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How I Cured BB on a Day to Day Basis

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:49 am
by Lorazepam
This is my first post, so hopefully it helps some people out there, cause I know this is something that everyone who actually has BB really really really wants to cure or decrease, since it affects every part of your daily life. Also if this topic has already been covered and is a re-post or others already know about this and it hasn't worked for them, then sorry since that is unfortunate for you.

I have had BB since I was a young child and still have it on a regular basis, but with following a daily regimen I am able to cure BB from the time I awake until the time I retire to bed.

I have tried everything from A-Z and nothing has ever worked for me, but about 30 days ago I started to use a specific daily regimen and the BB goes away all day, well not all day but from one cleaning to the next or till I find that the BB is creeping back up on me.

What I do on a daily basis is as follows, and this takes place from rise to sleep:

1. Upon awaking in the am I clean my tongue with a scraper.
2. After Cleaning my tongue I immediately cut a lemon in half and manually juice the half lemon and pour the juice into a glass and add 1-2 ounces of water to it. Then I take 2 probiotic pills (2.5-5 billion each) and drink them down with the lemon juice.
3. Then before breakfast and each consecutive meal or if I think there is an odor coming from my mouth I take a half of a lemon and juice it and drink it down with a small amount of water.
4. Before I go to bed I take a half lemon and repeat the process.

Once the lemon juice is in my stomach the BB almost immediately stops and there is no odor for the next few hours after, I don't even have to chew gum or what ever I would usually do to mask the smell coming from my mouth.

I personally don't even think you have to use the probiotics, since I am 95% sure the fresh lemon juice every few hours cures the problem, but since I know the probiotics help to a certain degree I take them anyhow, since anything decreasing the smell is an added bonus.

I know it has to be fresh squeezed lemon juice or organic 100% lemon juice not from concentrate bottled product you can get at a grocery store. It cant be the lemon juice from concentrate you ad to drinks and food from time to time, fresh is the best way to go, since I have tried both.

Each time after I drink down the fresh lemon juice I always swish my mouth a time or 2 with water, since lemon juice is acidic and I don't want enamel breakdown on my teeth.

Lemons are pretty cheap and the effort put in is very minimal when compared to the change in your BB from stinky to fresh or odorless, you could also juice a bunch of lemons at a time, store it in the fridge and just use about 1-2 tablespoons of the juice for the same effect. Anyway this is not intended to be a complete cure, but if you are looking for a day to day cure where you don't have to eat gum or worry about people thinking you have dragon breath, then follow these simple steps and you could be like me and be cured from morning to night and live a much less stressed life and enjoy things you used to be concerned about, such as meeting that new person in your life or getting that new job and thinking your breath might be the decision maker, cause it worked for me and hopefully will do the same for others.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:46 pm
by fighter
This may work for type 1 bb but i was on the master cleanse diet (lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup) for 20 days and it didn't work for me. At one point I was eating lemon wedges and still bb #-o

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:52 pm
by clara0
Sounds amazing, thanks for the info. worth a try

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:08 am
by nicc
can you describe the color of your tongue before and after the treatment? if there's any changes

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:06 am
by Lorazepam
Hi yes I believe my BB to be coming from my stomach, since I had read that you need to increase the acid content in your stomach for some types of BB, so with the lemon juice going in every day the smells from my stomach and back of the tongue have decreased by 95% or higher.

My tongue before I started using lemon juice was white down to almost the tip, but now the tongue is pink at the tip till almost the back of the mouth, but at the very back of the mouth it is still a little white, but the change is so completely different I wish I would have done this years ago. When I take my finger and rub the back of my tongue and then smell it there is a very very slight odour only after I have not had lemon juice for a few hours, but when having the juice and smelling soon after there is no smell present.

