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Do u think you're a normal person?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......

Do you feel like a normal person?

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Do u think you're a normal person?

Post by Busted »

I've always thought I was normal, I mean anyone could have bad breath sometimes, untill I found out that mine was chronic. I wouldn't really consider myself a normal person anymore. Other people do treat me like one, but that's only because they can't see my bb, but can only smell it. Of course when they start talkin to me, they realize I do have a social handicap. But they always think I'm very shy. They have no idea that I'm aware of my bad breath and that this is the reason why I'm so asocial.

Just pick today, there was this girl in the train who started a conversation with me, and everytime I said something back to her, she would touch her nose or move her head into another direction. There have been people sayin that they do it for another reason than my bb, but I honestly don't. I mean they could do it, but that would be a real coincedence. I hope they are, but I doubt it. So eventually I've said things back for about three times, I just stopped talkin, and kept my mouth shut real close. Then minutes later my cellphone rang but I refused to answer it, because there were so many people sitting or standing around me. I didn't want to bother them with my bb problem. The girl sitting opposite of me told me "ya know your cellphone is ringing". I told her "Yea, I know, but I don't want to answer it." This time I said while staring at the ground. Then I looked at her direction and I could see how ignored she was. I must have insulted her in some way by not lookin at her in the face while I said that.

It's weird, I try to do ppl a favour by not startin a conversation with them, or by using tricks to prevent them from not noticing it, but instead they think I'm either rude, weird or shy. Sometimes I wish I could just tell the people that only reason why I do this, is because of my chronic halitosis problem. But for some reason I can't get it out.

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Post by noptical »

Hey I know what you mean. I always try not to all at someone's face when I talk but they think its rude when you don't look them in the eyes. They do it because they don't know your problem, they don't know that you feel bad about it.

Did you ever research for bb on the net and stumble upon posts on forums like "i have bad breath what's causing it, i brush my teeth 2 times a day" from people who are completely clueless about the problem? Their posts and all the replies indicate that people who dont have the problem or just discovered it dont take it seriously and don't know that this problem is almost like DEATH because they compare it with the morning breath or slight bad odor that you get if you dont brush for a while. They dont understand that this is not the same, that this affects our psychology heavily because We confront this problem 24/7 not just today and tomorrow is gone, we talk to people all the time and see their reactions and feel bad about it.
Anyway, I dont know how much sense this post makes to you because I'm tired as fook and I don't know what I'm writing :p

Anyway as I said we need to chat someday, either on the forum's chat or PM me your ICQ or MSN (preferably the former :D )
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Post by Busted »

Hi noptical,

You have a lot of friends. Have you ever talked to anyone about this?

I'm trying to, but I can't.

Ps I only have msn. If you want to chat someday, just pm me.
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Post by noptical »

Busted wrote:Hi noptical,

You have a lot of friends. Have you ever talked to anyone about this?

I'm trying to, but I can't.
No I never talked to everyone about it although its been times when I tried to subtly give hints so they understand on their own that its a health problem. I'm sure they understood what I was trying to say also I've been on holidays with my friends and we stayed in the same hotels, same rooms I'm sure they noticed how strict I am about my oral hygiene and hygiene in general so I'm pretty sure they know that it doesnt have to do with me not brushing my teeth or anything like that.
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Post by succ »

No and no. I have a whole lot of problems, one of which is bb. And even without those all, I do act and think very differently, at least compared to other people of my age. I think my experience with all kinds of problems have aged me mentally a lot. I feel more like late 30s than early 20s. And though I don't admit it to anyone in the real world, I have high expectations of myself. I also like to analyze myself and others psychologically.
I believe in freedom of choice and I think that nothing is more valuable than that. Before I was locked in the adolescent psychiatric hospital for 1-2 days, I didn't think much of it and probably wouldn't have fought for my country. But now, oh yes I would, even if it killed me. I also appreciate our language, which isn't spoken by many.
My goals in life are pretty simple, but unlike many other people's. I want to educate myself and I love information. I also like to listen to other people's worries and try to cheer them up. I think Mother Theresa had big balls for doing what she did. I respect doctors, fire fighters and anyone with great knowledge a lot.
I still have a long way to go, I'm lazy so I don't study very much at school. I'd want to, but my problems prevent me from doing it. And even if I say it myself, I think I'm quite smart, though I don't show it IRL. I can study things very quickly and I have a good memory.

