to my clean toothbrush and brush my teeth, gums, cheeks, roof, tongue etc. Then I rinse and again dissolve a probiotic this time 2 (400 mil) on tongue and start day by inhaling essential oil steam. You should see a difference immediately and within a week or so your bb should reduce greatly. Ofcourse ever1 is different so it may work for some and not others but this should work for most.We're using 2 methods to kill the bacteria, oxygen (peroxide) and antibacterial (oils), at different times to make resistance difficult and once we kill off the bad bacteria then we repopulate with good bacteria. FYI: I drink a little bit of the essential oil/warm water mix slowly to coat my throat as well, even though ingestion is not recommended also throughout the day I may dissolve 1 or 2 more probiotics trying to overpopulate my mouth with healthy bacteria. Please give this a try and keep us posted. Thanks and God bless you on your journey!!!

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Post by mike987 »

That's a lot of crap right there... I think you're full of shit and selling Joe Johnson's product... Why would you even bother mentioning him by name like that?

Also, that laundry list of remedies that you claim you have to use every night is far from a solution.
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Post by Phantasist »

All you're doing is using antibacterial oils and oral probiotics to bring about short-term relief. I've used an antibacterial rinse and oral probiotics for some time. It diminishes the breath odor temporarily, but it is not a cure because it doesn't eliminate the underlying cause.
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Post by smiley »

First off I am not promoting Joe Johnson or his product (obviously I didn't link the site) which is why I stated how expensive it is and to buy cheaper but inferior oils if you can. I simply stated Joe Johnson's name because if you google Sinus Doctor it may give you a directory of ENTs in your area.
Also, the company states it is strictly forbidden to ingest or take the oils in any other fashion then the purpose given (I guess to avoid any trouble) but I explained in detail my regimen.

I totally understand what your getting at because my bad breath got worst when using just antibacterials alone because of resistance. That's why it's best to use this 2 method approach peroxide in the morn to flood mouth with oxygen and antibacterial essential oils at night and continously pop pro b's to enrich mouth with good bacteria. Over time after killing so much bacteria and contionusly breeding good bacteria the playing field evens out and your bb becomes neutral. Also, mouthwashes can be diluted down so much with maybe 1-2% antibacterial properties but with brushing with essential oils your making direct contact (hence the burning sensation). Like I stated my bb was from post nasal drip so inhaleing the oil extracts gets to the root of "MY" problem while I neutralize my mouth. Clearly if pn drip is not the root of "YOUR" probem this may not work for you. It's totally on the individual to try it I'm just sharing my experience.
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Post by nicc »

has anyone else, apart from smiley, tried these Doctor Sinus products??

what makes me suspicious is the fact that it's impossibile to find any info on the web about this product.... no forums talks, no opinions, nothing of nothing...

Though I've come up with an idea on how smiliey can prove she's not a spammer. Sinus Doctor only accepts paypal payments. a screenshot of the paypal past payments would do the job :D
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Post by nicc »

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