I have even asked people in my life on a regular if they can smell anything after using lemon juice and they state not at all and say it is 100% better than before, so that means it is working for me and I will continue to use this until a complete cure comes a long.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:23 am
by nicc
thanks for the answer Lora.
given your experience and the change in the tongue colour you bb was certainly related to digestive issues.
I'd encouraging you experimenting new routines and different diets as it seems this is the right road.
there's a chance you might get completely BB free without even doing the lemon routine.
as for now I'm happy you found a good remedy :D

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:15 am
by halitosisux
Lorazepam, this might be happening because the acid of the lemons is directly affecting your oral flora when the lemon juice is coming into contact with your tongue. Vinegar does the same thing.

You could try experimenting if you wanted to discover how this is helping you so that you can better target the underlying cause. For instance you could try taking HCL to increase the acidity in your stomach to see whether that has the same effect, and by so doing you'll rule out the possibility that its the acidity directly acting on your oral flora.

And likewise, you could try gargling only with your lemon juice and not swallowing it, to see whether its the effect on your stomach or oral bacteria.

Be careful though because after a while this might start all start to have corrosive effects on your mucosal linings.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:52 pm
by meowkity1
Sometimes before i leave the house I eat an orange, I felt the same effect he's emntioning, IM going to try the lemons

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:52 pm
by mike987
Lemon Juice, huh.

Can you explain why you think non-organic lemon juice doesn't do the trick?
I can't imagine why it wouldn't unless a processed lemon somehow loses it's acidity.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:23 pm
by Lorazepam
halitosisux wrote:Lorazepam, this might be happening because the acid of the lemons is directly affecting your oral flora when the lemon juice is coming into contact with your tongue. Vinegar does the same thing.

And likewise, you could try gargling only with your lemon juice and not swallowing it, to see whether its the effect on your stomach or oral bacteria.
Hi I have tried gargling with grapefruit seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda ect ect and they solve the problem as well but only for about 15-20 minutes, since these products either neutralize or kill the bacteria in my mouth. When I drink the lemon juice it solves the problem for like 4 to 5 hours before I have to have the lemon juice again, so I am pretty sure the bacteria in my mouth is coming directly from my stomach.

I have also bought organic apple cider vinegar and tried the same thing as the lemons, such as drinking upon getting up and before meals, but the vinegar tastes like absolute garbage and does not have as long a lasting effect or an overall odor reducing effect as the lemons do. So since the lemons taste much better and have a much better effect for my BB I have continued to use them.

I would actually think about taking the HCL to see if that works better or has the same effect as the lemons, so thanks for the advice, now I just have to find where to buy the HCL and what dose it is safe at.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:28 pm
by Lorazepam
mike987 wrote:Can you explain why you think non-organic lemon juice doesn't do the trick?
Well the non-organic lemon juice does work, but just not as well, since I think it has a lot of preservatives and additives in the juice. I also would rather juice a full lemon since you are getting the fruit raw and whole and are guaranteed to get the full juice, rather than believing a company and what they say is in the bottle they produce.

I think the non-organic lemon juice would work, just if you are like me and taking it on a daily basis, I personally would rather have the pure fruit and know that is all I am getting, instead of ingesting additives on a regular basis, even though the additives are most likely safe for your body.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:18 pm
by Enuf
I have been drinking some lemon water today (modified version) of Lorazepam post. First good day (no reaction) in a long time. I have tried everything, most recently, Smartmouth, salt water gargle,probiotics etc. The odor from sinuses just comes back stronger. Let's hope this simple treatment is the solution!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 am
by mike987
Well, I'll try it. Drinking lemon juice is certainly an easy, make sense solution.. I usually carry around a thermos of water all day long... If I could just add lemon juice into that, I'd be good to go.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:30 pm
by Enuf
As with everything I have tried so far, I have already discovered that this lemon juice works best for me if I am sticking to the candida diet....I had a bowl of ice cream last night after using the lemon juice (and no sweets/breads) all day, and the odor came back........Looks like I will have to give that diet a try again. It may be the only way I can regain my life.and dignity...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:32 pm
by compor
Hello Lorazepam,

Are you avoiding some food groups, like dairy or meat ? If you're eating whatever you desire and remain bb-free for 4-5 hours with the help of lemon-juice, you're good to go :)

I'm gonna try lemon-method as well.