That all being said and to sum it up, I do talk perhaps too much in "me myself" way. But I do also like to stress that it's all what I personally believe and think. Yes I'm weird, even my former beloved said that after having talked with me for 6 months. "I'm not the best person to say this but.. you're just weird." haha
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Post by yogs »

No . I cannt do all the things that a normal person would. I hold myself from doing things.
Sometimes I wish I could just tell the people that only reason why I do this, is because of my chronic halitosis problem. But for some reason I can't get it out.

Yes even I wish that I could tell people that its a genuine problem. I have tried few times but just doesnt come out of me.
I am just sick of THIS GUY STINKS attitude towards me. Had a rough day and am terrified with the thought of doing a presentation in a room filled with people tomorrow. ](*,)
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Post by Busted »

yogs wrote:No . I cannt do all the things that a normal person would. I hold myself from doing things.
Sometimes I wish I could just tell the people that only reason why I do this, is because of my chronic halitosis problem. But for some reason I can't get it out.

Yes even I wish that I could tell people that its a genuine problem. I have tried few times but just doesnt come out of me.
I am just sick of THIS GUY STINKS attitude towards me. Had a rough day and am terrified with the thought of doing a presentation in a room filled with people tomorrow. ](*,)
I hate doing presentations too, I found that the only thing that works is by pretending that u don't have bad breath at all. The headache and all the negative thoughts can come later until after the presentation.

Anyways good luck 2morrow yogs
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Post by KC »

I dun think I can behave normal when I talk to someone who is not a chronic bb sufferers. When I talk to people, I usually have no eye contact with them, look at the floor, stand as far as possible, pretend I'm sick so I can wear face mask when I talk to them etc etc. They think I'm weird, rude and just like aliens come from Mars when they first met me. (of course they will know why I'm so weird afterwards, and trying to tease me like put the mouthrinse on my desk, ask people to open the window, complain that they can't breath when I'm staying with them, ask me don't talk when I'm having lunch with them)

When I have presentation, I will pretend looking at my notes all the time so its still better. Those kill me are meetings, group discussions and having meals with other people.
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Post by onewhocares »

This question is rather vague. What is 'normal'? We could argue all day and nite.

I voted YES. I make difference between being a normal person and leading normal life. Normal being similar to word usual. No i definitely do not lead a normal life. But am i rational like normal person would be? Yes, even more so than more 'normal' people i meet without this problem. Am i able to differentiate right from wrong like a normal peson would? Yes. Am i able to educate myself the way normal person would? Yes. Am i coming to similar conclusions to majority of issues/problems/thoughts like a normal person would? Yes! Am i emotional like a normal person? Ok this one is a bit harder :) I would say yes with few exceptions.

And most of all, do i believe if i was put under same conditions as other normal people (meaning got rid of bad breath as number 1 reason why im not leading normal life) would i start leading normal life as well? DEFINATELY :))
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Post by Busted »

The thing is a lot of chronic halitosis sufferers have been psychologically influenced by the problem that they don't do things without a second thought. I mean when someone tells u to go t o a crowded place e.g. a party, wouldn't you be like "well I'm pretty sure when I'm there I won't really feel comfortable being so close to so many people and constantly worrying about makin other ppl feel uncomfortable too". Alsowhen they are in a conversation, they are usually more worried about their breath and can't concentrate on the conversation itself. Do you sometimes use techniques such as talkin with your hand in front of your mouth or back away (step backwards when you're standing) everytime you say something? These are all abnormal behaviour to me. Sometimes I just do this automatically, but usually I just stop myself from doing it. I think ppl rather smell other ppl's bb than to have that person to talk to them with a hand in front of their mouth. You wouldn't be able to understand what the he/she is saying anyways. The best thing to do is just to tell them about your problem in my opinion, at least it wouldn't lead to any misunderstandings.
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Post by onewhocares »

You must be incredibly brave to just tell people you have bad breath.

I've told only 5 persons in my whole life. My girlfriend was first, my doc was second, my friend was third about 4 years after, then new girlfriend and mom 2-3 years after that. And only my new girlfriend made me comfortable enough i could talk about it for hours, even joke on my expense. All others were told only once.
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Post by Busted »

onewhocares wrote:You must be incredibly brave to just tell people you have bad breath.

I've told only 5 persons in my whole life. My girlfriend was first, my doc was second, my friend was third about 4 years after, then new girlfriend and mom 2-3 years after that. And only my new girlfriend made me comfortable enough i could talk about it for hours, even joke on my expense. All others were told only once.
Well actually I just think it's the best thing to do, but I don't go tell everyone about it, it depends on what kind of person it is. I'm not brave at all, I just don't someone to think I don't like him/her.
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Post by onewhocares »

So how many people have you told then?
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