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I don't know what to do.

Tell us your story with bad breath
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I don't know what to do.

Post by HigherThoughts »

This horrible problem started for me about a month ago. I was out in Vegas with my friends at a big event. It was very late when we were coming back to our hotel, probably around 5 AM. There was a lot of traffic so we were not moving much. I then remember I started feeling a nasty taste in my mouth. Like when you get bad breath in the morning you have that bad taste. I thought ok it's probably just a regular bad breath problem from being out and my mouth being dry.

When I got back to the hotel I brushed my teeth and when I was done. I noticed I still had this nasty taste in the back of my throat. It felt like it was stenching up. I brushed my teeth again and it still wouldn't go away. No matter what that bad taste wouldn't go away from the back of my throat.

When everyone woke up it seemed like everyone knew about my bad breath problem and it seemed like it was so bad that everyone could smell it. I tried to bring it up with my friends, but they just lied and didn't acknowledge my problem. This smell wasn't just coming from my mouth, people could smell it when I breathed through my nose. I could tell it was really bad when we were walking to places, and people literally from 20 feet away would look at me then look quickly away. As I was observing all the reactions around me it hit me that this stench was really bad. It was extremely humiliating and at one point I could even hear people behind me whispering and saying it's disgusting.

When I got back home I was just hoping that this problem wouldn't last that long and could be fixed. I wanted to see a doctor right away, but my parents were away and wouldn't be back for a few days, and I had to watch over my dad's business so I couldn't see one until they got back.

I asked my sister and my parents if they could smell any bad breath from me and they all said no. I believed them until recently, and now I think they are lying to me. I went to see an ENT and he used a scope to look into my nose and my throat. He didn't find anything wrong with my sinuses and noticed some yeast overgrowth in my throat. I got prescribed diflucan for it and also omeprazole for GERD because I've had some acid reflux problems for a long time.

I was told to take 1 pill of diflucan per day for 7 days then come back to see him. I took all of the medication, but I didn't go back because I don't have health insurance and the first visit cost $220. I also didn't know if that was working or not because I didn't have anyone to tell me if the smell was going away or not.

It has been a month since this happened and I have tried some different mouth cleaning products and it still didn't help. My theory now is that it is coming from inside of my body and not just my throat as I originally thought. I just ordered some black walnut wormwood complex, clove oil, and oregano oil. I am hoping that this sort of treatment will cleanse whatever is inside my body and get rid of the smell.

I know it is not a diet issue because this problem happened literally overnight and it was when my stomach was completely empty and since then I cut back on a lot of junk foods and have been trying to eat healthier. I just hope I can find a cure for this because it made me feel depressed and I have high anxiety just going anywhere around people and dealing with people everyday.

The worst part is not having anyone in my life be honest with me. I thought I could count on my parents and sister because they would normally have no problem telling me I stink. So they either honestly don't smell it or they are lying. They even tried to convince me this problem is in my head and not real, but just from the way people always react when they talk to me, I know this smell is there.

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Post by mike987 »

Go back to the doctor.

Health Insurance is better than it's ever been in the US, you should just go. It seemed like you might be on to something. If it's not worth thousands of dollars to save you from BB, then what is??

You need to talk to the hospital about payment, and discuss about how you can't afford it. There are plans.. maybe you could even have a lot of it taken care of for you.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

Yea you're right. If these herbal remedies don't work for me I will go have a doctor check out my insides. I may need an endoscopy or need to get my intestines checked out.

At least I have ruled out sinus and throat problems. I know it's internal now.
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